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Everything posted by p4tr1ckth3m45t3r

  1. yes both of them are installed in separate places
  2. its not working in any way, I TRIED EVERYTHING PLEASE HELP
  3. i tried restarting the game, it didn't help I attached the log below thanks. Launch-backup-2019.01.25-21.51.09.log
  4. it happens when I try to join a server or launch it normally without joining any server. and I just realized that also when I try to run Renegade Black Dawn it crashes in the same exact way, that's weird because I didn't update or changed anything.
  5. greetings I downloaded the game and played it for like a week, it was running smooth on my TUF gaming laptop. today, I Tried to open the game and for some reason it would start but it keeps crashing on the loading unreal black screen. I attached my log below in the files. your help will be very appreciated thanks. 23-12-2019 - 03-12-28-Application.zip
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