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Everything posted by FPlus

  1. Thank you all for responding to my questions. I appreciate it. I do hope for the best for this game. While a private game is great for the few who play it not having to put up with trolls etc, i believe this game deserves to continue evolution into a much bigger community. The tunnel nukes is a big disadvantage for new players like me who ended up being killed by them as described. In any case, I think this game needs to be on Steam and or gain the blessing of EA to be put on Origin as a Free download (as is). I fully understand that changing the core 3d objects would be time consuming, while that is the case spending a minor amount of time tweaking them (just enough) and renaming things shouldn't take so much effort as a entire redo would. A game like this deserves to live and be played, kept free. I fully understand that the devs are funs and not profiteers but they need to pay the bills of the servers, time etc. Making this game as a (off brand) would open up so many doors for the game to evolve into a NOT pay to win but a game with cosmetic (gun skins, tank skins, outfits, double xp boosters etc) things that you don't need to have but will pay the bills.. Those are my thoughts, it's 2018 and servers still cost a fortune to run and to pay for it and be able to keep the game going this game needs A. Big community that is playing and B. a group of people willing to buy useless IAP that do nothing but change colors etc and C. be on a big delivery platform (Steam, Origin, etc.) I hate IAP, Loot boxes, PTW games but reality of life is if there isn't a single option for the devs to be motivated to continue this project this game could end within a week for all we know.
  2. My friend turned me over to this game since he loved the original and found out about it recently. My question is i see like 8-10 servers and only 1 is active with players. What is keeping this game from being BIG ? is it lack of steam inclusion? if so whats stopping it? EA? if so cant the game be renamed, objects renamed etc enough to make it not count as C&C R IP infringement? Let me know if you guys have any ideas why a game so deeply developed and (nice looking) is hardly supported by the community. Is it that its the only truly free game or do people nowadays just want to be ripped off by Destiny/COD/PUBG/FORTNITE's scummy loot systems? It honestly bugs me when you find a good game and there isn't anyone playing but people play trash Pay-To-Win-Free-to-Play games.
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