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  1. i can play this time I disabled the anti-virus, installed the game, it works this time,with the laucher 0.81 ,( with the 0.78 cant install at first ) re-activate my anti-virus, restarting the computer, full control of my computer with my anti-virus but control the file and delete + change thanks , my anti-virus have found dangerous elements detected the file is : """ Rx_TCPLink.dll """" windows C: --> program file -->renegadex --> binairies --> win 32 or/and 64 --> usercode i tested with 2 computer the A) and B) A) full check, found the file, i cleaned it , and i have restart 3x the full check anti-virus (no found the dangerous elements) and C: ---> ........--> win 64---> unsercode and i have the file Rx_TCPLink.dll and in win 32 , i dont have it (delete automatically) B) full check, found the file, i cleaned it , and i restart 3x the full check "BUT" he found the dangerous elements every check with my anti-virus , i go in C : ---> ........--> win 64---> unsercode, i have the file Rx_TCPLink.dll , i go in win 32 "AND" i have "IT" , so i delete the file manually, next restart computer, full check with my anti-virus (no found the dangerous elements) so the corrupted file ( Rx_TCPLink.dll ) is in the " C: --> ....--> win 32 --> usercode, to be sure, check the file in win 64 too i go play now , byby all
  2. only internet security swisscom and windows defender for more information accuracy the laucher error message is this Renagade x could not be updated. the following exeption occured : unable to complete the operation because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software and the restart recommanded its my anti-virus that say me( he blocked an unwanted file )
  3. no cant play first i delete the version 0.76 and overwrite the new laucher 0.81 , cant install ( the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software + restart computer recommanded) second option, i have unistall the game 100%, i download the game completely 1x again, in renegade x installation : validating 100% downloading 100% applying 0% ( the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software + restart computer recommanded) sorry i must wait of other version, or go back in version 5.32 ( i dont know how to do it ) i unistalled the game completely this is the second time i had the same type of problem , ~ 1 year ago, except that at time , i had to wait 3 months before i can play the game (my other friend have unistall and install the game again, same problem)
  4. renegade x laucher v0.76
  5. ok something is very strange and 1 can me explain this? once disabled all the anti-virus, i found that is was ( maybe ???????) the renegade itself that canceled ( while i thought is was my antirus that refused but no), here is what is write Renagade x Update Renagade x could not be updated. the following exeption occured : unable to complete the operation because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software this time i dont have the choice to wait for a new update, since its (maybe )the game itself that poses a problem its a shame, when i think this weekend , my friend and i had planned to play like crazy (3 of my friends have the same problem ) thank you for saying that it could be my anti-virus that said false report ant that i tried without succes now i cant do anything except wait good day, good game and good week end
  6. hello, i will wait the next version 5.34, why? because the last version 5.331 I did not install it since the installation is automatically canceled because of a potentially dangerous virus detection (2x + restart recommended) and it's not the first time I'm waiting for the next release because of a virus dectection
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