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Everything posted by MegaBladeZX25

  1. Hello all. I wanted to create this topic to talk about something that I've been looking for in Renegade X for quite some time. That is a dedicated controller sensitivity option in the Input menu. There is a mouse sensitivity option, and that is exactly what I am looking for, only as a separate option for controller values. Specifically, I use an Xbox 360 controller for Windows. I have tried to change the Xbox Type S settings in the .ini files with no success. Is there any way a slider can be added in game like the Mouse Sensitivity option, but edits controller sensitivity instead? If not, is there any way I can edit the sensitivity of controllers Windows side? I have looked everywhere but did not find a good workaround that fits my system. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I have also experienced rapid shaking when flying the Apache. Not sure about the Orca though. Renegade X (32-bit, DX9) 3_29_2019 10_24_48 PM.mp4
  3. I did a clean install of my graphics driver, deleted the config folder, and repaired the Renegade X installation. The issue still persists.
  4. Launch.log
  5. Sorry, but this did not fix it either. I deleted the file that you said and ran the game again. All settings still produce the same result.
  6. The game was fine before the update. I could play it on medium or high with no problem. It only started happening recently after 5.31.
  7. Did not resolve the issue. AMD A12-9700P Quad Core 2.6 GHz 8 GB DDR4 RAM AMD Radeon R7 Series GPU 512 MB
  8. All of the settings I have tried have had no effect on the issue.
  9. I have tried every setting from low to ultra and every option in between. Still no luck.
  10. EDIT 3/29/19: Hoo boy it has been a long year. I am finally back to playing Renegade though. Since this post, I have gotten new hardware that supposedly fixed my age old problem. I was able to replicate the issue by downgrading my graphics drivers. Having new drivers brought everything back, but it took this long to get the right driver that fixed the issue. If this issue can be closed, I consider it closed. Great game, and I am sad that my drivers were not able to keep up, but I am back to playing my favorite Unreal Command & Conquer. Happy battling! Hello all. I am having a slight issue with my Renegade X install. Whenever I go into a game, the in game textures and elements are missing. They appear to be very block-like and chunky. Is there any way to resolve this? I have tried reinstalling DirectX and all of my visual redistributables. I have not found a solution to this error as of yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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