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Hayden J Case

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Posts posted by Hayden J Case

  1. I had to do the U.S.A. Full game install thing, with UE3Redist installed separately as well, (No idea if that matters with the download I had to use in the end) then with Intro Movie disabled in the launcher settings, it takes about 6 minutes for the window to show video. (You can't touch ANYTHING though before the video starts showing or the window won't respond)

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  2. Sure, how do we do a debugging session exactly? And to be more specific about what I mean by doesn't work, I mean it says not responding and it just sits there in a really tiny window, it seems to be random as sometimes it won't respond at all (Besides making the tiny window) and other times it's the broken audio/video thing. 

  3. Okay, using the full game download worked, but now when Renegade X (32-bit,DX9) opens it either doesn't work, or it plays 2 seconds of audio from the opening movie, then it wait about 1 minute then play the rest of the audio, but the screens black and I can't do anything in the window. This is from me clicking launch game BTW. (I have a laptop so it can't handle game servers that well)

  4. I've downloaded the standalone UE3 file, but do I need to place it somewhere or something? Because I can still only interact with the debug version and it won't progress to the game even after complete installation.

  5.  I clicked on Renegade X Laucher.exe in the debug folder, It said, Starting up launcher, Checking cmd arguments, Upgrade preformed reset, Starting the launcher, Setting-up mainwindow, Components initialized, ASYNC: Gameversion == null -> In UpdateVersionMethod, ASYNC: Trying to grab gameversion, ASYNC: Getting INI, ASYNC: CATCH on UpdateGameVersion, ASYNC: Version unknown -> ask to install game.

    Then it asked to install the game in the normal window, (the one with the background art, not the setup wizard one, also the first time I got it to appear) then the debug window repeated itself until it reached Upgrade preformed reset, then after it finished downloading Renegade X, it asked to install the UE3 redistributable, and it's been repeatedly doing the "Initializing Download" for UE3Redlist, then a debug window said "Unable to download UE3 Redist (corrupt download)," Now there's no more windows popping up so I guess it's done.

    I use Kaspersky for antivirus, no idea if that might cause any problems though.

  6. By MSI file I'm assuming you're referring to the installer you get when you click download. (Can you tell I know nothing of programming/software?) If that's the case I have done that multiple times, even going as far as uninstalling the installer and re-downloading it.

  7.  I did use that download, but I can't get the launcher window to open, in other words it doesn't actually do anything when I click on the launcher, so I can't verify my version (The installer works fine as far as I can tell). I've tried double clicking, right-click open, and opening the launcher from my documents, none of that works. Forgot to ask where I can find the installer version.

  8.  I've been having trouble getting the game to launch, I've downloaded the Installer, I've given it all the permissions it asks for, and yet when it's done I can't use the launcher, it just does nothing at all besides showing the loading courser for a couple of seconds, nothing even shows up in the task manager window. I don't know what to do, I've looked at the other pages of people having the same issue none of it seems to be helping, for reference I'm using windows 7, (I don't trust or like the newer ones, and I didn't see anything on the forum about windows 7 being incompatible) It also used to work on this same computer back in 2015, but I had to uninstall it a while back.

    P.S. Sorry if this post seems a little... Unorganized/Informal I guess?? Never used any forum before. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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