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Everything posted by Billybez

  1. Mammoth Would agree that mammoth tanks are slightly to strong in their current state especially at Elite and above its just to player efficient. Slowing down projectile speeds would be a good start. Lowering damage slightly so that it cannot just 2 shot a stank / light with its main cannon meaning it would have to land some rockets as well. Some of the problems of the mammoth i would say comes from the VP system as it currently stands. The mammoths ability to regen its health and to use its cannons to secure kills on tanks leads to a situation where the mammoth ends up at a high veteran rank. VP System As a side note some alterations to the VP system would help some of the problems of the games balance. VP is a system to ensure that one team gets stronger and games do not become a stalemate and drawn out. The VP system achieves this but should not favor so heavily on the individual player, getting the last hit for example. Currently causing the finishing blow to a tank grants a massive amount of VP compared to the VP gained from damaging the tank. The same goes for killing the harvester VP gained from killing this objective should be for the team as a whole not for and not for individual player. There are so many sources of VP which players can greed on to become higher Veteran ranks While their team is left behind. The gap for individual player vs team is just to big at the moment. Adding Team VP to capturing and holding silo / comms center and removing lowering VP gained from Last hitting. Light Tanks Lights tanks need a purpose to them at the moment they have no good use. To fill a purpose the Light tank needs to have its weaknesses (less Armour/hit points and firepower compared to the medium tank) But its strengths which should be its mobility and price. As it stands the damage of the light tank is just to weak to make an impact. Adding some base damage would help in this regard. The light tank should be able to duel a medium tank in my opinion if the light tank correctly uses its mobility/terrain. Giving the light tank some more damage would allow it also so become a counter to mammoth and medium tanks as group/swarm. Maybe lower the building multiplier to keep the light tank inline with current building damage to stop it from becoming to strong. Slowing down projectile speeds would be a good start for NOD as whole allowing them to their mobility. Flame Tank The Flame tank is in a good spot right now wouldn't say it needs any changes if the mammoth was Nerfed slighty. Repair Tool One other small thing which would be nice to see changes would be the repair tool. Giving it a limited clip amount or making it only heal Armour would be a good change in my opinion. The repair tool should be for small repairs and removing mines. Larger repairs you should seek a technician or go back to base to refill.
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