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Posts posted by Giygas

  1. So, I made this in Notepad++. It's a script to keep your Renegade X server from crashing. If your server dies for some reason, it'll come back. Don't touch anything in the batch, unless the comment says you can, or you know what you're doing.


    Version 1.1 -- Fixed some recursive variable error, added comments. watchdogv1.1.bat

    @echo off
    rem The only two lines you should be touching are line 7 and line 20. Don't touch anything else.
    echo Protecting Renegade X from crashes... 
    echo If you want to close your Renegade X Server and this script, close the Renegade X window and the command prompt. You can also do CTRL+C.
    title Renegade X Watchdog - Modified by Giygas
    cd "D:\path\to\RenX\Binaries\Win32"
    SETLOCAL EnableExtensions 
    set EXE=UDK.exe
    FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto ProcessFound
    goto ProcessNotFound
    echo (%time%) Your Renegade X server is running
    timeout /t 5 /nobreak > NUL 
    goto END 
    echo (%time%) Your Renegade X server is not running. Restarting. 
    timeout /t 5 /nobreak > NUL 
    start UDK.exe server CNC-Field?AdminPassword=password123?maxplayers=40 -port=7777 -silent 
    goto END 



    Version 1.0 -- Initial Release watchdog.bat

    @echo off
    echo Protecting Renegade X from crashes...
    echo If you want to close your Renegade X Server and this script, close the Renegade X window and the command prompt. You can also do CTRL+C.
    title Renegade X Watchdog - Modified by Giygas
    cd "D:\path\to\renx\Binaries\Win32"
    SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
    set EXE=UDK.exe
    FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto ProcessFound
    goto ProcessNotFound
    echo (%time%) Your Renegade X server is running
    timeout /t 5 /nobreak > NUL
    goto END
    echo (%time%) Your Renegade X server is not running. Restarting.
    timeout /t 5 /nobreak > NUL
    start UDK.exe server CNC-Field?AdminPassword=password123?maxplayers=40 -port=7777 -silent
    goto END



    Q&A Section:

    Q: Is this for Linux?

    A: No, but if you want a Linux one made in Shell, I could do that, and even integrate tmux.

    A: That isn't even a question, and your statement isn't helpful. If you have problems, give me, and other people, steps to reproduce whatever error or bug you're encountering.

    Q: Which version of Windows is this for?

    A: Idunno. I only tested it on Windows Server 2016. Feel free to test it on older Windows, but don't expect it to work 100%.

    Q: Can I ch-
    A: DON'T. TOUCH. IT. Unless you KNOW what you're doing, don't touch the bloody file. If you break anything by changing values, don't come to me for support.

    Q: How do I use this?
    A: Well, take the contents of the code wrapped text, or just be lazy and download the attached .bat, and put it into a .bat file in your base Renegade X server folder. Something like this.


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