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Posts posted by miiu044

  1. Thank you aswell for your answer. my servers are showing now in the serverlist. great job, thanks.

    about my other question you may also have an idea? i want to turn off autobalance for human players.

    bPlayersBalanceTeams=False seems to not work

    i mean, if its just me and another player one of us cannot switch into the team of the other human players.
    if we are 3 players on the server all can switch to GDI for example.

    May you have any idea how to solve that issue?

    thanks again

  2. Thanks Again, happy to be here :)


    may i ask you another question? Can i set the NIC which the game should use? the server has 2 interfaces, one external and one network only. sure i want to use the external one.


    annnnd... how to turn off autobalance? bPlayersBalanceTeams=False seems to not work

  3. Im not launching the server with the launcher, instead with a batch script as follows:

    @echo off
    cd "E:\RenegadeX\Binaries\Win64"
    start UDK.exe server CNC-Walls_Flying?AdminPassword=REMOVED?GDIBotCount=15?NODBotCount=15?GDIDifficulty=5?NODDifficulty=5?maxplayers=40 -port=7777


    yes, im sure. but what i see in the console is the following:

    [0020.40] ScriptLog: RCON: Attempting to connect to DevBot...
    [0020.40] ScriptLog: RCON ERROR: Failed to connect.


    The UDKRenegadeX.ini shows the following:






  4. Hey,

    just installed your project on my PC aswell on our test Server.

    I can join the Server when i enter the IP Ingame but cannot find the server in the public server list. i have no idea why because the port forward is set and working as other people who have the ip can join. do you mind helping me to find out what the problem is?

    i attached a launcher.log file


    thanks for your help.



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