I just discovered this fantastic Command And Conquer game!
While it's not an official sequel to any C&C game, the production value within is so darn high! it looks even better then EA's last couple of C&C games, in terms of functions, graphics and general enjoyment. I actually knew about this game way before, as I've heard "Renegade X" and seen the exact logo before, unsure of when I did though, felt like it was four years? Maybe, not sure . I'm unsure why I never looked at it though, maybe it's because I didn't regard it as an actual Command And Conquer game, rather another game with a similar title to C&C Renegade. Dang, I was so wrong!
Just a little life story, I grew up with Command And Conquer games from 2005+ (Played games at a young age ), main reason being because the main evil protagonist was called "Kane", similar to mine being "Kayne" . I know, that's strange... But as a child, even little things similar to that give children enjoyment. I have played all Command And Conquer games, favourite three in order are, Command And Conquer, Command And Conquer Red Alert and Command And Conquer Renegade, Havoc seemed so cool as a child.
Now I'm now seventeen, still play the Command And Conquer games now and then, had and going to reinstall when I get a better phone an emulator for PS1, so I can run C&C and C&C Red Alert on the go!
excited to play it later tomorrow, as I'm in Australia and my internet is slow.... Hope I didn't bore anyone with that long post, here's a cat to make it all better!