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Everything posted by Red

  1. Mad, Vandal, when it's bad it instead makes em leave. Or swap anyway and then burden the winning team. Or go afk repping a building because the fun is gone. Really, if you want to go after people swapping go after the early-game stacking. Perhaps balance off a weighted mix of K/D, experience, and recent winrate, and limit swapping to prevent it exceeding some bound? I know it'd probably only work with steam account users, but it's still an improvement. Right now people stack immediately on game start, and by the first minute in you can tell who's gonna win off point count and player stack. For games under one hour, I would oddball guess maybe 90+% of the time the team which has the highest score by 3 min in is the winner, it's ridiculously predictable. We need a performance-oriented swap and balance system, if we're gonna restrict swapping. People with 10:1 kd's shouldn't be able to stack all on one side, and you cannot honestly expect most players to stick through being on the other side of that when they've lost half their buildings because teammates are incompetent and 2-3 good players can't carry a 20-person team. And thanks, Jessica. I'll keep an eye out.
  2. Bumping a slightly-old thread instead of making a new one. Btw, funny since when it was decided by score was the best, a motivation for a real push to get points and do something. I've had a hell of a time trying to get people into the game and I've basically given up. Probably gonna pull the vids I posted on youtube awhile back because tired of listening to them bitch. It's usually not the complexity that gets them, it's the 1k whoring. There's enough drama over people claiming X or Y is or isn't cheating, and the game needs restructuring in infantry combat badly to balance it out. I'm sick of bringing friends on, urging them to install and that it's good, teaching them how everything works with the buildings and such if they aren't used to Ren-like games, and then someone insta-headshots them with a Havoc or a Doza repeatedly until they quit (usually takes about 2-3 times). I've been playing for over a year now just Renx, and played APB for years, and I'm even utterly disgusted with it. This stuff needs serious changing. Catering only to people who play every day at higher level in a few classes poisons the game. Possible ideas: far more weapon spread while moving. Reduces the bunnyhop, incentive for more tactically-oriented play. Bunnyhop was always cancer anyway add ballistics and spread to snipers. A Path Beyond has excellent sniper mechanics, there are range lines etched on the scope icon and the round is hard to see but visible, has time and drop Make 1-hit kills harder. A shot to a helmet shouldn't insta-kill, only to the lower section. reduce ease of sniper base-camping especially make 1-hit weapons not able to be used accurately insta-kill from hip (seriously wtf) have "breathing effects" literally anything but current situation Also might be good to have a more effective anti-aimbot solution to quell accusations and frustrations. This is a more complicated topic for another time, but, there are various technical solutions that are possible. Notably simple statistical analysis should provide insight. Human beings have a lower bound of reaction time and a player k/d bell curve with the same class shouldn't exceed 4:1. Worth adding: infantry combat imbalance generally is, 9 times out of 10, what makes me leave games. The imbalance multiplies when several people leave, as one team is short, usually of better players.
  3. Swapping teams after one team loses a building maintains a cost penalty. For example, if you lose wf as GDI, say "screw it" and swap to NOD, you pay 2x as much for vehicles. Pretty sure that's not intended behavior, as it would incentivize people to just quit when their team sucks.
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