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  1. Well sir. you are very much appreciated for this. Yes it did work, alltho i feel a bit dirty after the backalley exchange.
  2. I've tried it, with everything at the lowest settings, @480p and 720p, no AA or max AA. I would appreciate it, if it's not too much of a hassle.
  3. Well, did a quick test with all 3 of them and all of them run steady at 60fps maxed out @ 1440p.
  4. Thanks, but i did take a look at the list yesterday, when i stumbled on the possible problem of UT3 and Dx9. I own The vanishing of Ethan Carter, but only had the Redux version installed on steam, need to install the OG one as well, also have Unreal Tournament 3 and Rocket League. Will install some and see.
  5. So far the only reason i've seen from people that had issues in older games and the result is the same around 4-5fps with series 10 cards and noone had an x99 processor, ot fault anything there, as well i don't have any problems in even older games or from the same era. I even tried the original Renegade and it runs as it should.
  6. Tried that before i posted and no result. Sure, that's why i didn't mention any other similar problem that i encountered in any other games, old or new. Already tried to do it, but no result. This is running on DX9, am i correct? Since if that's the case and the problem is because of that, that would mean no Renegade nostalgia for me. I must also point out, that not all DX9 games are a problem, at least not for me, but i did hear that some DX9 games can have a problem with the new GTX 10 series cards and it depends on the game. Also, i have 2 instances of the game, so i tried quite a few things out on the hardware and software side. If you have any other suggestions, i would be greatful for them. Thank you in advance. SeanYong
  7. Hey guys, In the menu or in-game i get around 4-5fps and it drops to as low as 2fps. What i've tried so far: Running the game at 480p lowest settings, 720p mid settings and maxed out on my native resolution 1440p and the results are the same. Reseting the game, where it first gave me an error of After that i tried reseting the game again, but at the end it couldn't "install" the UE 3, so i did it manually The results were the same, where i get the low fps. My specs: i7 5820k @4.4Ghz EVGA FTW 1080 32gb DDR4 ram Thank you for the help in advance.
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