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Posts posted by dilberteng

  1. Hello guys,

    I just came upon this thread. As I get the impression that the public games could benefit from some organisation, and that RenX would be much more fun when all the team mates are pulling in the same direction, I would really like to try out one of these PUGs.

    The thing is, I don't think I'm good at this game. About the only things I can adequately do are repairing in base and in the field, defusing and checking for mines. Tank warfare also goes OK, I usually manage to destroy medium tanks with a light one, but that probably is because the drivers are worse than me and not because of my talent. Oh, I also like to harass vehicles with a rocket soldier or a gunner.

    Should I give it a try next Saturday or do you think I should get my skills to an acceptable level first ?

    I also read that you don't need a microphone for taking part (TS is already installed). Would it be an advantage if I hook one up ?

    "3. Do not destroy buildings during the warm up phase"    What is the warm up phase ?


    Thanks in advance for your replies.

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