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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Posts posted by Ryanpower0507

  1. Hey Hicks, about your questions.

    While I am against using beacons in low pop games, most of the time. Sneakers are even harder defend against. 
    Beacons in low pop as said earlier are hard to disarm if its most of the enemy team against a couple teciesh/hotties. so I never use beacons in low pop UNLESS, their is a stalemate, like a game has been going on for about 1 hour 30 mins and the enemy team is just camping in their base barely surviving. A beacon in combination with a little bit of teamwork might end the game instead of making the game even longer.

    Now sneaking in Low Pop is easy. Other than a mine count or base defences, you don't have anything else to combat sneakers. you don't have enough players to find sneakers and cover all your angles. But with no one patroling routes or scouting out places where sneakers are likely to be its hard to defend against them, beacons atleast make a everyone aware that the building is going to blow up in a minute(I think the timer is a min?) sneakers on the other hand are completly silent and only have a 30 second timer. (The C4 on the MCT). So I don't know how much disabling beacons is going to do.

    Now if people want a vote option to disable beacons, sure you can have it. But it should be explained that it is on when players join. otherwise you might get comments like, Why are beacons disabled. or: did they remove beacons or something?. Also their should be a vote to enable beacons ofcourse.

    Also, The beacon not being disarmable in the final 10 seconds is fair. It makes sense that if a nuke is now above its target its not going to be stopped. same for a ION cannon. Those 10 seconds are basicly just used for the animation.

    So I do have to say something.
    I mainly play 10 vs 10 or higher. so I don't have any experience with anything below that.

  2. Im just going to say this is my opinion, if you disargee with anything said here that is oke.

    So mass beacon is a strategy, It costs a lot of credits to get it and don't forget that people have to get close to your buildings. now in servers with 30 to 64 people it is a great option to have if you are dominating but the enemy team is defending extremely well. For example on wall, if nod has a cmdr they can deff buff chinrush the top of the WF and place a lot of nukes. That costs them: 1000 Credits for every nuke + (Character costs for each person taking part in the rush) + 700 * the amount of chins, and a deff buff of 1200 cp. if you are baselocked already as GDI then this is one way to break them. (same goes the other way around.)

    Other options would be to do a rocket rush with high veterancy or chin rush deff buff inside too the inside of a building. Other rushes such as tank rushes or apache rushes would likely get shut down without doing much damage. But then again walls is flawed because of plateau (the middle top part of the map). Who ever controls that area has control over field and baselocks the other team. Another strategy that can be used on servers with a pedestal enabled is a PED-Nuke. It is basically just mass nuking the pedestal inside either barracks or HON. and defending it. if the beacon goes off on the pedestal the game end.

    But even for other maps mass nuke/ion is something that can work but not on all map. Islands with GDI only having bar can take a long time to kill and mass nuke is most likely the answer to kill that. But on maps with a defence building it becomes less and less viable due to getting shot by the defence while planting. It is also less viable on maps where it is difficult getting close to the enemy buildings.

    Another thing mass beaconing does is it ends the game faster. it force the map to end instead of it dragging on for another hour or more, so I don't see the problem with it. Now I get that the countdown timers get annoying but it is what it is. So unless it is on a small server with less people I think that beacons are fine. Even if use use 10 of them at once. Also solo nuking is a stupid idea so you already need more coordination for something like this.

    As for the maps that get played. Public Servers are Public Servers and most of them only want to play a select set of maps or maps they know, If they do not know daybreaks layout or design for example they are less likely to vote it since they will be at a disadvantage. (Atleast this a theory I have.) People might have other reasons even for voting certain maps.

    Then about the 1k Credit Infantry. It doesn't really matter how much a infantry unit costs if they are better then you. some people are extremely good with infantry and will destroy even if they are a officer and you a mendoza. infantry is more about aim and kill then about cost although have high tier infantry units does certainly help. 


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