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  1. It seems that just change the IP and port under the server name shows in the launcher. But I don't know wether there has the way to do it. I start the RX server on my 10900K VPS
  2. My VPS does not have UDP but has 10900k and 20GB ram. Now I use another server(call it server B ) which has a normal internet enviorment but has a very low CPU and RAM. So now I run the FRP server on the server B to connect VPS and server B. It did well except it must use JOIN IP to input the server B's IP and port. And I write this information on the server name. Is there any ways to play the RX server just use double click the server name in the launcher?
  3. Team-Dragon Clan Squad 1.[Dragon]MK3 2.[Dragon]Sailarc 3.[Dragon]SydenyMobius 4.[Dragon]sirayuki 5.[Dragon]Annoying Turtle 6.[Dragon]HAKASE 7.[Dragon]ANGRY 8.[Dragon]rock 9.[Dragon]vector 10.[Dragon]xiaoz Teamcaptain: [Dragon]Hakase
  4. [Dragon]MK3


    yes, local time
  5. [Dragon]MK3


    Hello! Friends! I'm [Dragon]MK3. About China Dragon Clan Server, Every Friday and Saturday at 8:00pm we organize weekly games, Welcome to join our game! You can see two China Server, one is in Hong Kong. Our weekly game will be organized on this server. Another is in Beijing, our competition is in this server(so you'll find it has password) EVERY ONE IS WELCOME Welcome back, Commander
  6. Also Chinese are playing this game
  7. We set up our own RX and CCR server serval days ago. This time, server is placed in HongKong, so that Asian, European, American and other foreign players can have a lower ping than the server we set in earlier this year. Our CCR server now cannot show on the Renlist and CNCNET. So you can add this: +connect +netplayername "nickname" behind the shortcut'target. And please change "nickname" to your nickname HAVE FUN! WELCOME BACK, COMMANDER
  8. Today is CCR's 15th birthday. Let's bless CCR and CCRX. I wish CCR will have a better tomorrow via CCRX. by [Dragon]MK3, a member of China Dragon Renegade Clan
  9. Thank you very much. We will try our best to spread this game
  10. We think it will be a great way to spread RenX in mainland of China. But we have a few of vedio which are interesting, only have some match vedio that is boring for others. Like a new player is killed funnily by others(sbh is crashed by s'tank) and so on. thank you
  11. by the way, his name is CRI
  12. thanks for our friend, we, China Dragon Clan, can update the game faster. He wrote a program. Only need instruction.json, it can output a list that shows which files are needed on the server(http://renxcdn.finezt.com/Patch5282b) .Then we can download those files by IDM, faster than using launcher. It also output a little program named patcher.cmd . Just put the files in a folder named file, and put the folder, Patcher.cmd and xdelta.exe into a folder named Patcher. Put the Patcher folder in the game root directory. Finally run Patcher.cmd, and wait a minute, update will be done.
  13. I agree, maybe add a function that we can choose different server to download in launcher. A Hongkong server may make things better.
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