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Everything posted by dirtybob

  1. yeah I understand....it's not the rate of the updates which are important to me, but the size. Anyways - is there an estimated date when the game will be in final release?
  2. I checked my fritzbox for traffic and found out that I use less than 50GB/month-average ....so I made a deal with 100GB limitation......costs half the price....but I can't have a game then which updates that much often....I'll dl it now - hope it works then...thank u for the answers!
  3. Ok I hope I found the error... I had 2 directories for renX...dunno why. Now it's loading an "update".....>2GB....is that normal? I have a certain amount of traffic and can't download these big amounts for a little "update" - sounds like it's downloading the whole game again?
  4. @Agent - C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X - Win7 @YagiHige - if I download the "launcher" in iTweek it downloads an .msi which starts an installation. I did this, it finished after a short time. But nothing has changed. Someone posted a link to a special launcher file above, I tried to replace this with the old launcher file, but then the game said "Looks like it's the first time you launch renegade, you have to download and install the game".
  5. Okay a last try - otherwise I will uninstall this. My launcher doesn't update. I know it might be a solution to reinstall the whole game, but I don't want to download several gigs every time the launcher is updated. How can I update the launcher manually ? Can you tell me step by step?
  6. No it doesn't...I have to reinstall the whole game...
  7. Thank u! I downloaded it but it now wants to download the whole game again? How can I connect it with my current game? ( I extracted it in the "launcher" folder and replaced the old files)
  8. It's a launcher update. I've got 0.63 and it wants to update to 0.65. Previously it was 0.64 but didn't work too.
  9. The client update still doesn't work . It starts downloading and calls for a restart - then the launcher is restarted and the whole process starts again. But I luckily can play via the "old launcher" too. Anybody knows how to solve this bug?
  10. thank you guys. anotehr question: I can't download the update at the beginning. I couldn't download the game via launcher too...(got a link from the forum with the torrent). Is this issue known? (win7)
  11. egoistic means: it's 1000 credits which seems a lot. In my games I've seen no such special character. So noone gets angry when they see me taking one of these? stealth: does the gdi units see the stealth units like the nod player (in this blue skin)? if no - when do they get uncovered? " leave placing mines procedure to experienced players, and watch where are they placing them ..hopefuly it would be changed in the future. " what do you mean by that?
  12. Hi there, this is my first day with ren x. Some questions: In my last 3 games on the bot server most real people chose nod. Is this normal? Is there a balancing problem? Is stealth useful? Is there a common strategy guide? When a nuclear beacon is placed, how can I find and neutralise it? Do you get credits when the harvester is down? Does the harvester automatically rebuild? Is it egoistic to become a raveshaw f.e.? Kind regards
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