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MRLS problem + unreal Flame tank damage...


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Hi, im Renegade X player, and i see some problems about MRLS and Flame Tank.

MRLS rockets are too slow, you can easy avoid rockets by hide after rock... if they will be faster, players wont go away, bacause it wont fly 10 seconds.. come on its rockets !!!

And a flame tank... i know its flames, but how the %!#% it can do so much damage to mammoth tank !??! its metal not plastic.. it melts it or what ? it should do damage after 10 mins.. for inftanrty it should do very high damage but no on tanks.. come on some logic >.< and why it do high damage on builds ? its wooden or what ? i think game should be more realistic and rockets in MRLS must be faster, flamers damage on vehicles/builds decreased and on in infrantry incrase.

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Hi, im Renegade X player, and i see some problems about MRLS and Flame Tank.

MRLS rockets are too slow, you can easy avoid rockets by hide after rock... if they will be faster, players wont go away, bacause it wont fly 10 seconds.. come on its rockets !!!

And a flame tank... i know its flames, but how the %!#% it can do so much damage to mammoth tank !??! its metal not plastic.. it melts it or what ? it should do damage after 10 mins.. for inftanrty it should do very high damage but no on tanks.. come on some logic >.< and why it do high damage on builds ? its wooden or what ? i think game should be more realistic and rockets in MRLS must be faster, flamers damage on vehicles/builds decreased and on in infrantry incrase.

i actually kind of agree with him. Not with the buildings part, that's all balanced but never has the flame tank damage output been so high against heavily armoured vehicles (and others but thats not my point here), and from such a great distance. Even if only a tiny portion of the fire touches you you take nearly full damage! This was neither the case in C&C Renegade and Tiberian Dawn. it just makes no sense, i would like to see at least a 20% damage reduction against Heavily armoured vehicles, and a bigger reduction from larger distances.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

A) There's a reason the MRLS's rockets a re as slow as they are, as they were faster in beta 1. Fast projectiles that can lock on get ridiculous very quickly.

B) Flames doing damage to buildings is fine, they're just supposed to be Nod's anti-building and it fits that niche better than anything else.

Flames vs. heavy armour definitely needs to be looked at though. Takes 4 Hotwires to overpower a Flametank's damage from both Flamethrowers... It takes 2 Techs to out-repair a Mammoth's damage. I know Nod is supposed to be more cost-effective in the field, but the flame is a might bit intense. If it had a drop off to damage based on range I could let it slide (like its current 130 DPS to armour would only be doable at 10ft max). As of now though Flames do kind of dominate on smaller maps like Islands. Reward them for being able to get close, but letting them have full damage the moment they get within their maximum range is a bit overkill.

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I don't think flame tanks are a HUGE problem, but they can make some maps problematic. The first map that comes to mind is Goldrush. I've see Nod spam flame tanks and control the field the entire game with them. It's very hard to counter on Goldrush because of how much cover there is and how tight the field is. If you mix in players emping for the flames (or just jumping out of your flame and tossing one), then GDI vehicles get slaughtered.

I don't see a problem with mrls. Is the arty better in most situations? Yes. Does this mean the mrls is bad? No. They do so much damage in the right situation.

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