Admittedly, we did let two new(ish) people lead and pick teams. There's a good possibility that A) kenz doesn't know people, and B) Internet sort of just got his team stacked. When it's the usual crew leading we make some valid attempt (note: attempt) to balance out teams while we're picking... but in all honesty we know for a fact there is an first string, a second string... and then the people we just sort of have never seen... or know they're about a C-level player that we let play for the sake of letting people play. We try to keep a good balance of all of them... but usually the last group is sort of the most abundant, and some of the C-level players are better than others with coordination at least.
I mean... at least we still get some good PUGs out of this. Hopefully those who're newer slowly catch on to the fact that solo-ing rarely works against a team with a bunch of competent and coordinated players, and B) doing really stupid stuff (aside from the occasional crazy idea that EVERYONE is aware of) is just detrimental to your team. I'm mainly talking about the attempts to remote Meds with technicians...... in the middle of the field.
Honestly, as much as B0ng is a decent player, the fact that he alone was literally able to defend the base on Islands does say a lot about the team balance on this one.