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Everything posted by yosh56

  1. Just so everyone knows, this is canceled this week.. cuz Christmas and things.
  2. Eh Mesa was actually a pretty good match though. A lot of fear came from that Rocket rush in the beginning, and it's sad how much damage it did considering it got called out before it left your base.
  3. Thought about making GDI with a different minelimit like, but eh, they're pretty fine as is. Even in pubs SBH are only good for one building before GDI goes on full defense mode
  4. Gunner's rocket isn't that slow, however it being one of the only non-homing weapons that is fired and tracked server side means the delay between firing and rockets actually appearing makes using Gunner totally latency dependent. Theres a reason I literally don't use him aside from hitting buildings unless my ping is sub 200. Honestly if and when Gunner is handled like other guns I think Patch can finally stop being a non hit-scan Volt Rifle. Hell at this very second Gunner can singlehandedly own an Arty in about 1 clip and a Pistol clip.
  5. Nonsense...The new Patch fits his role still...along with EVERYONE else's. X.x
  6. Last I checked this wasn't a thread to discuss any of that... it was a tread for me to say ROLL CALL!........ very very late
  7. I'll.concede but I'm not changing it...honestly not that big a deal. ALL of the links break for certain individuals. Could be the file itself. The ones that broke for me.are the ones I didn't tag as recommended. The torrent is marked recommended for obvious reasons though
  8. I did, for the ones that are usually least likely to give broken downloads
  9. On a side note, I plan on making another batch of videos, some of which will be from this past PUG. Namely that arty-party though.
  10. Yeah it's pretty apparent that when two teams are actually even player-wise, GDI is significantly better. Mass Meds+Hotties is basically game over for everything on Nod, especially when you add like 1 decent sniper in to counter Nod's repairs. GDI doesn't need much thought... though that's kind of supposed to be their thing. Will probably be a bit of an overhaul involved with infantry, focusing more on letting Nod sort of be able to hold the field better with theirs, and maybe edit their tank game a little bit. It's just hard to balance this entire game around PUBs and PUGs, as they're like two totally separate games.
  11. Not shooting the Orcas with those SBH really was the turning point...The really bad one for Nod
  12. .....so commander mod is fixed for b5..could toss it in, maybe hook the team controller to just have static commanders. Will stills binoculars but I'll probably be moving a lot to a special Q-spots
  13. .. .... Could maybe go somewhere over time.
  14. I may actually be at this one
  15. It was literally an extra file that didn't need to be there. It was just named the same as the actual file used by the game.
  16. Someone can always look at which of those files is the one used in game. The one that's not the used one can be deleted. I'll check which one of those is the right path whenever I'm around a computer
  17. ...........if you weren't aiming for the head to begin with, you were already doing it wrong.
  18. Honestly Renegade would be far far worse if you did die too fast. There definitely would be no real reason to buy a 1k character if a rifle soldier killed in ~5-10 hits to the body. That... and it would just make it even more of a world of tanks.
  19. yosh56


    Statement redacted. Done.
  20. yosh56


    Playing with lighting only is do-able. It just removes textures, and it makes sbh's look like any other model.
  21. 6. All maps are slowly moving over to soft world boundaries You can see this on Canyon right now.
  22. yosh56


    Turns out it may not be easy cuz native code and bullshit.
  23. yosh56


    EDIT: Visual filters are apparently not one of them. Could have sworn they were, but I may have used something in between using them the last time I tested if you could. Assuming it's not a command in native, that's an easy fix.
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