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Everything posted by yosh56

  1. Out of curiosity, at any point did you 'Install' the game? Like an actual installer came up and installed the game. If you just downloaded the manual patch folder then you didn't actually install the game.
  2. So I unzipped the downloaded folder called "Rx_Patch515" Now were is this 'installation folder' and where exactly is it at and what is it called? The default installation path is usually along the lines of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X" Just merge the folders in the patch file into the folders that are already there
  3. What files are in it (Not all, just name a few), if any? Also, that image is still only 200x107 in size.
  4. Image you posted is exceptionally small, to the point where I can't tell anything from it. Also, Renegade X is a standalone program, it has no ties to any other CnC games, except in content, whatsoever.
  5. Exactly what file did you download? I was assuming you were talking about the one DoctorB0ng posted.
  6. We all know the reason was me not drinking earlier =p By the time Canyon rolled around I was entirely too loud and black for ANYONE to ignore what I was saying. Take note... everything I said happened.
  7. You might want to double check yourself on that one. I think what you're talking about has nothing to do with 3rd-person, and is a 'glitch' (that's a glitch) that was associated with using a certain collision system that is no longer in order since like 2 patches ago. Basically... shooting over someone's shoulder no longer counts as you hitting, and you no longer shoot behind somebody that is sprinting to head-shot them.
  8. This honestly hasn't been nearly as much of a problem since 5.1. The class has enough downfalls now that their versatility isn't stacked on other extremes, like being able to tank like any other Tier 2 infantry, and carry Tier 2/3 weapons, on top of insta-remotes and being the SOLE infantry able to disarm/Repair, forcing you to have to switch to them no matter what if a beacon went down.
  9. Run it from the launcher exe in the Launcher folder
  10. Nah. Was thought of already. Not making extra work anymore.
  11. The Tac Rifle doesn't do much of any damage vs heavy armour on tanks, literally only outclassing like the auto rifle. It's also not hit-scan, and Patch's speed is only as high as it is to ensure he can outrun SBH effectively. He also dies the moment an Artillery or a Light tank looks in his direction, where as an LCG can take 8 shots straight to the chest from a Med before going down and even with their armour type they technically have the same armour as Patch vs. bullets. Also doza actually does more damage to tanks/buildings than Mobius, and doza has a bonus vs Flak where Mobius doesn't. Considering some of the massive advantages on the Chem Trooper (like not even having to aim), I think Farland is fine. Sounding like random rage posts nowadays. Also...the hell says Gunner is lackluster? Dudes the same speed as basic infantry and does more damage than a Medium tank. And the Carbine is actually really really strong with headshots.
  12. I'd like to be the first to just say: None of these are changing. Second.. if a Hotwire gets into the tower, they still have to disarm the mines in the interior. You literally just mine the interior by the MCT. It's the easiest corner to mine, and you have enough mines to throw 6 there if you please, or just throw more in the HON.
  13. With flying: Barracks 2 entrances vs. HON 8 entrances ... That's literally the only discrepancy. Airstrip and War Factory both have 2 entrances, and Airstrip entrance s can BOTH be covered by just mining one area.
  14. The railgun literally has a scratched out GDI symbol on it... look at it next time you reload the railgun
  15. Seriously... I would add that in a patch
  16. There MAY be a patch before this week's PUG. That... or everybody's going to be too scared to get out of their vehicles.
  17. This is probably Windows smartscreen from what your describing. Granted it should give a visible prompt when it blocks things Will look into it.
  18. Nevermind, found the PIC/Railgun issue
  19. Nope.. still can't break my PIC.. been playing for 2 days now.
  20. Happens if you get out while the vehicle's reloading. Already sorted. Will probably just try to push it before Saturday's PUG.
  21. Doubt there will be one if it literally just doesn't launch...
  22. You'd have to be more specific. I still haven't been able to get any with the PIC or Railgun. Unless you mean switching back to them after shooting. Then that's just the bolt action reload not playing its animation, but it's supposed to do that. Otherwise you end up with the beta 1 PIC
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