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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. lol in any case i would like to see what you have in the works
  2. looking good man
  3. thanks cnc-tutorial ill let some one name it later on
  4. let there be cool musics
  5. you tying to say our maps is bad ? but yer spelling is an easy fix
  6. the tib layer !
  7. look it look the same as that other thing
  8. moar layers are needed and we shall blend !
  9. indeed you can move stuff over to the renx editor ... and no you dont need to uninstall other udk's .. but udk does take up a lot of space lol
  10. landscape painting
  11. ummm well i dont think you can just change the "mesh" i didnt set the buildings up so im not 100% sure how it all works but i know we removed all kismet for buildings its all done via code now
  12. yes its definitely possible ... as i said above ill be going over importing custom assets like meshes and textures
  13. ok down to making stuff
  14. well ill be going over making structures out of parts in this series and i most probably will be making and importing a mesh or two so i will be going over that too
  15. well yes but you would need permission to use the assets you add unless you make them your self
  16. its not going to be a map that comes with renx but a custom "fan" map ... as thats were i first started i wanted to get back to my roots a little bit all other maps ive made for "udk" renx have and will be in the base game this one will not and its a start of a future project
  17. yes im making another map, an unofficial custom map this time. and again i thought i would share with you the horrors of mapping well not the horrors but my struggles in making this map and maybe get some people interested in making maps for games them selves this series is more of a how to map series so some parts will get boring well any way here are the Play list again vids will go up ever 2 days or so (might do more live streams this time) most of the vids are recorded well ahead of time but any comments would be appreciated i can always modify things again i dont care if you sub to my youtube channel or not ... the channel is not monetized so subbing has no impact on it or me but it is a good way to find out if i uploaded a new vid, and if your are interested in anything i put on it Thanks, hope you enjoy my mutterings and the making of a new custom map
  18. im a dev so i have "devlomatic" immunity but as long as you credit renx and its team (by name or by the team "Totem Arts") its all good
  19. if you dont like the changes you can remake or change them back but you must use a different name like "cnc-field_oldskool" or something ... you will have the power.
  20. and done ! see you in the next one.
  21. well im still here and still making maps (sort of) thought i would bump this old thread with one last making of canyon vid before the fly though, well this vid is all about the fly through should of called it making of the canyon fly though lol but any way enough of that (like you ever read that stuff "clicky the blue text scan the other words")
  22. download .net framework 3 and 4 + upades
  23. pc specs ?... they always help
  24. no if any thing win 8 is better with games then 7 and win 8 has the hot fix built in with your set up i would expect more then what you are getting ...but with out more knolage of your system and how it playes with outer ue3 games i cant help that much i will say this ... the bulldozer cpu's like to run hot and love to thermal throttle them selfs coz of it ... make sure your cpu isnt running over 60 - 65oc with core temp or something (i have a piledriver FX8350 and it loves to run hot ... i had to get a after market cooler for it) also make sure hardware physics is enabled that will help too
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