Log: Log file open, 04/23/21 15:42:07 Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467 DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini Init: Version: 12791 Init: Epic Internal: 0 Init: Compiled (64-bit): Jan 29 2015 19:35:41 Init: Changelist: 2424394 Init: Command line: -ini:UDKGame:DefaultPlayer.Name=DR2you Init: Base directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\Win64\ [0000.41] Init: Computer: VM7-64-PC2 [0000.41] Init: User: VM764 [0000.41] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=2 [0000.41] Init: High frequency timer resolution =10.000000 MHz [0000.41] Init: Memory total: Physical=8.0GB (8GB approx) Pagefile=16.0GB Virtual=8192.0GB [0000.41] Log: Steam Client API initialized 0 [0000.41] Log: Steam Game Server API initialized 0 [0000.45] Init: WinSock: I am VM7-64-PC2 ( [0000.45] Init: Presizing for 83221 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes. [0000.45] Init: Object subsystem initialized [0000.45] Log: Last hardware survey: Ver=-1, Date=0. Uploading again. [0001.62] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3 [0001.63] Error: Error, Manifest doesn't exist: ..\..\UDKGame\Script\Manifest.txt [0001.70] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED [0001.73] Init: Initializing FaceFX... [0001.73] Init: FaceFX 1.7.4 initialized. [0001.75] Init: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)' : 2 channels at 44.1 kHz using 16 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) [0002.22] Init: Waited 0.025 sec for async package '..\..\UDKGame\CookedPC\Engine.u' to complete caching. [0011.08] Init: Finished loading startup packages in 8.91 seconds [0011.09] Log: 80990 objects as part of root set at end of initial load. [0011.09] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool. [0026.05] Log: Failed to upload UDK hardware survey to http://et.epicgames.com/PostUDKSurveyHandler.ashx in 11.12 seconds. [0028.11] Log: Initializing Engine... [0028.19] Init: UEngine initialized [0028.22] Init: XAudio2Device initialized. [0029.40] Init: Client initialized [0033.60] Log: Steam Client API is unavailable [0033.80] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0033.81] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0033.81] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0033.81] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0033.81] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0033.81] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0033.81] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0033.81] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0034.30] Log: LoadMap: RenX-FrontEndMap?Name=DR2you?Team=255 [0035.71] Log: Game class is 'Rx_Game_MainMenu' [0035.75] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software. [0035.75] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene. [0035.81] Log: Bringing World RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2021.04.23-15.42.42 [0035.84] ScriptLog: INITIAL: -1 -1 [0035.85] ScriptLog: Game profile Index was NONE [0035.86] ScriptLog: Gameplay events will not be recorded. [0035.86] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_GDI_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0035.86] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_Nod_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0035.86] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0035.86] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_GDI_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0035.86] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_Nod_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0035.86] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0035.86] ScriptLog: Failed to get GDI PT [0035.86] ScriptLog: Failed to get Nod PT [0035.86] ScriptLog: GDI:0.0000 [0035.86] ScriptLog: Failed to get GDI PT [0035.86] ScriptLog: Failed to get Nod PT [0035.86] ScriptLog: Nod:0.0000 [0035.86] ScriptLog: Rx_Game::PreBeginPlay BotClass:'Rx_Bot_Waypoints' True [0036.20] ScriptLog: Initializing Rx_GameEngine. Game Version: Open Beta 5.49.177 [0036.23] Rx: MAPLoaded;RenX-FrontEndMap [0036.23] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.487172 [0036.24] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Profile' UIDataStore_OnlinePlayerData Transient.DataStoreClient_0:UIDataStore_OnlinePlayerData_0 Function Engine.UIDataStore_OnlinePlayerData:OnLoginChange:0134 [0036.24] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Profile' UIDataStore_OnlinePlayerData Transient.DataStoreClient_0:UIDataStore_OnlinePlayerData_0 Function Engine.UIDataStore_OnlinePlayerData:OnLoginChange:0168 [0036.24] Rx: PLAYERHWID;playerGDI,256,DR2youhwidmBEC2153C000099E4 [0036.24] Rx: PLAYEREnter;GDI,256,DR2youfromhwidmBEC2153C000099E4nosteam [0036.24] Rx: PLAYERTeamJoin;GDI,256,DR2youjoinedGDIscore0last round score0.0000time0.0000 [0036.24] Log: Current scalability system settings: [0036.24] Log: StaticDecals = FALSE (Whether to allow static decals.) [0036.24] Log: DynamicDecals = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic decals.) [0036.24] Log: UnbatchedDecals = TRUE (Whether to allow decals that have not been placed in static draw lists and have dynamic view relevance.) [0036.24] Log: DecalCullDistanceScale = 1 (Scale factor for distance culling decals.) [0036.24] Log: DynamicShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic shadows.) [0036.24] Log: LightEnvironmentShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic light environments to cast shadows.) [0036.24] Log: MotionBlur = TRUE (Whether to allow motion blur.) [0036.24] Log: DepthOfField = TRUE (Whether to allow depth of field.) [0036.24] Log: AmbientOcclusion = TRUE (Whether to allow ambient occlusion.) [0036.24] Log: Bloom = TRUE (Whether to allow bloom.) [0036.24] Log: bAllowLightShafts = TRUE (Whether to allow light shafts.) [0036.24] Log: Distortion = TRUE (Whether to allow distortion.) [0036.24] Log: DropParticleDistortion = FALSE (Whether to allow dropping distortion on particles based on WorldInfo::bDropDetail.) [0036.24] Log: AllowDistortionAndColorInSameMaterial = TRUE (Disabling this is an optimization, and only renders distortion during the distortion pass.) [0036.24] Log: LensFlares = TRUE (Whether to allow rendering of LensFlares.) [0036.24] Log: AllowRadialBlur = TRUE (Whether to allow radial blur effects to render.) [0036.24] Log: bAllowSeparateTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to keep separate translucency (for better Depth of Field), experimental.) [0036.24] Log: bAllowPostprocessMLAA = FALSE (Whether to allow post process MLAA to render. requires extra memory.) [0036.24] Log: bAllowHighQualityMaterials = TRUE (Whether to use high quality materials when low quality exist.) [0036.24] Log: MaxFilterBlurSampleCount = 16 (Max filter sample count.) [0036.24] Log: SkeletalMeshLODBias = 0 (LOD bias for skeletal meshes.) [0036.24] Log: DetailMode = 3 (Current detail mode; determines whether components of actors should be updated/ ticked.) [0036.24] Log: MemoryDetailMode = 2 (Current detail mode; determines which detail level of assets to load (e.g. cut out variety from sound cues).) [0036.24] Log: MaxDrawDistanceScale = 1 (Scale applied to primitive's MaxDrawDistance.) [0036.24] Log: MaxAnisotropy = 16 (Maximum level of anisotropy used.) [0036.24] Log: bAllowD3D9MSAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0036.24] Log: MinShadowResolution = 64 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0036.24] Log: MinPreShadowResolution = 8 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering preshadow depths.) [0036.24] Log: MaxShadowResolution = 1024 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0036.24] Log: MaxWholeSceneDominantShadowResolution = 1280 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering whole scene shadow depths.) [0036.24] Log: ShadowTexelsPerPixel = 1.3 (The ratio of subject pixels to shadow texels.) [0036.24] Log: bEnableBranchingPCFShadows = FALSE (Toggle Branching PCF implementation for projected shadows.) [0036.24] Log: bAllowWholeSceneDominantShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow whole scene dominant shadows.) [0036.24] Log: bUseConservativeShadowBounds = FALSE (Whether to use safe and conservative shadow frustum creation that wastes some shadowmap space.) [0036.24] Log: bAllowFracturedDamage = TRUE (Whether to allow fractured meshes to take damage.) [0036.24] Log: FractureCullDistanceScale = 1 (Distance scale for whether a fractured static mesh should actually fracture when damaged.) [0036.24] Log: bApexClothingAsyncFetchResults = FALSE (If TRUE, allow APEX skinning to occur without blocking fetch results. bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch must be enabled for this to work.) [0036.24] Log: Current preference system settings: [0036.24] Log: UseVsync = FALSE (Whether to use VSync or not.) [0036.24] Log: Fullscreen = TRUE (Fullscreen.) [0036.24] Log: ResX = 1280 (Screen X resolution.) [0036.24] Log: ResY = 720 (Screen Y resolution.) [0036.24] Log: Current debug system settings: [0036.24] Log: DynamicLights = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic lights.) [0036.24] Log: CompositeDynamicLights = TRUE (Whether to composte dynamic lights into light environments.) [0036.24] Log: DirectionalLightmaps = TRUE (Whether to allow directional lightmaps, which use the material's normal and specular.) [0036.24] Log: SpeedTreeLeaves = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree leaves.) [0036.24] Log: SpeedTreeFronds = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree fronds.) [0036.24] Log: OnlyStreamInTextures = FALSE (If enabled, texture will only be streamed in, not out.) [0036.24] Log: OneFrameThreadLag = TRUE (Whether to allow the rendering thread to lag one frame behind the game thread.) [0036.24] Log: UpscaleScreenPercentage = TRUE (Whether to upscale the screen to take up the full front buffer.) [0036.24] Log: AllowOpenGL = FALSE (Whether to use OpenGL when it's available.) [0036.24] Log: AllowSubsurfaceScattering = TRUE (Whether to allow sub-surface scattering to render.) [0036.24] Log: AllowImageReflections = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to render.) [0036.24] Log: AllowImageReflectionShadowing = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to be shadowed.) [0036.24] Log: ParticleLODBias = 0 (LOD bias for particle systems.) [0036.24] Log: MaxMultiSamples = 8 (The maximum number of MSAA samples to use.) [0036.24] Log: bAllowTemporalAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0036.24] Log: TemporalAA_MinDepth = 500 (UKNOWN) [0036.24] Log: TemporalAA_StartDepthVelocityScale = 100 (UKNOWN) [0036.24] Log: ScreenPercentage = 100 (Percentage of screen main view should take up.) [0036.24] Log: MobileOcclusionQueries = FALSE (Whether to allow occlusion queries on mobile.) [0036.24] Log: MobileGlobalGammaCorrection = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0036.24] Log: MobileAllowGammaCorrectionWorldOverride = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0036.24] Log: MobileAllowDepthPrePass = FALSE (Whether to enable a rendering depth pre-pass on mobile.) [0036.24] Log: MobileGfxGammaCorrection = FALSE (Whether to include gamma correction in the scaleform shaders.) [0036.24] Log: MobileSceneDepthResolveForShadows = TRUE (UNKNOWN.) [0036.24] Log: MobileUsePreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to use preprocessed shaders on mobile.) [0036.24] Log: MobileFlashRedForUncachedShaders = FALSE (Whether to flash the screen red (non-final release only) when a cached shader is not found at runtime.) [0036.24] Log: MobileWarmUpPreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to issue a 'warm-up' draw call for mobile shaders as they are compiled.) [0036.24] Log: MobileCachePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to dump out preprocessed shaders for mobile as they are encountered/compiled.) [0036.24] Log: MobileProfilePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to run dumped out preprocessed shaders through the shader profiler.) [0036.24] Log: MobileUseCPreprocessorOnShaders = TRUE (Whether to run the C preprocessor on shaders.) [0036.24] Log: MobileLoadCPreprocessedShaders = TRUE ( Whether to load the C preprocessed source.) [0036.24] Log: MobileSharePixelShaders = TRUE (Whether to share pixel shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0036.24] Log: MobileShareVertexShaders = TRUE (Whether to share vertex shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0036.24] Log: MobileShareShaderPrograms = TRUE (Whether to share shaders program across multiple unreal shaders.) [0036.24] Log: MobileMaxMemory = 300 (Value (in MB) to declare for maximum mobile memory on this device.) [0036.24] Log: MobileClearDepthBetweenDPG = FALSE (Whether to clear the depth buffer between DPGs.) [0036.24] Log: MobileBoneCount = 75 (The maximum number of bones supported for skinning.) [0036.24] Log: MobileBoneWeightCount = 2 (The maximum number of bones influences per vertex supported for skinning.) [0036.24] Log: Current unknown system settings: [0036.24] Log: SHSecondaryLighting = TRUE (Whether to allow light environments to use SH lights for secondary lighting.) [0036.24] Log: MotionBlurPause = TRUE (Whether to allow motion blur to be paused.) [0036.24] Log: MotionBlurSkinning = 1 (State of the console variable MotionBlurSkinning.) [0036.24] Log: FilteredDistortion = TRUE (Whether to allow distortion to use bilinear filtering when sampling the scene color during its apply pass.) [0036.24] Log: bAllowDownsampledTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to allow downsampled transluency.) [0036.24] Log: FogVolumes = TRUE (Whether to allow fog volumes.) [0036.24] Log: FloatingPointRenderTargets = TRUE (Whether to allow floating point render targets to be used.) [0036.24] Log: ShadowFilterQualityBias = 0 (Quality bias for projected shadow buffer filtering. Higher values use better quality filtering.) [0036.24] Log: ShadowFadeResolution = 128 (Resolution in texel below which shadows are faded out.) [0036.24] Log: PreShadowFadeResolution = 16 (Resolution in texel below which preshadows are faded out.) [0036.24] Log: ShadowFadeExponent = 0.25 (Controls the rate at which shadows are faded out.) [0036.24] Log: SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier = 1 (Scene capture streaming texture update distance scalar.) [0036.24] Log: PreShadowResolutionFactor = 0.5 (UKNOWN) [0036.24] Log: bAllowHardwareShadowFiltering = FALSE (Whether to allow hardware filtering optimizations like hardware PCF and Fetch4.) [0036.24] Log: TessellationAdaptivePixelsPerTriangle = 48 (Global tessellation factor multiplier.) [0036.24] Log: bEnableForegroundShadowsOnWorld = FALSE (hack to allow for foreground DPG objects to cast shadows on the world DPG.) [0036.24] Log: bEnableForegroundSelfShadowing = FALSE (Whether to allow foreground DPG self-shadowing.) [0036.24] Log: ShadowFilterRadius = 2 (Radius, in shadowmap texels, of the filter disk.) [0036.24] Log: ShadowDepthBias = 0.012 (Depth bias that is applied in the depth pass for all types of projected shadows except VSM.) [0036.24] Log: PerObjectShadowTransition = 60 (Higher values make the per object soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0036.24] Log: PerSceneShadowTransition = 600 (Higher values make the per scene soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0036.24] Log: CSMSplitPenumbraScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the penumbra size of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0036.24] Log: CSMSplitSoftTransitionDistanceScale = 4 (Scale applied to the soft comparison transition distance of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0036.24] Log: CSMSplitDepthBiasScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the depth bias of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0036.24] Log: CSMMinimumFOV = 40 (Minimum camera FOV for CSM, this is used to prevent shadow shimmering when animating the FOV lower than the min, for example when zooming.) [0036.24] Log: CSMFOVRoundFactor = 4 (The FOV will be rounded by this factor for the purposes of CSM, which turns shadow shimmering into discrete jumps.) [0036.24] Log: UnbuiltWholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius = 20000 (WholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0036.24] Log: UnbuiltNumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades = 3 (NumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0036.24] Log: WholeSceneShadowUnbuiltInteractionThreshold = 50 (How many unbuilt light-primitive interactions there can be for a light before the light switches to whole scene shadows.) [0036.24] Log: NumFracturedPartsScale = 1 (Scales the game-specific number of fractured physics objects allowed.) [0036.24] Log: FractureDirectSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged directly. [0-1]) [0036.24] Log: FractureRadialSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged by radial blast. [0-1]) [0036.24] Log: bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts = FALSE (Whether to force CPU access to GPU skinned vertex data.) [0036.24] Log: bDisableSkeletalInstanceWeights = FALSE (Whether to disable instanced skeletal weights.) [0036.24] Log: HighPrecisionGBuffers = FALSE (Whether to use high-precision GBuffers.) [0036.24] Log: AllowSecondaryDisplays = FALSE (Whether to allow independent, external displays.) [0036.24] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumWidth = 1280 (The maximum width of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0036.24] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumHeight = 720 (The maximum height of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0036.24] Log: StatFontScaleFactor = 1 (The default stat font scale to use) [0036.24] Log: AudioDecompressionBufferSize = 6144 (Decompression buffer size per sound source.) [0036.24] Log: AudioCompressionCookCutoff = 49152 (Cutoff in bytes for keeping audio data uncompressed during cook.) [0036.24] Log: AudioCompressionLoadCutoff = 98304 (Cutoff in bytes for fully decompressing audio data on load.) [0036.24] Log: MobileVertexScratchBufferSize = 150 (The size of the scratch buffer for vertices (in kB).) [0036.24] Log: MobileIndexScratchBufferSize = 10 (The size of the scratch buffer for indices (in kB).) [0036.24] Log: MobileShadowTextureResolution = 1120 (UNKNOWN.) [0036.24] Log: MobileBloomMultiplier = 1 (MobileBloomMultiplier default 1.) [0036.24] Log: MobileTiltShiftPosition = 0.5 (Position of the focused center of the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0036.24] Log: MobileTiltShiftFocusWidth = 0.3 (Width of focused area in the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0036.24] Log: MobileTiltShiftTransitionWidth = 0.5 (Width of transition area in the tilt shift effect, where it transitions from full focus to full blur (in percent of the screen height).) [0036.24] Log: MobileLightShaftScale = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0036.24] Log: MobileLightShaftFirstPass = 0.5 (UNKNOWN.) [0036.24] Log: MobileLightShaftSecondPass = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0036.24] Log: MobileMaxShadowRange = 500 (UNKNOWN.) [0036.24] Log: MobileLandscapeLodBias = 0 (LOD bias for mobile landscape rendering on this device (in addition to any per-landscape bias set).) [0036.24] Log: MobileUseShaderGroupForStartupObjects = FALSE (Whether to automatically put cooked startup objects in the StartupPackages shader group) [0036.24] Log: MobileMinimizeFogShaders = FALSE (Whether to disable generating both fog shader permutations on mobile. When TRUE, it decreases load times but increases GPU cost for materials/levels with fog enabled) [0036.24] Log: ShowSpinnerOnLoadScreen = TRUE (Whether to show the Apple loading spinner graphic over load screen images.) [0036.24] Log: ApexLODResourceBudget = 1e+021 (Resource budget for APEX LOD. Higher values indicate the system can handle more APEX load.) [0036.24] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkIslandCount = 2500 (The maximum number of active PhysX actors which represent dynamic groups of chunks (islands).) [0036.24] Log: ApexDestructionMaxShapeCount = 0 (The maximum number of PhysX shapes which represent destructible chunks.) [0036.24] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkSeparationLOD = 1 (Every destructible asset defines a min and max lifetime, and maximum separation distance for its chunks.) [0036.24] Log: ApexDestructionMaxFracturesProcessedPerFrame = -1 (Lets the user throttle the number of fractures processed per frame (per scene) due to destruction, as this can be quite costly. The default is 0xffffffff (unlimited).) [0036.24] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 8.40779e-044 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames. This is used in Clothing when bAllowAdaptiveTargetFrequency is enabled.) [0036.24] Log: ApexDestructionSortByBenefit = TRUE (If set to true, destructible chunks with the lowest benefit would get removed first instead of the oldest.) [0036.24] Log: ApexGRBEnable = FALSE (Whether or not to use GPU Rigid Bodies.) [0036.24] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemSceneSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB scene data (shapes, actors etc).) [0036.24] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemTempDataSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB temporary data (broadphase pairs, contacts etc).) [0036.24] Log: ApexGRBMeshCellSize = 7.5 (The size of the cells to divide the world into for GPU collision detection.) [0036.24] Log: ApexGRBNonPenSolverPosIterCount = 9 (Number of non-penetration solver iterations.) [0036.24] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverPosIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver position iterations.) [0036.24] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverVelIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver velocity iterations.) [0036.24] Log: ApexGRBSkinWidth = 0.025 (Collision skin width, as in PhysX.) [0036.24] Log: ApexGRBMaxLinearAcceleration = 1e+006 (Maximum linear acceleration.) [0036.24] Log: bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch = TRUE (If TRUE, allow APEX clothing fetch (skinning etc) to be done on multiple threads.) [0036.24] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 60 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames.) [0036.24] Log: ApexClothingAllowAsyncCooking = TRUE (ClothingActors will cook in a background thread to speed up creation time.) [0036.24] Log: ApexClothingAllowApexWorkBetweenSubsteps = FALSE (Allow APEX SDK to interpolate clothing matrices between the substeps.) [0036.24] Log: ApexDestructionMaxActorCreatesPerFrame = -1 (UNKNOWN.) [0036.25] Log: Listing all sound classes. [0036.25] Log: Class 'Item' has 30 resident sounds taking 3539.61 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 8.89 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'Vehicle' has 41 resident sounds taking 14891.49 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 48.00 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'Weapon' has 274 resident sounds taking 71204.29 kb, and 7 real time sounds taking 487.58 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'Character' has 181 resident sounds taking 8670.41 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'SFX' has 84 resident sounds taking 26708.23 kb, and 11 real time sounds taking 837.83 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'None' has 5 resident sounds taking 3459.30 kb, and 5 real time sounds taking 637.02 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'UI' has 24 resident sounds taking 1480.30 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'Announcer_UI' has 26 resident sounds taking 3864.50 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'Music' has 0 resident sounds taking 0.00 kb, and 24 real time sounds taking 49002.55 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'Ambient' has 5 resident sounds taking 1123.96 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 104.36 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'WeaponMortarIncoming' has 13 resident sounds taking 2926.08 kb, and 4 real time sounds taking 114.88 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'Announcer' has 60 resident sounds taking 19414.13 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'WeaponBulletEffects' has 18 resident sounds taking 545.45 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 150.46 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'MovieEffects' has 1 resident sounds taking 213.73 kb, and 4 real time sounds taking 378.98 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'Cinematic' has 6 resident sounds taking 2783.40 kb, and 3 real time sounds taking 527.70 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'Dialog' has 4 resident sounds taking 278.99 kb [0036.25] Log: Class 'UnGrouped' has 623 resident sounds taking 91288.61 kb, and 110 real time sounds taking 2599.97 kb [0036.25] Log: 1567 total sounds in 17 classes [0041.66] ScriptLog: Rx_HUD::Jukebox AutoPlay music disabled by map. [0041.66] Rx: Game has reached minimum limit for Beacon, 1 Players and 0 Bots out of 0 [0041.66] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 7.355890 seconds [0041.66] Log: Flushing async loaders. [0050.04] Log: Flushed async loaders. [0050.04] Init: Game engine initialized [0050.04] Log: Initializing Engine Completed [0052.50] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 52.50s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [0052.50] Log: Current scalability system settings: [0052.50] Log: StaticDecals = FALSE (Whether to allow static decals.) [0052.50] Log: DynamicDecals = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic decals.) [0052.50] Log: UnbatchedDecals = TRUE (Whether to allow decals that have not been placed in static draw lists and have dynamic view relevance.) [0052.50] Log: DecalCullDistanceScale = 1 (Scale factor for distance culling decals.) [0052.50] Log: DynamicShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic shadows.) [0052.50] Log: LightEnvironmentShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic light environments to cast shadows.) [0052.50] Log: MotionBlur = TRUE (Whether to allow motion blur.) [0052.50] Log: DepthOfField = TRUE (Whether to allow depth of field.) [0052.50] Log: AmbientOcclusion = TRUE (Whether to allow ambient occlusion.) [0052.50] Log: Bloom = TRUE (Whether to allow bloom.) [0052.50] Log: bAllowLightShafts = TRUE (Whether to allow light shafts.) [0052.50] Log: Distortion = TRUE (Whether to allow distortion.) [0052.50] Log: DropParticleDistortion = FALSE (Whether to allow dropping distortion on particles based on WorldInfo::bDropDetail.) [0052.50] Log: AllowDistortionAndColorInSameMaterial = TRUE (Disabling this is an optimization, and only renders distortion during the distortion pass.) [0052.50] Log: LensFlares = TRUE (Whether to allow rendering of LensFlares.) [0052.50] Log: AllowRadialBlur = TRUE (Whether to allow radial blur effects to render.) [0052.50] Log: bAllowSeparateTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to keep separate translucency (for better Depth of Field), experimental.) [0052.50] Log: bAllowPostprocessMLAA = FALSE (Whether to allow post process MLAA to render. requires extra memory.) [0052.50] Log: bAllowHighQualityMaterials = TRUE (Whether to use high quality materials when low quality exist.) [0052.50] Log: MaxFilterBlurSampleCount = 16 (Max filter sample count.) [0052.50] Log: SkeletalMeshLODBias = 0 (LOD bias for skeletal meshes.) [0052.50] Log: DetailMode = 3 (Current detail mode; determines whether components of actors should be updated/ ticked.) [0052.50] Log: MemoryDetailMode = 2 (Current detail mode; determines which detail level of assets to load (e.g. cut out variety from sound cues).) [0052.50] Log: MaxDrawDistanceScale = 1 (Scale applied to primitive's MaxDrawDistance.) [0052.50] Log: MaxAnisotropy = 16 (Maximum level of anisotropy used.) [0052.50] Log: bAllowD3D9MSAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0052.50] Log: MinShadowResolution = 64 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0052.50] Log: MinPreShadowResolution = 8 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering preshadow depths.) [0052.50] Log: MaxShadowResolution = 1024 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0052.50] Log: MaxWholeSceneDominantShadowResolution = 1280 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering whole scene shadow depths.) [0052.50] Log: ShadowTexelsPerPixel = 1.3 (The ratio of subject pixels to shadow texels.) [0052.50] Log: bEnableBranchingPCFShadows = FALSE (Toggle Branching PCF implementation for projected shadows.) [0052.50] Log: bAllowWholeSceneDominantShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow whole scene dominant shadows.) [0052.50] Log: bUseConservativeShadowBounds = FALSE (Whether to use safe and conservative shadow frustum creation that wastes some shadowmap space.) [0052.50] Log: bAllowFracturedDamage = TRUE (Whether to allow fractured meshes to take damage.) [0052.50] Log: FractureCullDistanceScale = 1 (Distance scale for whether a fractured static mesh should actually fracture when damaged.) [0052.50] Log: bApexClothingAsyncFetchResults = FALSE (If TRUE, allow APEX skinning to occur without blocking fetch results. bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch must be enabled for this to work.) [0052.50] Log: Current preference system settings: [0052.50] Log: UseVsync = FALSE (Whether to use VSync or not.) [0052.50] Log: Fullscreen = TRUE (Fullscreen.) [0052.50] Log: ResX = 1280 (Screen X resolution.) [0052.50] Log: ResY = 720 (Screen Y resolution.) [0052.50] Log: Current debug system settings: [0052.50] Log: DynamicLights = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic lights.) [0052.50] Log: CompositeDynamicLights = TRUE (Whether to composte dynamic lights into light environments.) [0052.50] Log: DirectionalLightmaps = TRUE (Whether to allow directional lightmaps, which use the material's normal and specular.) [0052.50] Log: SpeedTreeLeaves = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree leaves.) [0052.50] Log: SpeedTreeFronds = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree fronds.) [0052.50] Log: OnlyStreamInTextures = FALSE (If enabled, texture will only be streamed in, not out.) [0052.50] Log: OneFrameThreadLag = TRUE (Whether to allow the rendering thread to lag one frame behind the game thread.) [0052.50] Log: UpscaleScreenPercentage = TRUE (Whether to upscale the screen to take up the full front buffer.) [0052.50] Log: AllowOpenGL = FALSE (Whether to use OpenGL when it's available.) [0052.50] Log: AllowSubsurfaceScattering = TRUE (Whether to allow sub-surface scattering to render.) [0052.50] Log: AllowImageReflections = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to render.) [0052.50] Log: AllowImageReflectionShadowing = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to be shadowed.) [0052.50] Log: ParticleLODBias = 0 (LOD bias for particle systems.) [0052.50] Log: MaxMultiSamples = 8 (The maximum number of MSAA samples to use.) [0052.50] Log: bAllowTemporalAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0052.51] Log: TemporalAA_MinDepth = 500 (UKNOWN) [0052.51] Log: TemporalAA_StartDepthVelocityScale = 100 (UKNOWN) [0052.51] Log: ScreenPercentage = 100 (Percentage of screen main view should take up.) [0052.51] Log: MobileOcclusionQueries = FALSE (Whether to allow occlusion queries on mobile.) [0052.51] Log: MobileGlobalGammaCorrection = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0052.51] Log: MobileAllowGammaCorrectionWorldOverride = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0052.51] Log: MobileAllowDepthPrePass = FALSE (Whether to enable a rendering depth pre-pass on mobile.) [0052.51] Log: MobileGfxGammaCorrection = FALSE (Whether to include gamma correction in the scaleform shaders.) [0052.51] Log: MobileSceneDepthResolveForShadows = TRUE (UNKNOWN.) [0052.51] Log: MobileUsePreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to use preprocessed shaders on mobile.) [0052.51] Log: MobileFlashRedForUncachedShaders = FALSE (Whether to flash the screen red (non-final release only) when a cached shader is not found at runtime.) [0052.51] Log: MobileWarmUpPreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to issue a 'warm-up' draw call for mobile shaders as they are compiled.) [0052.51] Log: MobileCachePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to dump out preprocessed shaders for mobile as they are encountered/compiled.) [0052.51] Log: MobileProfilePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to run dumped out preprocessed shaders through the shader profiler.) [0052.51] Log: MobileUseCPreprocessorOnShaders = TRUE (Whether to run the C preprocessor on shaders.) [0052.51] Log: MobileLoadCPreprocessedShaders = TRUE ( Whether to load the C preprocessed source.) [0052.51] Log: MobileSharePixelShaders = TRUE (Whether to share pixel shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0052.51] Log: MobileShareVertexShaders = TRUE (Whether to share vertex shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0052.51] Log: MobileShareShaderPrograms = TRUE (Whether to share shaders program across multiple unreal shaders.) [0052.51] Log: MobileMaxMemory = 300 (Value (in MB) to declare for maximum mobile memory on this device.) [0052.51] Log: MobileClearDepthBetweenDPG = FALSE (Whether to clear the depth buffer between DPGs.) [0052.51] Log: MobileBoneCount = 75 (The maximum number of bones supported for skinning.) [0052.51] Log: MobileBoneWeightCount = 2 (The maximum number of bones influences per vertex supported for skinning.) [0052.51] Log: Current unknown system settings: [0052.51] Log: SHSecondaryLighting = TRUE (Whether to allow light environments to use SH lights for secondary lighting.) [0052.51] Log: MotionBlurPause = TRUE (Whether to allow motion blur to be paused.) [0052.51] Log: MotionBlurSkinning = 1 (State of the console variable MotionBlurSkinning.) [0052.51] Log: FilteredDistortion = TRUE (Whether to allow distortion to use bilinear filtering when sampling the scene color during its apply pass.) [0052.51] Log: bAllowDownsampledTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to allow downsampled transluency.) [0052.51] Log: FogVolumes = TRUE (Whether to allow fog volumes.) [0052.51] Log: FloatingPointRenderTargets = TRUE (Whether to allow floating point render targets to be used.) [0052.51] Log: ShadowFilterQualityBias = 0 (Quality bias for projected shadow buffer filtering. Higher values use better quality filtering.) [0052.51] Log: ShadowFadeResolution = 128 (Resolution in texel below which shadows are faded out.) [0052.51] Log: PreShadowFadeResolution = 16 (Resolution in texel below which preshadows are faded out.) [0052.51] Log: ShadowFadeExponent = 0.25 (Controls the rate at which shadows are faded out.) [0052.51] Log: SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier = 1 (Scene capture streaming texture update distance scalar.) [0052.51] Log: PreShadowResolutionFactor = 0.5 (UKNOWN) [0052.51] Log: bAllowHardwareShadowFiltering = FALSE (Whether to allow hardware filtering optimizations like hardware PCF and Fetch4.) [0052.51] Log: TessellationAdaptivePixelsPerTriangle = 48 (Global tessellation factor multiplier.) [0052.51] Log: bEnableForegroundShadowsOnWorld = FALSE (hack to allow for foreground DPG objects to cast shadows on the world DPG.) [0052.51] Log: bEnableForegroundSelfShadowing = FALSE (Whether to allow foreground DPG self-shadowing.) [0052.51] Log: ShadowFilterRadius = 2 (Radius, in shadowmap texels, of the filter disk.) [0052.51] Log: ShadowDepthBias = 0.012 (Depth bias that is applied in the depth pass for all types of projected shadows except VSM.) [0052.51] Log: PerObjectShadowTransition = 60 (Higher values make the per object soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0052.51] Log: PerSceneShadowTransition = 600 (Higher values make the per scene soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0052.51] Log: CSMSplitPenumbraScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the penumbra size of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0052.51] Log: CSMSplitSoftTransitionDistanceScale = 4 (Scale applied to the soft comparison transition distance of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0052.51] Log: CSMSplitDepthBiasScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the depth bias of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0052.51] Log: CSMMinimumFOV = 40 (Minimum camera FOV for CSM, this is used to prevent shadow shimmering when animating the FOV lower than the min, for example when zooming.) [0052.51] Log: CSMFOVRoundFactor = 4 (The FOV will be rounded by this factor for the purposes of CSM, which turns shadow shimmering into discrete jumps.) [0052.51] Log: UnbuiltWholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius = 20000 (WholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0052.51] Log: UnbuiltNumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades = 3 (NumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0052.51] Log: WholeSceneShadowUnbuiltInteractionThreshold = 50 (How many unbuilt light-primitive interactions there can be for a light before the light switches to whole scene shadows.) [0052.51] Log: NumFracturedPartsScale = 1 (Scales the game-specific number of fractured physics objects allowed.) [0052.51] Log: FractureDirectSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged directly. [0-1]) [0052.51] Log: FractureRadialSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged by radial blast. [0-1]) [0052.51] Log: bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts = FALSE (Whether to force CPU access to GPU skinned vertex data.) [0052.51] Log: bDisableSkeletalInstanceWeights = FALSE (Whether to disable instanced skeletal weights.) [0052.51] Log: HighPrecisionGBuffers = FALSE (Whether to use high-precision GBuffers.) [0052.51] Log: AllowSecondaryDisplays = FALSE (Whether to allow independent, external displays.) [0052.51] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumWidth = 1280 (The maximum width of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0052.51] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumHeight = 720 (The maximum height of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0052.51] Log: StatFontScaleFactor = 1 (The default stat font scale to use) [0052.51] Log: AudioDecompressionBufferSize = 6144 (Decompression buffer size per sound source.) [0052.51] Log: AudioCompressionCookCutoff = 49152 (Cutoff in bytes for keeping audio data uncompressed during cook.) [0052.51] Log: AudioCompressionLoadCutoff = 98304 (Cutoff in bytes for fully decompressing audio data on load.) [0052.51] Log: MobileVertexScratchBufferSize = 150 (The size of the scratch buffer for vertices (in kB).) [0052.51] Log: MobileIndexScratchBufferSize = 10 (The size of the scratch buffer for indices (in kB).) [0052.51] Log: MobileShadowTextureResolution = 1120 (UNKNOWN.) [0052.51] Log: MobileBloomMultiplier = 1 (MobileBloomMultiplier default 1.) [0052.51] Log: MobileTiltShiftPosition = 0.5 (Position of the focused center of the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0052.51] Log: MobileTiltShiftFocusWidth = 0.3 (Width of focused area in the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0052.51] Log: MobileTiltShiftTransitionWidth = 0.5 (Width of transition area in the tilt shift effect, where it transitions from full focus to full blur (in percent of the screen height).) [0052.51] Log: MobileLightShaftScale = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0052.51] Log: MobileLightShaftFirstPass = 0.5 (UNKNOWN.) [0052.51] Log: MobileLightShaftSecondPass = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0052.51] Log: MobileMaxShadowRange = 500 (UNKNOWN.) [0052.51] Log: MobileLandscapeLodBias = 0 (LOD bias for mobile landscape rendering on this device (in addition to any per-landscape bias set).) [0052.51] Log: MobileUseShaderGroupForStartupObjects = FALSE (Whether to automatically put cooked startup objects in the StartupPackages shader group) [0052.51] Log: MobileMinimizeFogShaders = FALSE (Whether to disable generating both fog shader permutations on mobile. When TRUE, it decreases load times but increases GPU cost for materials/levels with fog enabled) [0052.51] Log: ShowSpinnerOnLoadScreen = TRUE (Whether to show the Apple loading spinner graphic over load screen images.) [0052.51] Log: ApexLODResourceBudget = 1e+021 (Resource budget for APEX LOD. Higher values indicate the system can handle more APEX load.) [0052.51] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkIslandCount = 2500 (The maximum number of active PhysX actors which represent dynamic groups of chunks (islands).) [0052.51] Log: ApexDestructionMaxShapeCount = 0 (The maximum number of PhysX shapes which represent destructible chunks.) [0052.51] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkSeparationLOD = 1 (Every destructible asset defines a min and max lifetime, and maximum separation distance for its chunks.) [0052.51] Log: ApexDestructionMaxFracturesProcessedPerFrame = -1 (Lets the user throttle the number of fractures processed per frame (per scene) due to destruction, as this can be quite costly. The default is 0xffffffff (unlimited).) [0052.51] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 8.40779e-044 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames. This is used in Clothing when bAllowAdaptiveTargetFrequency is enabled.) [0052.51] Log: ApexDestructionSortByBenefit = TRUE (If set to true, destructible chunks with the lowest benefit would get removed first instead of the oldest.) [0052.51] Log: ApexGRBEnable = FALSE (Whether or not to use GPU Rigid Bodies.) [0052.51] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemSceneSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB scene data (shapes, actors etc).) [0052.51] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemTempDataSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB temporary data (broadphase pairs, contacts etc).) [0052.51] Log: ApexGRBMeshCellSize = 7.5 (The size of the cells to divide the world into for GPU collision detection.) [0052.51] Log: ApexGRBNonPenSolverPosIterCount = 9 (Number of non-penetration solver iterations.) [0052.51] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverPosIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver position iterations.) [0052.51] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverVelIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver velocity iterations.) [0052.51] Log: ApexGRBSkinWidth = 0.025 (Collision skin width, as in PhysX.) [0052.51] Log: ApexGRBMaxLinearAcceleration = 1e+006 (Maximum linear acceleration.) [0052.51] Log: bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch = TRUE (If TRUE, allow APEX clothing fetch (skinning etc) to be done on multiple threads.) [0052.51] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 60 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames.) [0052.51] Log: ApexClothingAllowAsyncCooking = TRUE (ClothingActors will cook in a background thread to speed up creation time.) [0052.51] Log: ApexClothingAllowApexWorkBetweenSubsteps = FALSE (Allow APEX SDK to interpolate clothing matrices between the substeps.) [0052.51] Log: ApexDestructionMaxActorCreatesPerFrame = -1 (UNKNOWN.) [0052.52] Log: Listing all sound classes. [0052.52] Log: Class 'Item' has 30 resident sounds taking 3539.61 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 8.89 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'Vehicle' has 41 resident sounds taking 14891.49 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 48.00 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'Weapon' has 274 resident sounds taking 71204.29 kb, and 7 real time sounds taking 487.58 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'Character' has 181 resident sounds taking 8670.41 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'SFX' has 84 resident sounds taking 26708.23 kb, and 11 real time sounds taking 837.83 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'None' has 5 resident sounds taking 3459.30 kb, and 5 real time sounds taking 637.02 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'UI' has 24 resident sounds taking 1480.30 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'Announcer_UI' has 26 resident sounds taking 3864.50 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'Music' has 0 resident sounds taking 0.00 kb, and 24 real time sounds taking 49002.55 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'Ambient' has 5 resident sounds taking 1123.96 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 104.36 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'WeaponMortarIncoming' has 13 resident sounds taking 2926.08 kb, and 4 real time sounds taking 114.88 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'Announcer' has 60 resident sounds taking 19414.13 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'WeaponBulletEffects' has 18 resident sounds taking 545.45 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 150.46 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'MovieEffects' has 1 resident sounds taking 213.73 kb, and 4 real time sounds taking 378.98 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'Cinematic' has 6 resident sounds taking 2783.40 kb, and 3 real time sounds taking 527.70 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'Dialog' has 4 resident sounds taking 278.99 kb [0052.52] Log: Class 'UnGrouped' has 623 resident sounds taking 91288.61 kb, and 110 real time sounds taking 2599.97 kb [0052.52] Log: 1567 total sounds in 17 classes [0052.54] Log: Bool AmbientOcclusion set to 1 [0052.59] Log: BloomThreshold = 0.8 [0063.66] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0063.66] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0084.68] GFxUI: Rx_GFxFrontEnd::Loading SettingsView [0084.68] Log: DumpAvailableResolutions [0084.68] Log: 640x480 [0084.68] Log: 800x600 [0084.68] Log: 1024x768 [0084.68] Log: 1152x864 [0084.68] Log: 1280x960 [0084.68] Log: 1400x1050 [0084.68] Log: 1600x1200 [0084.68] Log: 1920x1440 [0084.68] Log: 2048x1536 [0084.68] Log: 2560x1920 [0084.68] Log: 854x480 [0084.68] Log: 1280x720 [0084.68] Log: 1366x768 [0084.68] Log: 1920x1080 [0084.68] Log: 2560x1440 [0084.68] Log: 3840x2160 [0084.68] Log: 1280x800 [0084.68] Log: 1440x900 [0084.68] Log: 1680x1050 [0084.68] Log: 1920x1200 [0084.68] Log: 2560x1600 [0084.68] Log: 2880x1800 [0084.68] Log: 3840x2400 [0084.68] Log: 720x480 [0084.68] Log: 720x576 [0084.68] Log: 800x480 [0084.68] Log: 1280x768 [0084.68] Log: 1280x1024 [0084.69] ScriptLog: Unknown Widget: SettingsVideoView [0131.07] Log: Bool bAllowPostprocessMLAA set to 0 [0131.10] Log: Int MaxMultiSamples set to 0 [0131.28] Log: Bool UseVsync set to 0 [0131.33] Log: Bool bAllowD3D9MSAA set to 0 [0131.37] Log: Bool MotionBlur set to 0 [0131.41] Log: Bool DynamicLights set to 0 [0131.67] Log: Bool DynamicShadows set to 0 [0131.81] Log: Int DetailMode set to 0 [0131.87] Log: Int SkeletalMeshLODBias set to 3 [0131.90] Log: Int ParticleLODBias set to 3 [0131.92] Log: Int ShadowFilterQualityBias set to 3 [0131.97] Log: Bool LightEnvironmentShadows set to 0 [0131.99] Log: Bool CompositeDynamicLights set to 0 [0132.01] Log: Bool DirectionalLightmaps set to 0 [0132.02] Log: Can't enable/disable directional lightmaps at run-time. [0132.03] Log: Bool AmbientOcclusion set to 0 [0132.05] Log: Bool LensFlares set to 0 [0132.11] Log: BloomThreshold = 0.8 [0132.11] Log: Bool Distortion set to 0 [0132.13] Log: Bool DropParticleDistortion set to 0 [0132.16] Log: Bool StaticDecals set to 0 [0132.19] Log: Bool DynamicDecals set to 0 [0132.23] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Hide [0136.42] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Hide [0137.65] GFxUI: Rx_GFxFrontEnd::Loading SkirmishView [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Arctic Stronghold [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Canyon [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Cliff Side [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Complex [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Crash Site [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Daybreak [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Desolation [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Eyes [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Field [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Field X [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Forest [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Fort [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Goldrush [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Hourglass [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Islands [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Islands X [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Lakeside [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Mesa [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Oasis [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Outposts [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Reservoir [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Snow [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Snow X [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Steppe [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Storm [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Sunrise [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Tomb [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Toxicity [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Tunnels [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Under [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Uphill [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Volcano [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Walls [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Whiteout [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Xmountain [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Arctic Stronghold [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Canyon [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Cliff Side [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Complex [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Crash Site [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Daybreak [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Desolation [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Eyes [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Field [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Field X [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Forest [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Fort [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Goldrush [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Hourglass [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Islands [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Islands X [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Lakeside [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Mesa [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Oasis [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Outposts [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Reservoir [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Snow [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Snow X [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Steppe [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Storm [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Sunrise [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Tomb [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Toxicity [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Tunnels [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Under [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Uphill [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Volcano [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Walls [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Whiteout [0137.66] ScriptLog: Name - Xmountain [0143.97] ScriptLog: OutURL is: NC-Under?Team=1?Numplay=16?GDIBotCount=8?NODBotCount=7?GDIDifficulty=3?NODDifficulty=3?GDIAttackingStrengh=75?NodAttackingStrengh=75?StartingCredits=150?TimeLimit=35?MineLimit=30?VehicleLimit=7?IsFriendlyfire=False?CanRepairBuildings=False?HasBaseDestruction=False?HasEndGamePedistal=False?HasTimeLimitExpiry=False False [0143.97] ScriptLog: Command: ->> open CNC-Under?Team=1?Numplay=16?GDIBotCount=8?NODBotCount=7?GDIDifficulty=3?NODDifficulty=3?GDIAttackingStrengh=75?NodAttackingStrengh=75?StartingCredits=150?TimeLimit=35?MineLimit=30?VehicleLimit=7?IsFriendlyfire=False?CanRepairBuildings=False?HasBaseDestruction=False?HasEndGamePedistal=False?HasTimeLimitExpiry=False [0144.05] Log: LoadMap: CNC-Under?Name=DR2you?Team=1?Numplay=16?GDIBotCount=8?NODBotCount=7?GDIDifficulty=3?NODDifficulty=3?GDIAttackingStrengh=75?NodAttackingStrengh=75?StartingCredits=150?TimeLimit=35?MineLimit=30?VehicleLimit=7?IsFriendlyfire=False?CanRepairBuildings=False?HasBaseDestruction=False?HasEndGamePedistal=False?HasTimeLimitExpiry=False [0144.05] ScriptLog: MusicPlayerOnAudioFinished :: bStopped? False | AC? AudioComponent_4 | SoundCue? SC_MainMenu [0144.06] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE START --- [0144.62] ScriptWarning: Invalid user index (255) specified for ClearReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate() OnlineSubsystemSteamworks Transient.OnlineSubsystemSteamworks_0 Function OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.OnlineSubsystemSteamworks:ClearReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate:00FE [0144.64] Rx: PLAYERExit;GDI,256,DR2you [0155.08] Log: Game class is 'Rx_Game' [0155.14] Warning: Warning, Material RX_VH_A-10.Materials.M_VH_A-10 missing bUsedWithStaticLighting=True! [0155.14] Warning: Warning, Material RX_VH_A-10.Materials.M_VH_A-10 missing bUsedWithStaticLighting=True! [0155.14] Warning: Warning, Material RX_VH_A-10.Materials.M_VH_A-10 missing bUsedWithStaticLighting=True! [0155.24] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software. [0155.24] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene. [0155.60] Log: Bringing World CNC-Under.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2021.04.23-15.44.42 [0155.62] ScriptLog: INITIAL: -1 -1 [0155.64] ScriptLog: Game profile Index was NONE [0155.66] ScriptWarning: UTDefensePoint_0 has no DefendedObjective! UTDefensePoint CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UTDefensePoint_0 Function UTGame.UTDefensePoint:PreBeginPlay:003B [0155.66] ScriptWarning: UTDefensePoint_1 has no DefendedObjective! UTDefensePoint CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UTDefensePoint_1 Function UTGame.UTDefensePoint:PreBeginPlay:003B [0155.66] ScriptWarning: UTDefensePoint_2 has no DefendedObjective! UTDefensePoint CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UTDefensePoint_2 Function UTGame.UTDefensePoint:PreBeginPlay:003B [0155.66] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0155.66] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0155.66] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0155.66] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0155.66] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0155.66] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0155.66] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0155.66] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0155.66] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0155.66] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0155.66] ScriptLog: Gameplay events will not be recorded. [0155.66] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_GDI_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0155.66] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_Nod_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0155.66] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0155.66] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_GDI_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0155.66] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_Nod_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0155.66] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0155.66] ScriptLog: GDI:0.7500 [0155.66] ScriptLog: Nod:0.7500 [0155.66] ScriptLog: Rx_Game::PreBeginPlay BotClass:'Rx_Bot_Waypoints' True [0155.71] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_Silo_Internals_0.SkeletalMeshComponent_0 RX_BU_Silo.Meshes.SK_BU_Silo 1 0 1 0 [0155.72] ScriptLog: BUILDING ERROR: No Trace2d_X sockets exist in Rx_Building_Silo_Internals_0 [0155.76] ScriptLog: Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk_0 upgrade... [0155.85] Buildings: CRITICAL ERROR: Could not spawn Rx_BuildingAttachment_Glass_AirTower At 4504.78,3072.69,366.15 With a Rotation of 0,0,0 [0155.85] Buildings: CRITICAL ERROR: Could not spawn Rx_BuildingAttachment_Glass_AirTower At 4385.96,3278.49,366.15 With a Rotation of 0,10923,0 [0155.85] Buildings: CRITICAL ERROR: Could not spawn Rx_BuildingAttachment_Glass_AirTower At 4385.96,2866.90,366.15 With a Rotation of 0,-10923,0 [0155.85] Buildings: CRITICAL ERROR: Could not spawn Rx_BuildingAttachment_Glass_AirTower At 4148.33,2866.90,366.15 With a Rotation of 0,-21845,0 [0155.85] Buildings: CRITICAL ERROR: Could not spawn Rx_BuildingAttachment_Glass_AirTower At 4029.52,3072.69,366.15 With a Rotation of 0,-32768,0 [0155.85] Buildings: CRITICAL ERROR: Could not spawn Rx_BuildingAttachment_Glass_AirTower At 4148.33,3278.49,366.15 With a Rotation of 0,21845,0 [0155.85] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AirstripInternals' Rx_Building_AirTower CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_AirTower_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Building_AirTower:GetAttackPoints:0032 [0155.85] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Strip' Rx_Building_AirTower CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_AirTower_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Building_AirTower:GetAttackPoints:012B [0155.85] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Strip' Rx_Building_AirTower CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_AirTower_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Building_AirTower:GetAttackPoints:012B [0155.85] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Strip' Rx_Building_AirTower CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_AirTower_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Building_AirTower:GetAttackPoints:012B [0155.87] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_Barracks_Internals_0.SkeletalMeshComponent_19 RX_BU_Barracks.Mesh.SK_BU_GDI_BAR 1 0 1 0 [0155.88] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_BuildingAttachment_BeaconPedestal_0 Component: StaticMeshComponent_58 StaticMesh: RX_Deco_BuildingAssets.StaticMeshes.BuildingAssets_EndGamePedestal (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects. [0156.01] ScriptLog: Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG_0 upgrade... [0156.01] ScriptLog: Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG_1 upgrade... [0156.01] ScriptLog: Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG_2 upgrade... [0156.01] ScriptLog: Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG_3 upgrade... [0156.01] ScriptLog: Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_RocketPod_0 upgrade... [0156.10] ScriptLog: Initializing Rx_GameEngine. Game Version: Open Beta 5.49.177 [0156.12] Rx: MAPLoaded;CNC-Under [0156.12] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 1.042098 [0156.13] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Profile' UIDataStore_OnlinePlayerData Transient.DataStoreClient_0:UIDataStore_OnlinePlayerData_1 Function Engine.UIDataStore_OnlinePlayerData:OnLoginChange:0134 [0156.13] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Profile' UIDataStore_OnlinePlayerData Transient.DataStoreClient_0:UIDataStore_OnlinePlayerData_1 Function Engine.UIDataStore_OnlinePlayerData:OnLoginChange:0168 [0156.13] Rx: PLAYERHWID;playerNod,257,DR2youhwidmBEC2153C000099E4 [0156.13] Rx: PLAYEREnter;Nod,257,DR2youfromhwidmBEC2153C000099E4nosteam [0156.13] Rx: PLAYERTeamJoin;Nod,257,DR2youjoinedNodscore0last round score0.0000time0.0000 [0156.13] Rx: MAPStart;CNC-Under [0156.15] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerNod,257,DR2youcharacterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0156.16] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'myHUD' Rx_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_1 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Controller:ClientNotifySpecialVignette:0013 [0156.16] Error: Can't start an online game that hasn't been created [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_NightVision' during gameplay. ParamName: NightVisionMultiplier [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_NightVision' during gameplay. ParamName: NightVisionContrast [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_Slow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_Slow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_WhiteSand' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_WhiteSand' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_YellowSand' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_YellowSand' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mud' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mud' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_RockDirt' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_RockDirt' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_BW' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_BW' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Slow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Slow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_SmokeA' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_SmokeA' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Grain_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Grain_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mud_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mud_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_RockDirt_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_RockDirt_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_SlowMoving_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_SlowMoving_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Thin_NotLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Thin_NotLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_WhiteSand_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_WhiteSand_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_YellowSand_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_YellowSand_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_FloatingDirt_Unlit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_FloatingDirt_Unlit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mist' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mist' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_WaterRadial' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_WaterRadial' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Snow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Snow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Shell_Trail_Master' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Shell_Trail_Master' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy' during gameplay. ParamName: AddTranslucent_Bias [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: AddTranslucent_Bias [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy' during gameplay. ParamName: Stealth_Effect_Multiplier [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Stealth_Effect_Multiplier [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy' during gameplay. ParamName: Stealth_Visibility_Multiplier [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Stealth_Visibility_Multiplier [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_CH_GDI' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalCharacterBrightness [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_CH_Nod' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalCharacterBrightness [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_CH_All' during gameplay. ParamName: Reflection_Colour [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_CH_All' during gameplay. ParamName: CubeMap_Exterior [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_GDI' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalVehicleBrightness [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_GDI_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalVehicleBrightness [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_Nod' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalVehicleBrightness [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_Nod_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalVehicleBrightness [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_All' during gameplay. ParamName: Reflection_Colour [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_All_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Reflection_Colour [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_All' during gameplay. ParamName: CubeMap_Exterior [0156.16] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_All_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: CubeMap_Exterior [0156.16] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerGDI,b258,2v2funwarcharacterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0156.16] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_GrenadierbyGDI,b258,2v2funwar [0156.17] Rx: GAMESpawn;botGDI,b258,2v2funwar [0156.17] Rx: Game has reached minimum limit for Beacon, 1 Players and 1 Bots out of 0 [0156.17] ScriptLog: added red bot [0156.17] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerGDI,b259,Evil FobbycharacterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0156.17] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_SoldierbyGDI,b259,Evil Fobby [0156.17] Rx: GAMESpawn;botGDI,b259,Evil Fobby [0156.17] ScriptLog: added red bot [0156.18] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerGDI,b260,Renegade2007characterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0156.18] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_ShotgunnerbyGDI,b260,Renegade2007 [0156.20] Rx: GAMESpawn;botGDI,b260,Renegade2007 [0156.20] ScriptLog: added red bot [0156.20] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerGDI,b261,SafetyDancecharacterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0156.20] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_GrenadierbyGDI,b261,SafetyDance [0156.21] Rx: GAMESpawn;botGDI,b261,SafetyDance [0156.21] ScriptLog: added red bot [0156.21] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerGDI,b262,1v1 me IRLcharacterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0156.21] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_GrenadierbyGDI,b262,1v1 me IRL [0156.22] Rx: GAMESpawn;botGDI,b262,1v1 me IRL [0156.22] ScriptLog: added red bot [0156.22] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerGDI,b263,Craig CoopercharacterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0156.22] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_EngineerbyGDI,b263,Craig Cooper [0156.23] Rx: GAMESpawn;botGDI,b263,Craig Cooper [0156.23] ScriptLog: added red bot [0156.23] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerGDI,b264,Matthew McDonaldcharacterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0156.23] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_MarksmanbyGDI,b264,Matthew McDonald [0156.23] Rx: GAMESpawn;botGDI,b264,Matthew McDonald [0156.23] ScriptLog: added red bot [0156.24] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerGDI,b265,Belgian ChocolatecharacterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0156.24] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_SoldierbyGDI,b265,Belgian Chocolate [0156.24] Rx: GAMESpawn;botGDI,b265,Belgian Chocolate [0156.24] ScriptLog: added red bot [0156.24] ScriptLog: GDIDifficulty6 [0156.24] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerNod,b266,InterestInConflictcharacterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0156.24] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_ShotgunnerbyNod,b266,InterestInConflict [0156.25] Rx: GAMESpawn;botNod,b266,InterestInConflict [0156.25] ScriptLog: added blue bot [0156.25] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerNod,b267,Robin NielsencharacterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0156.25] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_FlameTrooperbyNod,b267,Robin Nielsen [0156.26] Rx: GAMESpawn;botNod,b267,Robin Nielsen [0156.26] ScriptLog: added blue bot [0156.26] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerNod,b268,Maarten BondercharacterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0156.26] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_ShotgunnerbyNod,b268,Maarten Bonder [0156.26] Rx: GAMESpawn;botNod,b268,Maarten Bonder [0156.26] ScriptLog: added blue bot [0156.27] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerNod,b269,PhyrecharacterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0156.27] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_MarksmanbyNod,b269,Phyre [0156.27] Rx: GAMESpawn;botNod,b269,Phyre [0156.27] ScriptLog: added blue bot [0156.28] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerNod,b270,Adam PrackcharacterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0156.28] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_SoldierbyNod,b270,Adam Prack [0156.28] Rx: GAMESpawn;botNod,b270,Adam Prack [0156.28] ScriptLog: added blue bot [0156.28] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerNod,b271,Ryan WongwaicharacterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0156.29] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_ShotgunnerbyNod,b271,Ryan Wongwai [0156.29] Rx: GAMESpawn;botNod,b271,Ryan Wongwai [0156.29] ScriptLog: added blue bot [0156.29] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerNod,b272,Jessica JamescharacterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0156.29] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_Nod_SoldierbyNod,b272,Jessica James [0156.30] Rx: GAMESpawn;botNod,b272,Jessica James [0156.30] ScriptLog: added blue bot [0156.30] ScriptLog: NODDifficulty6 [0156.30] ScriptLog: START MATCH [0156.30] Log: Current scalability system settings: [0156.30] Log: StaticDecals = FALSE (Whether to allow static decals.) [0156.30] Log: DynamicDecals = FALSE (Whether to allow dynamic decals.) [0156.30] Log: UnbatchedDecals = TRUE (Whether to allow decals that have not been placed in static draw lists and have dynamic view relevance.) [0156.30] Log: DecalCullDistanceScale = 1 (Scale factor for distance culling decals.) [0156.30] Log: DynamicShadows = FALSE (Whether to allow dynamic shadows.) [0156.30] Log: LightEnvironmentShadows = FALSE (Whether to allow dynamic light environments to cast shadows.) [0156.30] Log: MotionBlur = FALSE (Whether to allow motion blur.) [0156.30] Log: DepthOfField = TRUE (Whether to allow depth of field.) [0156.30] Log: AmbientOcclusion = FALSE (Whether to allow ambient occlusion.) [0156.30] Log: Bloom = TRUE (Whether to allow bloom.) [0156.30] Log: bAllowLightShafts = TRUE (Whether to allow light shafts.) [0156.30] Log: Distortion = FALSE (Whether to allow distortion.) [0156.30] Log: DropParticleDistortion = FALSE (Whether to allow dropping distortion on particles based on WorldInfo::bDropDetail.) [0156.30] Log: AllowDistortionAndColorInSameMaterial = TRUE (Disabling this is an optimization, and only renders distortion during the distortion pass.) [0156.30] Log: LensFlares = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of LensFlares.) [0156.30] Log: AllowRadialBlur = TRUE (Whether to allow radial blur effects to render.) [0156.30] Log: bAllowSeparateTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to keep separate translucency (for better Depth of Field), experimental.) [0156.30] Log: bAllowPostprocessMLAA = FALSE (Whether to allow post process MLAA to render. requires extra memory.) [0156.30] Log: bAllowHighQualityMaterials = TRUE (Whether to use high quality materials when low quality exist.) [0156.30] Log: MaxFilterBlurSampleCount = 16 (Max filter sample count.) [0156.30] Log: SkeletalMeshLODBias = 3 (LOD bias for skeletal meshes.) [0156.30] Log: DetailMode = 0 (Current detail mode; determines whether components of actors should be updated/ ticked.) [0156.30] Log: MemoryDetailMode = 2 (Current detail mode; determines which detail level of assets to load (e.g. cut out variety from sound cues).) [0156.30] Log: MaxDrawDistanceScale = 1 (Scale applied to primitive's MaxDrawDistance.) [0156.30] Log: MaxAnisotropy = 0 (Maximum level of anisotropy used.) [0156.30] Log: bAllowD3D9MSAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0156.30] Log: MinShadowResolution = 64 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0156.30] Log: MinPreShadowResolution = 8 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering preshadow depths.) [0156.30] Log: MaxShadowResolution = 1024 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0156.30] Log: MaxWholeSceneDominantShadowResolution = 1280 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering whole scene shadow depths.) [0156.30] Log: ShadowTexelsPerPixel = 1.3 (The ratio of subject pixels to shadow texels.) [0156.30] Log: bEnableBranchingPCFShadows = FALSE (Toggle Branching PCF implementation for projected shadows.) [0156.30] Log: bAllowWholeSceneDominantShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow whole scene dominant shadows.) [0156.30] Log: bUseConservativeShadowBounds = FALSE (Whether to use safe and conservative shadow frustum creation that wastes some shadowmap space.) [0156.30] Log: bAllowFracturedDamage = TRUE (Whether to allow fractured meshes to take damage.) [0156.30] Log: FractureCullDistanceScale = 1 (Distance scale for whether a fractured static mesh should actually fracture when damaged.) [0156.30] Log: bApexClothingAsyncFetchResults = FALSE (If TRUE, allow APEX skinning to occur without blocking fetch results. bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch must be enabled for this to work.) [0156.30] Log: Current preference system settings: [0156.30] Log: UseVsync = FALSE (Whether to use VSync or not.) [0156.30] Log: Fullscreen = TRUE (Fullscreen.) [0156.30] Log: ResX = 854 (Screen X resolution.) [0156.30] Log: ResY = 480 (Screen Y resolution.) [0156.30] Log: Current debug system settings: [0156.30] Log: DynamicLights = FALSE (Whether to allow dynamic lights.) [0156.30] Log: CompositeDynamicLights = FALSE (Whether to composte dynamic lights into light environments.) [0156.30] Log: DirectionalLightmaps = TRUE (Whether to allow directional lightmaps, which use the material's normal and specular.) [0156.30] Log: SpeedTreeLeaves = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree leaves.) [0156.30] Log: SpeedTreeFronds = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree fronds.) [0156.30] Log: OnlyStreamInTextures = FALSE (If enabled, texture will only be streamed in, not out.) [0156.30] Log: OneFrameThreadLag = TRUE (Whether to allow the rendering thread to lag one frame behind the game thread.) [0156.30] Log: UpscaleScreenPercentage = TRUE (Whether to upscale the screen to take up the full front buffer.) [0156.30] Log: AllowOpenGL = FALSE (Whether to use OpenGL when it's available.) [0156.30] Log: AllowSubsurfaceScattering = TRUE (Whether to allow sub-surface scattering to render.) [0156.30] Log: AllowImageReflections = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to render.) [0156.30] Log: AllowImageReflectionShadowing = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to be shadowed.) [0156.30] Log: ParticleLODBias = 3 (LOD bias for particle systems.) [0156.30] Log: MaxMultiSamples = 0 (The maximum number of MSAA samples to use.) [0156.30] Log: bAllowTemporalAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0156.30] Log: TemporalAA_MinDepth = 500 (UKNOWN) [0156.30] Log: TemporalAA_StartDepthVelocityScale = 100 (UKNOWN) [0156.30] Log: ScreenPercentage = 100 (Percentage of screen main view should take up.) [0156.30] Log: MobileOcclusionQueries = FALSE (Whether to allow occlusion queries on mobile.) [0156.30] Log: MobileGlobalGammaCorrection = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0156.30] Log: MobileAllowGammaCorrectionWorldOverride = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0156.30] Log: MobileAllowDepthPrePass = FALSE (Whether to enable a rendering depth pre-pass on mobile.) [0156.30] Log: MobileGfxGammaCorrection = FALSE (Whether to include gamma correction in the scaleform shaders.) [0156.30] Log: MobileSceneDepthResolveForShadows = TRUE (UNKNOWN.) [0156.30] Log: MobileUsePreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to use preprocessed shaders on mobile.) [0156.30] Log: MobileFlashRedForUncachedShaders = FALSE (Whether to flash the screen red (non-final release only) when a cached shader is not found at runtime.) [0156.30] Log: MobileWarmUpPreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to issue a 'warm-up' draw call for mobile shaders as they are compiled.) [0156.30] Log: MobileCachePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to dump out preprocessed shaders for mobile as they are encountered/compiled.) [0156.30] Log: MobileProfilePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to run dumped out preprocessed shaders through the shader profiler.) [0156.30] Log: MobileUseCPreprocessorOnShaders = TRUE (Whether to run the C preprocessor on shaders.) [0156.30] Log: MobileLoadCPreprocessedShaders = TRUE ( Whether to load the C preprocessed source.) [0156.30] Log: MobileSharePixelShaders = TRUE (Whether to share pixel shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0156.30] Log: MobileShareVertexShaders = TRUE (Whether to share vertex shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0156.30] Log: MobileShareShaderPrograms = TRUE (Whether to share shaders program across multiple unreal shaders.) [0156.30] Log: MobileMaxMemory = 300 (Value (in MB) to declare for maximum mobile memory on this device.) [0156.30] Log: MobileClearDepthBetweenDPG = FALSE (Whether to clear the depth buffer between DPGs.) [0156.30] Log: MobileBoneCount = 75 (The maximum number of bones supported for skinning.) [0156.30] Log: MobileBoneWeightCount = 2 (The maximum number of bones influences per vertex supported for skinning.) [0156.30] Log: Current unknown system settings: [0156.30] Log: SHSecondaryLighting = TRUE (Whether to allow light environments to use SH lights for secondary lighting.) [0156.30] Log: MotionBlurPause = TRUE (Whether to allow motion blur to be paused.) [0156.30] Log: MotionBlurSkinning = 1 (State of the console variable MotionBlurSkinning.) [0156.30] Log: FilteredDistortion = TRUE (Whether to allow distortion to use bilinear filtering when sampling the scene color during its apply pass.) [0156.30] Log: bAllowDownsampledTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to allow downsampled transluency.) [0156.30] Log: FogVolumes = TRUE (Whether to allow fog volumes.) [0156.30] Log: FloatingPointRenderTargets = TRUE (Whether to allow floating point render targets to be used.) [0156.30] Log: ShadowFilterQualityBias = 3 (Quality bias for projected shadow buffer filtering. Higher values use better quality filtering.) [0156.30] Log: ShadowFadeResolution = 128 (Resolution in texel below which shadows are faded out.) [0156.30] Log: PreShadowFadeResolution = 16 (Resolution in texel below which preshadows are faded out.) [0156.30] Log: ShadowFadeExponent = 0.25 (Controls the rate at which shadows are faded out.) [0156.30] Log: SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier = 1 (Scene capture streaming texture update distance scalar.) [0156.30] Log: PreShadowResolutionFactor = 0.5 (UKNOWN) [0156.30] Log: bAllowHardwareShadowFiltering = FALSE (Whether to allow hardware filtering optimizations like hardware PCF and Fetch4.) [0156.30] Log: TessellationAdaptivePixelsPerTriangle = 48 (Global tessellation factor multiplier.) [0156.30] Log: bEnableForegroundShadowsOnWorld = FALSE (hack to allow for foreground DPG objects to cast shadows on the world DPG.) [0156.30] Log: bEnableForegroundSelfShadowing = FALSE (Whether to allow foreground DPG self-shadowing.) [0156.30] Log: ShadowFilterRadius = 2 (Radius, in shadowmap texels, of the filter disk.) [0156.30] Log: ShadowDepthBias = 0.012 (Depth bias that is applied in the depth pass for all types of projected shadows except VSM.) [0156.30] Log: PerObjectShadowTransition = 60 (Higher values make the per object soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0156.30] Log: PerSceneShadowTransition = 600 (Higher values make the per scene soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0156.30] Log: CSMSplitPenumbraScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the penumbra size of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0156.30] Log: CSMSplitSoftTransitionDistanceScale = 4 (Scale applied to the soft comparison transition distance of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0156.30] Log: CSMSplitDepthBiasScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the depth bias of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0156.30] Log: CSMMinimumFOV = 40 (Minimum camera FOV for CSM, this is used to prevent shadow shimmering when animating the FOV lower than the min, for example when zooming.) [0156.30] Log: CSMFOVRoundFactor = 4 (The FOV will be rounded by this factor for the purposes of CSM, which turns shadow shimmering into discrete jumps.) [0156.30] Log: UnbuiltWholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius = 20000 (WholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0156.30] Log: UnbuiltNumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades = 3 (NumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0156.30] Log: WholeSceneShadowUnbuiltInteractionThreshold = 50 (How many unbuilt light-primitive interactions there can be for a light before the light switches to whole scene shadows.) [0156.30] Log: NumFracturedPartsScale = 1 (Scales the game-specific number of fractured physics objects allowed.) [0156.30] Log: FractureDirectSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged directly. [0-1]) [0156.30] Log: FractureRadialSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged by radial blast. [0-1]) [0156.30] Log: bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts = FALSE (Whether to force CPU access to GPU skinned vertex data.) [0156.30] Log: bDisableSkeletalInstanceWeights = FALSE (Whether to disable instanced skeletal weights.) [0156.30] Log: HighPrecisionGBuffers = FALSE (Whether to use high-precision GBuffers.) [0156.30] Log: AllowSecondaryDisplays = FALSE (Whether to allow independent, external displays.) [0156.30] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumWidth = 1280 (The maximum width of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0156.30] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumHeight = 720 (The maximum height of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0156.30] Log: StatFontScaleFactor = 1 (The default stat font scale to use) [0156.30] Log: AudioDecompressionBufferSize = 6144 (Decompression buffer size per sound source.) [0156.30] Log: AudioCompressionCookCutoff = 49152 (Cutoff in bytes for keeping audio data uncompressed during cook.) [0156.30] Log: AudioCompressionLoadCutoff = 98304 (Cutoff in bytes for fully decompressing audio data on load.) [0156.30] Log: MobileVertexScratchBufferSize = 150 (The size of the scratch buffer for vertices (in kB).) [0156.30] Log: MobileIndexScratchBufferSize = 10 (The size of the scratch buffer for indices (in kB).) [0156.30] Log: MobileShadowTextureResolution = 1120 (UNKNOWN.) [0156.30] Log: MobileBloomMultiplier = 1 (MobileBloomMultiplier default 1.) [0156.30] Log: MobileTiltShiftPosition = 0.5 (Position of the focused center of the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0156.30] Log: MobileTiltShiftFocusWidth = 0.3 (Width of focused area in the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0156.30] Log: MobileTiltShiftTransitionWidth = 0.5 (Width of transition area in the tilt shift effect, where it transitions from full focus to full blur (in percent of the screen height).) [0156.30] Log: MobileLightShaftScale = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0156.30] Log: MobileLightShaftFirstPass = 0.5 (UNKNOWN.) [0156.30] Log: MobileLightShaftSecondPass = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0156.30] Log: MobileMaxShadowRange = 500 (UNKNOWN.) [0156.30] Log: MobileLandscapeLodBias = 0 (LOD bias for mobile landscape rendering on this device (in addition to any per-landscape bias set).) [0156.30] Log: MobileUseShaderGroupForStartupObjects = FALSE (Whether to automatically put cooked startup objects in the StartupPackages shader group) [0156.30] Log: MobileMinimizeFogShaders = FALSE (Whether to disable generating both fog shader permutations on mobile. When TRUE, it decreases load times but increases GPU cost for materials/levels with fog enabled) [0156.30] Log: ShowSpinnerOnLoadScreen = TRUE (Whether to show the Apple loading spinner graphic over load screen images.) [0156.30] Log: ApexLODResourceBudget = 1e+021 (Resource budget for APEX LOD. Higher values indicate the system can handle more APEX load.) [0156.30] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkIslandCount = 2500 (The maximum number of active PhysX actors which represent dynamic groups of chunks (islands).) [0156.30] Log: ApexDestructionMaxShapeCount = 0 (The maximum number of PhysX shapes which represent destructible chunks.) [0156.30] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkSeparationLOD = 1 (Every destructible asset defines a min and max lifetime, and maximum separation distance for its chunks.) [0156.30] Log: ApexDestructionMaxFracturesProcessedPerFrame = -1 (Lets the user throttle the number of fractures processed per frame (per scene) due to destruction, as this can be quite costly. The default is 0xffffffff (unlimited).) [0156.30] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 8.40779e-044 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames. This is used in Clothing when bAllowAdaptiveTargetFrequency is enabled.) [0156.30] Log: ApexDestructionSortByBenefit = TRUE (If set to true, destructible chunks with the lowest benefit would get removed first instead of the oldest.) [0156.30] Log: ApexGRBEnable = FALSE (Whether or not to use GPU Rigid Bodies.) [0156.30] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemSceneSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB scene data (shapes, actors etc).) [0156.30] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemTempDataSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB temporary data (broadphase pairs, contacts etc).) [0156.30] Log: ApexGRBMeshCellSize = 7.5 (The size of the cells to divide the world into for GPU collision detection.) [0156.30] Log: ApexGRBNonPenSolverPosIterCount = 9 (Number of non-penetration solver iterations.) [0156.30] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverPosIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver position iterations.) [0156.30] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverVelIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver velocity iterations.) [0156.30] Log: ApexGRBSkinWidth = 0.025 (Collision skin width, as in PhysX.) [0156.30] Log: ApexGRBMaxLinearAcceleration = 1e+006 (Maximum linear acceleration.) [0156.30] Log: bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch = TRUE (If TRUE, allow APEX clothing fetch (skinning etc) to be done on multiple threads.) [0156.30] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 60 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames.) [0156.30] Log: ApexClothingAllowAsyncCooking = TRUE (ClothingActors will cook in a background thread to speed up creation time.) [0156.30] Log: ApexClothingAllowApexWorkBetweenSubsteps = FALSE (Allow APEX SDK to interpolate clothing matrices between the substeps.) [0156.30] Log: ApexDestructionMaxActorCreatesPerFrame = -1 (UNKNOWN.) [0156.32] Log: Listing all sound classes. [0156.32] Log: Class 'Item' has 30 resident sounds taking 3539.61 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 8.89 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'Vehicle' has 41 resident sounds taking 14891.49 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 48.00 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'Weapon' has 275 resident sounds taking 71569.24 kb, and 7 real time sounds taking 487.58 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'Character' has 181 resident sounds taking 8670.41 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'SFX' has 84 resident sounds taking 26708.23 kb, and 11 real time sounds taking 837.83 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'None' has 5 resident sounds taking 3459.30 kb, and 5 real time sounds taking 637.02 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'UI' has 24 resident sounds taking 1480.30 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'Announcer_UI' has 26 resident sounds taking 3864.50 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'Music' has 0 resident sounds taking 0.00 kb, and 23 real time sounds taking 47214.76 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'Ambient' has 34 resident sounds taking 14966.69 kb, and 23 real time sounds taking 2969.96 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'WeaponMortarIncoming' has 13 resident sounds taking 2926.08 kb, and 4 real time sounds taking 114.88 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'Announcer' has 60 resident sounds taking 19414.13 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'WeaponBulletEffects' has 18 resident sounds taking 545.45 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 150.46 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'MovieEffects' has 1 resident sounds taking 213.73 kb, and 4 real time sounds taking 378.98 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'Cinematic' has 6 resident sounds taking 2783.40 kb, and 3 real time sounds taking 527.70 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'Dialog' has 4 resident sounds taking 278.99 kb [0156.32] Log: Class 'UnGrouped' has 624 resident sounds taking 98634.88 kb, and 115 real time sounds taking 3313.67 kb [0156.32] Log: 1624 total sounds in 17 classes [0163.09] ScriptLog: Rx_HUD::Jukebox SystemSettingsHandler.bAutostartMusic:'True' [0163.10] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0163.10] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0163.12] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Font None.Arial': Failed to find object 'Font None.Arial' [0163.12] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0163.12] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0163.13] ScriptLog: PositionModX : 0.0000 [0163.13] ScriptLog: PositionModY : 52.8689 [0163.13] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 19.078521 seconds [0163.47] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_Silo_Internals_0.SkeletalMeshComponent_0 RX_BU_Silo.Meshes.SK_BU_Silo 1 0 1 0 [0163.49] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0163.49] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0163.49] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0163.49] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2733) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2732) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2731) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2730) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2729) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2728) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2727) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2726) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2725) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2724) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2723) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2722) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2721) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2720) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2719) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2718) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2717) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2716) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2715) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_5)->(RB_BodyInstance_2714) during async work! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 817: PhysicsSDK: NpActor::raiseBodyFlag: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp, line 896: PhysicsSDK: NpScene::createActor: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create NxActor: Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_5 Component: SkeletalMeshComponent_94 Bone: b_Spine_1 [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp, line 896: PhysicsSDK: NpScene::createActor: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create NxActor: Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_5 Component: SkeletalMeshComponent_94 Bone: b_Spine_2 [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp, line 896: PhysicsSDK: NpScene::createActor: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create NxActor: Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_5 Component: SkeletalMeshComponent_94 Bone: b_Spine_3 [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp, line 896: PhysicsSDK: NpScene::createActor: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create NxActor: Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_5 Component: SkeletalMeshComponent_94 Bone: b_R_ForeArm [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp, line 896: PhysicsSDK: NpScene::createActor: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create NxActor: Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_5 Component: SkeletalMeshComponent_94 Bone: B_R_Wrist [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp, line 896: PhysicsSDK: NpScene::createActor: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create NxActor: Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_5 Component: SkeletalMeshComponent_94 Bone: b_L_ForeArm [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp, line 896: PhysicsSDK: NpScene::createActor: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create NxActor: Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_5 Component: SkeletalMeshComponent_94 Bone: B_L_Wrist [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp, line 896: PhysicsSDK: NpScene::createActor: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create NxActor: Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_5 Component: SkeletalMeshComponent_94 Bone: b_Neck [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp, line 896: PhysicsSDK: NpScene::createActor: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create NxActor: Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_5 Component: SkeletalMeshComponent_94 Bone: b_head [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp, line 896: PhysicsSDK: NpScene::createActor: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create NxActor: Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_5 Component: SkeletalMeshComponent_94 Bone: b_hip [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp, line 896: PhysicsSDK: NpScene::createActor: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create NxActor: Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_5 Component: SkeletalMeshComponent_94 Bone: b_R_LowerLeg [0163.50] DevPhysics: Error (2) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp, line 896: PhysicsSDK: NpScene::createActor: WriteLock is still acquired. Procedure call skipped to avoid a deadlock! [0163.50] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create NxActor: Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_5 Component: SkeletalMeshComponent_94 Bone: b_R_Ankle [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2775) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2774) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2773) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2772) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2771) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2770) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2769) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2768) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2767) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2766) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2765) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2764) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2763) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2762) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2761) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2760) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2759) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2758) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2757) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_7)->(RB_BodyInstance_2756) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2777) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2778) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2779) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2780) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2781) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2782) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2783) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2784) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2785) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2786) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2787) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2788) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2789) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2790) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2791) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2792) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2793) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2794) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2795) during async work! [0163.51] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_8)->(RB_BodyInstance_2796) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2838) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2837) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2836) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2835) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2834) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2833) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2832) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2831) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2830) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2829) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2828) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2827) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2826) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2825) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2824) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2823) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2822) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2821) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2820) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_10)->(RB_BodyInstance_2819) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2880) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2879) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2878) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2877) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2876) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2875) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2874) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2873) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2872) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2871) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2870) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2869) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2868) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2867) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2866) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2865) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2864) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2863) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2862) during async work! [0163.52] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_12)->(RB_BodyInstance_2861) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2882) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2883) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2884) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2885) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2886) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2887) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2888) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2889) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2890) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2891) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2892) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2893) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2894) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2895) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2896) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2897) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2898) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2899) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2900) during async work! [0163.53] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_13)->(RB_BodyInstance_2901) during async work! [0169.36] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE TIME: 25.2 sec --- [0173.17] Rx: GAMESpawn;vehicleNod,Rx_Vehicle_Harvester_Nod [0173.18] Rx: GAMESpawn;vehicleGDI,Rx_Vehicle_Harvester_GDI [0175.78] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshActor_1 [0177.09] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshActor_6 [0197.40] Rx: GAMEDeath;playerNod,b269,PhyrebyGDI,b259,Evil FobbywithRx_DmgType_AutoRifle [0198.18] Rx: GAMEDeployed;Rx_Weapon_DeployedRemoteC4byGDI,b262,1v1 me IRLonNod,b270,Adam PracknearCentral Caveat-1714.55,698.56,1032.43 [0200.00] Rx: GAMEDeath;playerGDI,b258,2v2funwarbyNod,b272,Jessica JameswithRx_DmgType_AutoRifle [0200.55] Rx: GAMEDeployed;Rx_Weapon_DeployedRemoteC4byGDI,b264,Matthew McDonaldonLandscapenearCentral Caveat-2010.11,423.89,937.24 [0201.48] Rx: GAMEDeployed;Rx_Weapon_DeployedRemoteC4byNod,b270,Adam PrackonLandscapenearCentral Caveat-2464.80,155.31,906.66 [0201.84] Rx: GAMEDeployed;Rx_Weapon_DeployedRemoteC4byGDI,b264,Matthew McDonaldonLandscapenearCentral Caveat-2267.90,308.39,914.63 [0201.97] Rx: GAMESpawn;playerGDI,b258,2v2funwarcharacterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0201.97] Rx: GAMEPurchase;characterRx_FamilyInfo_GDI_SoldierbyGDI,b258,2v2funwar [0202.31] Rx: GAMEDeployed;Rx_Weapon_DeployedRemoteC4byNod,b270,Adam PrackonGDI,b264,Matthew McDonaldnearCentral Caveat-2140.69,370.02,950.62 [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2880) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2649) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2648) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2647) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2646) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2645) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2644) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2643) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2642) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2641) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2640) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2639) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2638) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2637) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2636) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2635) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2634) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2633) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2632) during async work! [0202.31] Error: Can't call TermBody() on (Rx_Pawn_16)->(RB_BodyInstance_2631) during async work! [0203.32] Rx: GAMEDeath;playerGDI,b259,Evil FobbybyNod,b266,InterestInConflictwithRx_DmgType_Shotgun [0203.32] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pickup_Ammo_0 Component: StaticMeshComponent_138 StaticMesh: Rx_Pickups.Ammo.SM_Ammo_Medium (Scale: 1.000000