Log: Log file open, 03/29/19 21:01:03 Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467 DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini Init: Version: 12791 Init: Epic Internal: 0 Init: Compiled (64-bit): Jan 29 2015 19:35:41 Init: Changelist: 2424394 Init: Command line: Init: Base directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\Win64\ [0000.28] Init: Computer: HIGHFIVE [0000.28] Init: User: evant [0000.28] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=4 [0000.28] Init: High frequency timer resolution =2.343750 MHz [0000.28] Init: Memory total: Physical=11.9GB (11GB approx) Pagefile=16.6GB Virtual=131072.0GB [0000.37] Log: Steam Client API initialized 1 [0000.45] Log: Steam Game Server API initialized 1 [0000.49] Init: WinSock: I am HIGHFIVE ( [0000.49] Init: Presizing for 83221 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes. [0000.49] Init: Object subsystem initialized [0000.56] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 [0000.56] Log: Adapter has 128MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 6073MB of shared system memory [0000.57] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver [0000.57] Log: Adapter has 0MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 6073MB of shared system memory [0000.58] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3 [0000.58] Error: Error, Manifest doesn't exist: ..\..\UDKGame\Script\Manifest.txt [0000.62] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED [0000.63] Init: Initializing FaceFX... [0000.63] Init: FaceFX 1.7.4 initialized. [0000.66] Init: XAudio2 using 'Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) [0001.96] Init: Waited 0.010 sec for async package '..\..\UDKGame\CookedPC\Engine.u' to complete caching. [0007.30] Init: Finished loading startup packages in 5.37 seconds [0007.30] Log: 80989 objects as part of root set at end of initial load. [0007.30] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool. [0007.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'TS_WP_Railgun_Light.Sounds.S_RailGun_Light_ChargeWait_Cue'! Referenced by 'RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_Charged:WeaponCharging.GotoWeaponFiring' ('---'). [0007.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'TS_WP_Railgun_Light': Can't find file for package 'TS_WP_Railgun_Light' while loading NULL [0007.76] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'S_RailGun_Light_ChargeWait_Cue': Package TS_WP_Railgun_Light.Sounds [0017.09] Log: Initializing Engine... [0017.15] Init: UEngine initialized [0017.15] DevAudio: Allocated 64 sources [0017.15] DevAudio: CommonAudioPoolSize is set to 0 - disabling persistent pool for audio data [0017.17] Init: XAudio2Device initialized. [0017.38] Init: Client initialized [0021.28] Log: Initializing Steamworks [0021.29] Log: Logged in as 'HIHIHI' [0021.56] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0021.56] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0021.56] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0021.56] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0021.56] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0021.56] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0021.56] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0021.56] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0021.66] Log: LoadMap: RenX-FrontEndMap?Name=HIHIHI?Team=0 [0023.21] Log: Game class is 'Rx_Game_MainMenu' [0023.25] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software. [0023.25] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene. [0023.30] Log: Bringing World RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2019.03.29-21.01.26 [0023.58] ScriptLog: INITIAL: -1 -1 [0023.69] ScriptLog: Game profile Index was NONE [0023.71] ScriptLog: Gameplay events will not be recorded. [0023.71] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_GDI_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0023.71] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_Nod_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0023.71] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0023.71] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_GDI_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0023.71] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_Nod_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0023.71] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0023.71] ScriptLog: GDI:0.0000 [0023.71] ScriptLog: Nod:0.0000 [0023.71] ScriptLog: Rx_Game::PreBeginPlay BotClass:'Rx_Bot_Waypoints' True [0024.25] ScriptLog: Initializing Rx_GameEngine. Game Version: Open Beta 5.373 [0024.28] Rx: MAPLoaded;RenX-FrontEndMap [0024.28] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 1.058806 [0024.29] Rx: PLAYEREnter;GDI,256,HIHIHIfromhwidsteamid0x0110000138C15A9F [0024.29] Rx: PLAYERTeamJoin;GDI,256,HIHIHIjoinedGDI [0024.29] Log: Current scalability system settings: [0024.29] Log: StaticDecals = FALSE (Whether to allow static decals.) [0024.29] Log: DynamicDecals = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic decals.) [0024.29] Log: UnbatchedDecals = TRUE (Whether to allow decals that have not been placed in static draw lists and have dynamic view relevance.) [0024.29] Log: DecalCullDistanceScale = 1 (Scale factor for distance culling decals.) [0024.29] Log: DynamicShadows = FALSE (Whether to allow dynamic shadows.) [0024.29] Log: LightEnvironmentShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic light environments to cast shadows.) [0024.29] Log: MotionBlur = FALSE (Whether to allow motion blur.) [0024.29] Log: DepthOfField = TRUE (Whether to allow depth of field.) [0024.29] Log: AmbientOcclusion = FALSE (Whether to allow ambient occlusion.) [0024.29] Log: Bloom = TRUE (Whether to allow bloom.) [0024.29] Log: bAllowLightShafts = TRUE (Whether to allow light shafts.) [0024.29] Log: Distortion = TRUE (Whether to allow distortion.) [0024.29] Log: DropParticleDistortion = FALSE (Whether to allow dropping distortion on particles based on WorldInfo::bDropDetail.) [0024.29] Log: AllowDistortionAndColorInSameMaterial = TRUE (Disabling this is an optimization, and only renders distortion during the distortion pass.) [0024.29] Log: LensFlares = TRUE (Whether to allow rendering of LensFlares.) [0024.29] Log: AllowRadialBlur = TRUE (Whether to allow radial blur effects to render.) [0024.29] Log: bAllowSeparateTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to keep separate translucency (for better Depth of Field), experimental.) [0024.29] Log: bAllowPostprocessMLAA = FALSE (Whether to allow post process MLAA to render. requires extra memory.) [0024.29] Log: bAllowHighQualityMaterials = TRUE (Whether to use high quality materials when low quality exist.) [0024.29] Log: MaxFilterBlurSampleCount = 16 (Max filter sample count.) [0024.29] Log: SkeletalMeshLODBias = 1 (LOD bias for skeletal meshes.) [0024.29] Log: DetailMode = 3 (Current detail mode; determines whether components of actors should be updated/ ticked.) [0024.29] Log: MemoryDetailMode = 2 (Current detail mode; determines which detail level of assets to load (e.g. cut out variety from sound cues).) [0024.29] Log: MaxDrawDistanceScale = 1 (Scale applied to primitive's MaxDrawDistance.) [0024.29] Log: MaxAnisotropy = 8 (Maximum level of anisotropy used.) [0024.29] Log: bAllowD3D9MSAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0024.29] Log: MinShadowResolution = 64 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0024.29] Log: MinPreShadowResolution = 8 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering preshadow depths.) [0024.29] Log: MaxShadowResolution = 1024 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0024.29] Log: MaxWholeSceneDominantShadowResolution = 1280 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering whole scene shadow depths.) [0024.29] Log: ShadowTexelsPerPixel = 1.3 (The ratio of subject pixels to shadow texels.) [0024.29] Log: bEnableBranchingPCFShadows = FALSE (Toggle Branching PCF implementation for projected shadows.) [0024.29] Log: bAllowWholeSceneDominantShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow whole scene dominant shadows.) [0024.29] Log: bUseConservativeShadowBounds = FALSE (Whether to use safe and conservative shadow frustum creation that wastes some shadowmap space.) [0024.29] Log: bAllowFracturedDamage = TRUE (Whether to allow fractured meshes to take damage.) [0024.29] Log: FractureCullDistanceScale = 1 (Distance scale for whether a fractured static mesh should actually fracture when damaged.) [0024.29] Log: bApexClothingAsyncFetchResults = FALSE (If TRUE, allow APEX skinning to occur without blocking fetch results. bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch must be enabled for this to work.) [0024.29] Log: Current preference system settings: [0024.29] Log: UseVsync = FALSE (Whether to use VSync or not.) [0024.29] Log: Fullscreen = TRUE (Fullscreen.) [0024.29] Log: ResX = 800 (Screen X resolution.) [0024.29] Log: ResY = 600 (Screen Y resolution.) [0024.29] Log: Current debug system settings: [0024.29] Log: DynamicLights = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic lights.) [0024.29] Log: CompositeDynamicLights = TRUE (Whether to composte dynamic lights into light environments.) [0024.29] Log: DirectionalLightmaps = TRUE (Whether to allow directional lightmaps, which use the material's normal and specular.) [0024.29] Log: SpeedTreeLeaves = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree leaves.) [0024.29] Log: SpeedTreeFronds = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree fronds.) [0024.29] Log: OnlyStreamInTextures = FALSE (If enabled, texture will only be streamed in, not out.) [0024.29] Log: OneFrameThreadLag = TRUE (Whether to allow the rendering thread to lag one frame behind the game thread.) [0024.29] Log: UpscaleScreenPercentage = TRUE (Whether to upscale the screen to take up the full front buffer.) [0024.29] Log: AllowOpenGL = FALSE (Whether to use OpenGL when it's available.) [0024.29] Log: AllowSubsurfaceScattering = TRUE (Whether to allow sub-surface scattering to render.) [0024.29] Log: AllowImageReflections = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to render.) [0024.29] Log: AllowImageReflectionShadowing = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to be shadowed.) [0024.29] Log: ParticleLODBias = 1 (LOD bias for particle systems.) [0024.29] Log: MaxMultiSamples = 0 (The maximum number of MSAA samples to use.) [0024.29] Log: bAllowTemporalAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0024.29] Log: TemporalAA_MinDepth = 500 (UKNOWN) [0024.29] Log: TemporalAA_StartDepthVelocityScale = 100 (UKNOWN) [0024.29] Log: ScreenPercentage = 100 (Percentage of screen main view should take up.) [0024.29] Log: MobileOcclusionQueries = FALSE (Whether to allow occlusion queries on mobile.) [0024.29] Log: MobileGlobalGammaCorrection = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0024.29] Log: MobileAllowGammaCorrectionWorldOverride = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0024.29] Log: MobileAllowDepthPrePass = FALSE (Whether to enable a rendering depth pre-pass on mobile.) [0024.29] Log: MobileGfxGammaCorrection = FALSE (Whether to include gamma correction in the scaleform shaders.) [0024.29] Log: MobileSceneDepthResolveForShadows = TRUE (UNKNOWN.) [0024.29] Log: MobileUsePreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to use preprocessed shaders on mobile.) [0024.29] Log: MobileFlashRedForUncachedShaders = FALSE (Whether to flash the screen red (non-final release only) when a cached shader is not found at runtime.) [0024.29] Log: MobileWarmUpPreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to issue a 'warm-up' draw call for mobile shaders as they are compiled.) [0024.29] Log: MobileCachePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to dump out preprocessed shaders for mobile as they are encountered/compiled.) [0024.29] Log: MobileProfilePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to run dumped out preprocessed shaders through the shader profiler.) [0024.29] Log: MobileUseCPreprocessorOnShaders = TRUE (Whether to run the C preprocessor on shaders.) [0024.29] Log: MobileLoadCPreprocessedShaders = TRUE ( Whether to load the C preprocessed source.) [0024.29] Log: MobileSharePixelShaders = TRUE (Whether to share pixel shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0024.29] Log: MobileShareVertexShaders = TRUE (Whether to share vertex shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0024.29] Log: MobileShareShaderPrograms = TRUE (Whether to share shaders program across multiple unreal shaders.) [0024.29] Log: MobileMaxMemory = 300 (Value (in MB) to declare for maximum mobile memory on this device.) [0024.29] Log: MobileClearDepthBetweenDPG = FALSE (Whether to clear the depth buffer between DPGs.) [0024.29] Log: MobileBoneCount = 75 (The maximum number of bones supported for skinning.) [0024.29] Log: MobileBoneWeightCount = 2 (The maximum number of bones influences per vertex supported for skinning.) [0024.29] Log: Current unknown system settings: [0024.29] Log: SHSecondaryLighting = TRUE (Whether to allow light environments to use SH lights for secondary lighting.) [0024.29] Log: MotionBlurPause = TRUE (Whether to allow motion blur to be paused.) [0024.29] Log: MotionBlurSkinning = 1 (State of the console variable MotionBlurSkinning.) [0024.29] Log: FilteredDistortion = TRUE (Whether to allow distortion to use bilinear filtering when sampling the scene color during its apply pass.) [0024.29] Log: bAllowDownsampledTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to allow downsampled transluency.) [0024.29] Log: FogVolumes = TRUE (Whether to allow fog volumes.) [0024.29] Log: FloatingPointRenderTargets = TRUE (Whether to allow floating point render targets to be used.) [0024.29] Log: ShadowFilterQualityBias = 1 (Quality bias for projected shadow buffer filtering. Higher values use better quality filtering.) [0024.29] Log: ShadowFadeResolution = 128 (Resolution in texel below which shadows are faded out.) [0024.29] Log: PreShadowFadeResolution = 16 (Resolution in texel below which preshadows are faded out.) [0024.29] Log: ShadowFadeExponent = 0.25 (Controls the rate at which shadows are faded out.) [0024.29] Log: SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier = 1 (Scene capture streaming texture update distance scalar.) [0024.29] Log: PreShadowResolutionFactor = 0.5 (UKNOWN) [0024.29] Log: bAllowHardwareShadowFiltering = FALSE (Whether to allow hardware filtering optimizations like hardware PCF and Fetch4.) [0024.29] Log: TessellationAdaptivePixelsPerTriangle = 48 (Global tessellation factor multiplier.) [0024.29] Log: bEnableForegroundShadowsOnWorld = FALSE (hack to allow for foreground DPG objects to cast shadows on the world DPG.) [0024.29] Log: bEnableForegroundSelfShadowing = FALSE (Whether to allow foreground DPG self-shadowing.) [0024.29] Log: ShadowFilterRadius = 2 (Radius, in shadowmap texels, of the filter disk.) [0024.29] Log: ShadowDepthBias = 0.012 (Depth bias that is applied in the depth pass for all types of projected shadows except VSM.) [0024.29] Log: PerObjectShadowTransition = 60 (Higher values make the per object soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0024.29] Log: PerSceneShadowTransition = 600 (Higher values make the per scene soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0024.29] Log: CSMSplitPenumbraScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the penumbra size of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0024.29] Log: CSMSplitSoftTransitionDistanceScale = 4 (Scale applied to the soft comparison transition distance of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0024.29] Log: CSMSplitDepthBiasScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the depth bias of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0024.29] Log: CSMMinimumFOV = 40 (Minimum camera FOV for CSM, this is used to prevent shadow shimmering when animating the FOV lower than the min, for example when zooming.) [0024.29] Log: CSMFOVRoundFactor = 4 (The FOV will be rounded by this factor for the purposes of CSM, which turns shadow shimmering into discrete jumps.) [0024.29] Log: UnbuiltWholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius = 20000 (WholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0024.29] Log: UnbuiltNumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades = 3 (NumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0024.29] Log: WholeSceneShadowUnbuiltInteractionThreshold = 50 (How many unbuilt light-primitive interactions there can be for a light before the light switches to whole scene shadows.) [0024.29] Log: NumFracturedPartsScale = 1 (Scales the game-specific number of fractured physics objects allowed.) [0024.29] Log: FractureDirectSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged directly. [0-1]) [0024.29] Log: FractureRadialSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged by radial blast. [0-1]) [0024.29] Log: bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts = FALSE (Whether to force CPU access to GPU skinned vertex data.) [0024.29] Log: bDisableSkeletalInstanceWeights = FALSE (Whether to disable instanced skeletal weights.) [0024.29] Log: HighPrecisionGBuffers = FALSE (Whether to use high-precision GBuffers.) [0024.29] Log: AllowSecondaryDisplays = FALSE (Whether to allow independent, external displays.) [0024.29] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumWidth = 1280 (The maximum width of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0024.29] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumHeight = 720 (The maximum height of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0024.29] Log: StatFontScaleFactor = 1 (The default stat font scale to use) [0024.29] Log: AudioDecompressionBufferSize = 6144 (Decompression buffer size per sound source.) [0024.29] Log: AudioCompressionCookCutoff = 49152 (Cutoff in bytes for keeping audio data uncompressed during cook.) [0024.29] Log: AudioCompressionLoadCutoff = 98304 (Cutoff in bytes for fully decompressing audio data on load.) [0024.29] Log: MobileVertexScratchBufferSize = 150 (The size of the scratch buffer for vertices (in kB).) [0024.29] Log: MobileIndexScratchBufferSize = 10 (The size of the scratch buffer for indices (in kB).) [0024.29] Log: MobileShadowTextureResolution = 1120 (UNKNOWN.) [0024.29] Log: MobileBloomMultiplier = 1 (MobileBloomMultiplier default 1.) [0024.29] Log: MobileTiltShiftPosition = 0.5 (Position of the focused center of the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0024.29] Log: MobileTiltShiftFocusWidth = 0.3 (Width of focused area in the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0024.29] Log: MobileTiltShiftTransitionWidth = 0.5 (Width of transition area in the tilt shift effect, where it transitions from full focus to full blur (in percent of the screen height).) [0024.29] Log: MobileLightShaftScale = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0024.29] Log: MobileLightShaftFirstPass = 0.5 (UNKNOWN.) [0024.29] Log: MobileLightShaftSecondPass = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0024.29] Log: MobileMaxShadowRange = 500 (UNKNOWN.) [0024.29] Log: MobileLandscapeLodBias = 0 (LOD bias for mobile landscape rendering on this device (in addition to any per-landscape bias set).) [0024.29] Log: MobileUseShaderGroupForStartupObjects = FALSE (Whether to automatically put cooked startup objects in the StartupPackages shader group) [0024.29] Log: MobileMinimizeFogShaders = FALSE (Whether to disable generating both fog shader permutations on mobile. When TRUE, it decreases load times but increases GPU cost for materials/levels with fog enabled) [0024.29] Log: ShowSpinnerOnLoadScreen = TRUE (Whether to show the Apple loading spinner graphic over load screen images.) [0024.29] Log: ApexLODResourceBudget = 1e+021 (Resource budget for APEX LOD. Higher values indicate the system can handle more APEX load.) [0024.29] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkIslandCount = 2500 (The maximum number of active PhysX actors which represent dynamic groups of chunks (islands).) [0024.29] Log: ApexDestructionMaxShapeCount = 0 (The maximum number of PhysX shapes which represent destructible chunks.) [0024.29] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkSeparationLOD = 1 (Every destructible asset defines a min and max lifetime, and maximum separation distance for its chunks.) [0024.29] Log: ApexDestructionMaxFracturesProcessedPerFrame = -1 (Lets the user throttle the number of fractures processed per frame (per scene) due to destruction, as this can be quite costly. The default is 0xffffffff (unlimited).) [0024.29] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 8.40779e-044 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames. This is used in Clothing when bAllowAdaptiveTargetFrequency is enabled.) [0024.29] Log: ApexDestructionSortByBenefit = TRUE (If set to true, destructible chunks with the lowest benefit would get removed first instead of the oldest.) [0024.29] Log: ApexGRBEnable = FALSE (Whether or not to use GPU Rigid Bodies.) [0024.29] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemSceneSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB scene data (shapes, actors etc).) [0024.29] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemTempDataSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB temporary data (broadphase pairs, contacts etc).) [0024.29] Log: ApexGRBMeshCellSize = 7.5 (The size of the cells to divide the world into for GPU collision detection.) [0024.29] Log: ApexGRBNonPenSolverPosIterCount = 9 (Number of non-penetration solver iterations.) [0024.29] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverPosIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver position iterations.) [0024.29] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverVelIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver velocity iterations.) [0024.29] Log: ApexGRBSkinWidth = 0.025 (Collision skin width, as in PhysX.) [0024.29] Log: ApexGRBMaxLinearAcceleration = 1e+006 (Maximum linear acceleration.) [0024.29] Log: bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch = TRUE (If TRUE, allow APEX clothing fetch (skinning etc) to be done on multiple threads.) [0024.29] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 60 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames.) [0024.29] Log: ApexClothingAllowAsyncCooking = TRUE (ClothingActors will cook in a background thread to speed up creation time.) [0024.29] Log: ApexClothingAllowApexWorkBetweenSubsteps = FALSE (Allow APEX SDK to interpolate clothing matrices between the substeps.) [0024.29] Log: ApexDestructionMaxActorCreatesPerFrame = -1 (UNKNOWN.) [0024.31] Log: Listing all sound classes. [0024.31] Log: Class 'Item' has 27 resident sounds taking 2683.08 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 8.89 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'Vehicle' has 109 resident sounds taking 34860.05 kb, and 9 real time sounds taking 616.84 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'Weapon' has 251 resident sounds taking 67864.17 kb, and 5 real time sounds taking 383.05 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'SFX' has 32 resident sounds taking 6574.28 kb, and 9 real time sounds taking 390.46 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'Character' has 181 resident sounds taking 8670.41 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'None' has 5 resident sounds taking 3459.30 kb, and 5 real time sounds taking 637.02 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'UI' has 24 resident sounds taking 1480.30 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'Announcer_UI' has 21 resident sounds taking 2925.05 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'Music' has 0 resident sounds taking 0.00 kb, and 24 real time sounds taking 49002.55 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'Announcer' has 60 resident sounds taking 19414.13 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'WeaponBulletEffects' has 24 resident sounds taking 731.49 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 150.46 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'MovieVoice' has 1 resident sounds taking 28.10 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'MovieEffects' has 1 resident sounds taking 213.73 kb, and 4 real time sounds taking 378.98 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'Cinematic' has 4 resident sounds taking 1078.99 kb, and 2 real time sounds taking 498.94 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'Ambient' has 3 resident sounds taking 840.42 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'Dialog' has 4 resident sounds taking 278.99 kb [0024.31] Log: Class 'UnGrouped' has 562 resident sounds taking 67239.39 kb, and 108 real time sounds taking 2419.38 kb [0024.31] Log: 1477 total sounds in 17 classes [0024.31] ScriptLog: MusicComp.CurrentVolume? 0.0000 [0024.31] ScriptLog: Rx_HUD::Jukebox AutoPlay music disabled by map. [0024.35] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0024.35] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0024.53] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Font None.Wingdings': Failed to find object 'Font None.Wingdings' [0024.54] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0024.54] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0024.56] Rx: PLAYERHWID;playerGDI,256,HIHIHIhwid9A84FB5800007109 [0024.56] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 2.903834 seconds [0024.56] Log: Flushing async loaders. [0031.03] Log: Flushed async loaders. [0031.03] Init: Game engine initialized [0031.03] Log: Initializing Engine Completed [0040.60] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 40.60s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [0040.62] Log: Current scalability system settings: [0040.62] Log: StaticDecals = FALSE (Whether to allow static decals.) [0040.62] Log: DynamicDecals = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic decals.) [0040.62] Log: UnbatchedDecals = TRUE (Whether to allow decals that have not been placed in static draw lists and have dynamic view relevance.) [0040.62] Log: DecalCullDistanceScale = 1 (Scale factor for distance culling decals.) [0040.62] Log: DynamicShadows = FALSE (Whether to allow dynamic shadows.) [0040.62] Log: LightEnvironmentShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic light environments to cast shadows.) [0040.62] Log: MotionBlur = FALSE (Whether to allow motion blur.) [0040.62] Log: DepthOfField = TRUE (Whether to allow depth of field.) [0040.62] Log: AmbientOcclusion = FALSE (Whether to allow ambient occlusion.) [0040.62] Log: Bloom = TRUE (Whether to allow bloom.) [0040.62] Log: bAllowLightShafts = TRUE (Whether to allow light shafts.) [0040.62] Log: Distortion = TRUE (Whether to allow distortion.) [0040.62] Log: DropParticleDistortion = FALSE (Whether to allow dropping distortion on particles based on WorldInfo::bDropDetail.) [0040.62] Log: AllowDistortionAndColorInSameMaterial = TRUE (Disabling this is an optimization, and only renders distortion during the distortion pass.) [0040.62] Log: LensFlares = TRUE (Whether to allow rendering of LensFlares.) [0040.62] Log: AllowRadialBlur = TRUE (Whether to allow radial blur effects to render.) [0040.62] Log: bAllowSeparateTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to keep separate translucency (for better Depth of Field), experimental.) [0040.62] Log: bAllowPostprocessMLAA = FALSE (Whether to allow post process MLAA to render. requires extra memory.) [0040.62] Log: bAllowHighQualityMaterials = TRUE (Whether to use high quality materials when low quality exist.) [0040.62] Log: MaxFilterBlurSampleCount = 16 (Max filter sample count.) [0040.62] Log: SkeletalMeshLODBias = 1 (LOD bias for skeletal meshes.) [0040.62] Log: DetailMode = 3 (Current detail mode; determines whether components of actors should be updated/ ticked.) [0040.62] Log: MemoryDetailMode = 2 (Current detail mode; determines which detail level of assets to load (e.g. cut out variety from sound cues).) [0040.62] Log: MaxDrawDistanceScale = 1 (Scale applied to primitive's MaxDrawDistance.) [0040.62] Log: MaxAnisotropy = 8 (Maximum level of anisotropy used.) [0040.62] Log: bAllowD3D9MSAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0040.62] Log: MinShadowResolution = 64 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0040.62] Log: MinPreShadowResolution = 8 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering preshadow depths.) [0040.62] Log: MaxShadowResolution = 1024 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0040.62] Log: MaxWholeSceneDominantShadowResolution = 1280 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering whole scene shadow depths.) [0040.62] Log: ShadowTexelsPerPixel = 1.3 (The ratio of subject pixels to shadow texels.) [0040.62] Log: bEnableBranchingPCFShadows = FALSE (Toggle Branching PCF implementation for projected shadows.) [0040.62] Log: bAllowWholeSceneDominantShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow whole scene dominant shadows.) [0040.63] Log: bUseConservativeShadowBounds = FALSE (Whether to use safe and conservative shadow frustum creation that wastes some shadowmap space.) [0040.63] Log: bAllowFracturedDamage = TRUE (Whether to allow fractured meshes to take damage.) [0040.63] Log: FractureCullDistanceScale = 1 (Distance scale for whether a fractured static mesh should actually fracture when damaged.) [0040.63] Log: bApexClothingAsyncFetchResults = FALSE (If TRUE, allow APEX skinning to occur without blocking fetch results. bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch must be enabled for this to work.) [0040.63] Log: Current preference system settings: [0040.63] Log: UseVsync = FALSE (Whether to use VSync or not.) [0040.63] Log: Fullscreen = TRUE (Fullscreen.) [0040.63] Log: ResX = 800 (Screen X resolution.) [0040.63] Log: ResY = 600 (Screen Y resolution.) [0040.63] Log: Current debug system settings: [0040.63] Log: DynamicLights = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic lights.) [0040.63] Log: CompositeDynamicLights = TRUE (Whether to composte dynamic lights into light environments.) [0040.63] Log: DirectionalLightmaps = TRUE (Whether to allow directional lightmaps, which use the material's normal and specular.) [0040.63] Log: SpeedTreeLeaves = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree leaves.) [0040.63] Log: SpeedTreeFronds = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree fronds.) [0040.63] Log: OnlyStreamInTextures = FALSE (If enabled, texture will only be streamed in, not out.) [0040.63] Log: OneFrameThreadLag = TRUE (Whether to allow the rendering thread to lag one frame behind the game thread.) [0040.63] Log: UpscaleScreenPercentage = TRUE (Whether to upscale the screen to take up the full front buffer.) [0040.63] Log: AllowOpenGL = FALSE (Whether to use OpenGL when it's available.) [0040.63] Log: AllowSubsurfaceScattering = TRUE (Whether to allow sub-surface scattering to render.) [0040.63] Log: AllowImageReflections = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to render.) [0040.63] Log: AllowImageReflectionShadowing = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to be shadowed.) [0040.63] Log: ParticleLODBias = 1 (LOD bias for particle systems.) [0040.63] Log: MaxMultiSamples = 0 (The maximum number of MSAA samples to use.) [0040.63] Log: bAllowTemporalAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0040.63] Log: TemporalAA_MinDepth = 500 (UKNOWN) [0040.63] Log: TemporalAA_StartDepthVelocityScale = 100 (UKNOWN) [0040.63] Log: ScreenPercentage = 100 (Percentage of screen main view should take up.) [0040.63] Log: MobileOcclusionQueries = FALSE (Whether to allow occlusion queries on mobile.) [0040.63] Log: MobileGlobalGammaCorrection = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0040.63] Log: MobileAllowGammaCorrectionWorldOverride = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0040.63] Log: MobileAllowDepthPrePass = FALSE (Whether to enable a rendering depth pre-pass on mobile.) [0040.63] Log: MobileGfxGammaCorrection = FALSE (Whether to include gamma correction in the scaleform shaders.) [0040.63] Log: MobileSceneDepthResolveForShadows = TRUE (UNKNOWN.) [0040.63] Log: MobileUsePreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to use preprocessed shaders on mobile.) [0040.63] Log: MobileFlashRedForUncachedShaders = FALSE (Whether to flash the screen red (non-final release only) when a cached shader is not found at runtime.) [0040.63] Log: MobileWarmUpPreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to issue a 'warm-up' draw call for mobile shaders as they are compiled.) [0040.63] Log: MobileCachePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to dump out preprocessed shaders for mobile as they are encountered/compiled.) [0040.63] Log: MobileProfilePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to run dumped out preprocessed shaders through the shader profiler.) [0040.63] Log: MobileUseCPreprocessorOnShaders = TRUE (Whether to run the C preprocessor on shaders.) [0040.63] Log: MobileLoadCPreprocessedShaders = TRUE ( Whether to load the C preprocessed source.) [0040.63] Log: MobileSharePixelShaders = TRUE (Whether to share pixel shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0040.63] Log: MobileShareVertexShaders = TRUE (Whether to share vertex shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0040.63] Log: MobileShareShaderPrograms = TRUE (Whether to share shaders program across multiple unreal shaders.) [0040.63] Log: MobileMaxMemory = 300 (Value (in MB) to declare for maximum mobile memory on this device.) [0040.63] Log: MobileClearDepthBetweenDPG = FALSE (Whether to clear the depth buffer between DPGs.) [0040.63] Log: MobileBoneCount = 75 (The maximum number of bones supported for skinning.) [0040.63] Log: MobileBoneWeightCount = 2 (The maximum number of bones influences per vertex supported for skinning.) [0040.63] Log: Current unknown system settings: [0040.63] Log: SHSecondaryLighting = TRUE (Whether to allow light environments to use SH lights for secondary lighting.) [0040.63] Log: MotionBlurPause = TRUE (Whether to allow motion blur to be paused.) [0040.63] Log: MotionBlurSkinning = 1 (State of the console variable MotionBlurSkinning.) [0040.63] Log: FilteredDistortion = TRUE (Whether to allow distortion to use bilinear filtering when sampling the scene color during its apply pass.) [0040.63] Log: bAllowDownsampledTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to allow downsampled transluency.) [0040.63] Log: FogVolumes = TRUE (Whether to allow fog volumes.) [0040.63] Log: FloatingPointRenderTargets = TRUE (Whether to allow floating point render targets to be used.) [0040.63] Log: ShadowFilterQualityBias = 1 (Quality bias for projected shadow buffer filtering. Higher values use better quality filtering.) [0040.63] Log: ShadowFadeResolution = 128 (Resolution in texel below which shadows are faded out.) [0040.63] Log: PreShadowFadeResolution = 16 (Resolution in texel below which preshadows are faded out.) [0040.63] Log: ShadowFadeExponent = 0.25 (Controls the rate at which shadows are faded out.) [0040.63] Log: SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier = 1 (Scene capture streaming texture update distance scalar.) [0040.63] Log: PreShadowResolutionFactor = 0.5 (UKNOWN) [0040.63] Log: bAllowHardwareShadowFiltering = FALSE (Whether to allow hardware filtering optimizations like hardware PCF and Fetch4.) [0040.63] Log: TessellationAdaptivePixelsPerTriangle = 48 (Global tessellation factor multiplier.) [0040.63] Log: bEnableForegroundShadowsOnWorld = FALSE (hack to allow for foreground DPG objects to cast shadows on the world DPG.) [0040.63] Log: bEnableForegroundSelfShadowing = FALSE (Whether to allow foreground DPG self-shadowing.) [0040.63] Log: ShadowFilterRadius = 2 (Radius, in shadowmap texels, of the filter disk.) [0040.63] Log: ShadowDepthBias = 0.012 (Depth bias that is applied in the depth pass for all types of projected shadows except VSM.) [0040.63] Log: PerObjectShadowTransition = 60 (Higher values make the per object soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0040.63] Log: PerSceneShadowTransition = 600 (Higher values make the per scene soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0040.63] Log: CSMSplitPenumbraScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the penumbra size of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0040.63] Log: CSMSplitSoftTransitionDistanceScale = 4 (Scale applied to the soft comparison transition distance of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0040.63] Log: CSMSplitDepthBiasScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the depth bias of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0040.63] Log: CSMMinimumFOV = 40 (Minimum camera FOV for CSM, this is used to prevent shadow shimmering when animating the FOV lower than the min, for example when zooming.) [0040.63] Log: CSMFOVRoundFactor = 4 (The FOV will be rounded by this factor for the purposes of CSM, which turns shadow shimmering into discrete jumps.) [0040.63] Log: UnbuiltWholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius = 20000 (WholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0040.63] Log: UnbuiltNumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades = 3 (NumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0040.63] Log: WholeSceneShadowUnbuiltInteractionThreshold = 50 (How many unbuilt light-primitive interactions there can be for a light before the light switches to whole scene shadows.) [0040.63] Log: NumFracturedPartsScale = 1 (Scales the game-specific number of fractured physics objects allowed.) [0040.63] Log: FractureDirectSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged directly. [0-1]) [0040.63] Log: FractureRadialSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged by radial blast. [0-1]) [0040.63] Log: bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts = FALSE (Whether to force CPU access to GPU skinned vertex data.) [0040.63] Log: bDisableSkeletalInstanceWeights = FALSE (Whether to disable instanced skeletal weights.) [0040.63] Log: HighPrecisionGBuffers = FALSE (Whether to use high-precision GBuffers.) [0040.63] Log: AllowSecondaryDisplays = FALSE (Whether to allow independent, external displays.) [0040.63] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumWidth = 1280 (The maximum width of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0040.63] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumHeight = 720 (The maximum height of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0040.63] Log: StatFontScaleFactor = 1 (The default stat font scale to use) [0040.63] Log: AudioDecompressionBufferSize = 6144 (Decompression buffer size per sound source.) [0040.63] Log: AudioCompressionCookCutoff = 49152 (Cutoff in bytes for keeping audio data uncompressed during cook.) [0040.63] Log: AudioCompressionLoadCutoff = 98304 (Cutoff in bytes for fully decompressing audio data on load.) [0040.63] Log: MobileVertexScratchBufferSize = 150 (The size of the scratch buffer for vertices (in kB).) [0040.63] Log: MobileIndexScratchBufferSize = 10 (The size of the scratch buffer for indices (in kB).) [0040.63] Log: MobileShadowTextureResolution = 1120 (UNKNOWN.) [0040.63] Log: MobileBloomMultiplier = 1 (MobileBloomMultiplier default 1.) [0040.63] Log: MobileTiltShiftPosition = 0.5 (Position of the focused center of the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0040.63] Log: MobileTiltShiftFocusWidth = 0.3 (Width of focused area in the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0040.63] Log: MobileTiltShiftTransitionWidth = 0.5 (Width of transition area in the tilt shift effect, where it transitions from full focus to full blur (in percent of the screen height).) [0040.63] Log: MobileLightShaftScale = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0040.63] Log: MobileLightShaftFirstPass = 0.5 (UNKNOWN.) [0040.63] Log: MobileLightShaftSecondPass = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0040.63] Log: MobileMaxShadowRange = 500 (UNKNOWN.) [0040.63] Log: MobileLandscapeLodBias = 0 (LOD bias for mobile landscape rendering on this device (in addition to any per-landscape bias set).) [0040.63] Log: MobileUseShaderGroupForStartupObjects = FALSE (Whether to automatically put cooked startup objects in the StartupPackages shader group) [0040.63] Log: MobileMinimizeFogShaders = FALSE (Whether to disable generating both fog shader permutations on mobile. When TRUE, it decreases load times but increases GPU cost for materials/levels with fog enabled) [0040.63] Log: ShowSpinnerOnLoadScreen = TRUE (Whether to show the Apple loading spinner graphic over load screen images.) [0040.63] Log: ApexLODResourceBudget = 1e+021 (Resource budget for APEX LOD. Higher values indicate the system can handle more APEX load.) [0040.63] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkIslandCount = 2500 (The maximum number of active PhysX actors which represent dynamic groups of chunks (islands).) [0040.63] Log: ApexDestructionMaxShapeCount = 0 (The maximum number of PhysX shapes which represent destructible chunks.) [0040.63] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkSeparationLOD = 1 (Every destructible asset defines a min and max lifetime, and maximum separation distance for its chunks.) [0040.63] Log: ApexDestructionMaxFracturesProcessedPerFrame = -1 (Lets the user throttle the number of fractures processed per frame (per scene) due to destruction, as this can be quite costly. The default is 0xffffffff (unlimited).) [0040.63] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 8.40779e-044 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames. This is used in Clothing when bAllowAdaptiveTargetFrequency is enabled.) [0040.63] Log: ApexDestructionSortByBenefit = TRUE (If set to true, destructible chunks with the lowest benefit would get removed first instead of the oldest.) [0040.63] Log: ApexGRBEnable = FALSE (Whether or not to use GPU Rigid Bodies.) [0040.63] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemSceneSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB scene data (shapes, actors etc).) [0040.63] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemTempDataSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB temporary data (broadphase pairs, contacts etc).) [0040.63] Log: ApexGRBMeshCellSize = 7.5 (The size of the cells to divide the world into for GPU collision detection.) [0040.63] Log: ApexGRBNonPenSolverPosIterCount = 9 (Number of non-penetration solver iterations.) [0040.63] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverPosIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver position iterations.) [0040.63] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverVelIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver velocity iterations.) [0040.63] Log: ApexGRBSkinWidth = 0.025 (Collision skin width, as in PhysX.) [0040.63] Log: ApexGRBMaxLinearAcceleration = 1e+006 (Maximum linear acceleration.) [0040.63] Log: bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch = TRUE (If TRUE, allow APEX clothing fetch (skinning etc) to be done on multiple threads.) [0040.63] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 60 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames.) [0040.63] Log: ApexClothingAllowAsyncCooking = TRUE (ClothingActors will cook in a background thread to speed up creation time.) [0040.63] Log: ApexClothingAllowApexWorkBetweenSubsteps = FALSE (Allow APEX SDK to interpolate clothing matrices between the substeps.) [0040.63] Log: ApexDestructionMaxActorCreatesPerFrame = -1 (UNKNOWN.) [0040.64] Log: Listing all sound classes. [0040.64] Log: Class 'Item' has 27 resident sounds taking 2683.08 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 8.89 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'Vehicle' has 109 resident sounds taking 34860.05 kb, and 9 real time sounds taking 616.84 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'Weapon' has 252 resident sounds taking 67931.59 kb, and 5 real time sounds taking 383.05 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'SFX' has 32 resident sounds taking 6574.28 kb, and 9 real time sounds taking 390.46 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'Character' has 181 resident sounds taking 8670.41 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'None' has 5 resident sounds taking 3459.30 kb, and 5 real time sounds taking 637.02 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'UI' has 24 resident sounds taking 1480.30 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'Announcer_UI' has 21 resident sounds taking 2925.05 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'Music' has 0 resident sounds taking 0.00 kb, and 24 real time sounds taking 49002.55 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'Announcer' has 60 resident sounds taking 19414.13 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'WeaponBulletEffects' has 24 resident sounds taking 731.49 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 150.46 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'MovieVoice' has 1 resident sounds taking 28.10 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'MovieEffects' has 1 resident sounds taking 213.73 kb, and 4 real time sounds taking 378.98 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'Cinematic' has 4 resident sounds taking 1078.99 kb, and 2 real time sounds taking 498.94 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'Ambient' has 3 resident sounds taking 840.42 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'Dialog' has 4 resident sounds taking 278.99 kb [0040.64] Log: Class 'UnGrouped' has 601 resident sounds taking 78792.40 kb, and 110 real time sounds taking 2599.97 kb [0040.64] Log: 1519 total sounds in 17 classes [0040.66] Log: Bool AmbientOcclusion set to 0 [0041.03] Log: BloomThreshold = 0.8 [0041.03] ScriptLog: MusicComp.CurrentVolume? 0.0000 [0041.08] GFxUI: Rx_GFxFrontEnd::Loading SkirmishView [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Arctic Stronghold [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Canyon [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Cliff Side [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Complex [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Crash Site [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Daybreak [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Dust [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Eyes [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Field [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Field X [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Forest [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Forest Night [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Frostbite [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Gobi [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Goldrush [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Islands [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Lakeside [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Mesa [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Outposts [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Paradise [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Prototype [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Reservoir [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Sahara [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Snow [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Snow X [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Storm [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Sunrise [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Tomb [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Tunnels [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Twilight [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Under [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Uphill [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Valley [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Volcano [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Walls [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Whiteout [0041.13] ScriptLog: Name - Xmountain [0041.14] GFxUI: Rx_GFxFrontEnd::Loading MultiplayerView [0041.34] GFxUI: Rx_GFxFrontEnd::Loading SettingsView [0041.34] Log: DumpAvailableResolutions [0041.34] Log: 320x200 [0041.34] Log: 320x200 [0041.34] Log: 320x200 [0041.34] Log: 320x240 [0041.34] Log: 320x240 [0041.34] Log: 320x240 [0041.34] Log: 400x300 [0041.34] Log: 400x300 [0041.34] Log: 400x300 [0041.34] Log: 512x384 [0041.34] Log: 512x384 [0041.34] Log: 512x384 [0041.34] Log: 640x400 [0041.34] Log: 640x400 [0041.34] Log: 640x400 [0041.34] Log: 640x480 [0041.34] Log: 640x480 [0041.34] Log: 640x480 [0041.34] Log: 640x480 [0041.34] Log: 720x480 [0041.34] Log: 720x480 [0041.34] Log: 720x480 [0041.34] Log: 720x480 [0041.34] Log: 720x480 [0041.34] Log: 720x576 [0041.34] Log: 720x576 [0041.34] Log: 720x576 [0041.34] Log: 720x576 [0041.34] Log: 800x600 [0041.34] Log: 800x600 [0041.34] Log: 800x600 [0041.34] Log: 800x600 [0041.34] Log: 1024x768 [0041.34] Log: 1024x768 [0041.34] Log: 1024x768 [0041.34] Log: 1024x768 [0041.34] Log: 1152x864 [0041.34] Log: 1152x864 [0041.34] Log: 1152x864 [0041.34] Log: 1152x864 [0041.34] Log: 1280x600 [0041.34] Log: 1280x600 [0041.34] Log: 1280x600 [0041.34] Log: 1280x720 [0041.34] Log: 1280x720 [0041.34] Log: 1280x720 [0041.34] Log: 1280x768 [0041.34] Log: 1280x768 [0041.34] Log: 1280x768 [0041.34] Log: 1280x800 [0041.34] Log: 1280x800 [0041.34] Log: 1280x800 [0041.34] Log: 1280x960 [0041.34] Log: 1280x960 [0041.34] Log: 1280x960 [0041.34] Log: 1280x1024 [0041.34] Log: 1280x1024 [0041.34] Log: 1280x1024 [0041.34] Log: 1280x1024 [0041.34] Log: 1360x768 [0041.34] Log: 1360x768 [0041.34] Log: 1360x768 [0041.34] Log: 1366x768 [0041.34] Log: 1366x768 [0041.34] Log: 1366x768 [0041.34] Log: 1400x1050 [0041.34] Log: 1400x1050 [0041.34] Log: 1400x1050 [0041.34] Log: 1440x900 [0041.34] Log: 1440x900 [0041.34] Log: 1440x900 [0041.34] Log: 1600x900 [0041.34] Log: 1600x900 [0041.34] Log: 1600x900 [0041.34] Log: 1680x1050 [0041.34] Log: 1680x1050 [0041.34] Log: 1680x1050 [0041.34] Log: 1920x1080 [0041.34] Log: 1920x1080 [0041.34] Log: 1920x1080 [0041.34] Log: 1920x1080 [0041.34] Log: 1920x1080 [0041.34] Log: 1920x1080 [0041.43] GFxUI: Rx_GFxFrontEnd::Loading ExtrasView [0041.43] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0041.43] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Arctic Stronghold [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Canyon [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Cliff Side [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Complex [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Crash Site [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Daybreak [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Dust [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Eyes [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Field [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Field X [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Forest [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Forest Night [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Frostbite [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Gobi [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Goldrush [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Islands [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Lakeside [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Mesa [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Outposts [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Paradise [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Prototype [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Reservoir [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Sahara [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Snow [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Snow X [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Storm [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Sunrise [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Tomb [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Tunnels [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Twilight [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Under [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Uphill [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Valley [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Volcano [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Walls [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Whiteout [0041.44] ScriptLog: Name - Xmountain [0041.49] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.53] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.53] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.53] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.57] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.59] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.62] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0041.87] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0041.87] DevAudio: UAudioDevice::ApplySoundMode(): Default [0042.47] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0077.02] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0077.38] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0077.49] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0077.49] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0077.49] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0077.91] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0077.96] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0077.96] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0077.98] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0077.98] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0077.98] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0077.98] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.04] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.04] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.04] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.04] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.11] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.11] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.11] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.11] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.35] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.35] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.35] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.35] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.39] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.39] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.39] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.39] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.57] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.57] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.57] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.57] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.78] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.78] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.78] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0078.78] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0079.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0079.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0079.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0079.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0079.70] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0079.71] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0079.71] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0079.71] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0079.75] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0079.75] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0079.75] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0079.75] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0079.97] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0080.06] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0080.12] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0080.77] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0080.77] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0080.87] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0080.88] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0080.88] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0080.88] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0080.88] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0081.06] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0081.06] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0081.17] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0081.21] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0081.47] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0081.76] ScriptLog: mapName Field [0081.76] ScriptLog: mapFileName RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-field [0081.76] ScriptLog: serverName [0081.76] ScriptLog: isFavourites False [0081.76] ScriptLog: isLocked False [0081.76] ScriptLog: isRanked False [0081.76] ScriptLog: serverLocation [0081.76] ScriptLog: serverGameType Unknown Game Type (Open Beta 5.373) [0081.76] ScriptLog: playerCount 10 [0081.76] ScriptLog: botCount 0 [0081.76] ScriptLog: maxPlayers 64 [0081.76] ScriptLog: ping -1 [0081.76] ScriptLog: serverPort 7777 [0081.76] ScriptLog: serverAddress [0081.76] ScriptLog: [Rx_GFxFrontEnd_Multiplayer] : open [0081.76] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0081.77] Init: WinSock: Socket queue 32768 / 32768 [0081.85] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0081.85] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0081.85] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'Rx_Controller RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0082.76] Log: LoadMap: [0082.76] ScriptLog: MusicPlayerOnAudioFinished :: bStopped? False | AC? AudioComponent_4 | SoundCue? SC_MainMenu [0082.78] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE START --- [0082.95] ScriptWarning: Invalid user index (255) specified for ClearReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate() OnlineSubsystemSteamworks Transient.OnlineSubsystemSteamworks_0 Function OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.OnlineSubsystemSteamworks:ClearReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate:00FE [0082.96] ScriptLog: ======================= Rx_HUD ========================= [0082.96] ScriptLog: DamageSystemMovie.bMovieIsOpen? False [0082.96] ScriptLog: HudMovie.bMovieIsOpen? False [0082.96] Rx: GAMESpawn;botNod,b257,Slavic [0082.96] Rx: PLAYERExit;GDI,256,HIHIHI [0094.94] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'RX_VH_SalvagedTank.Sounds.CannonFire'! Referenced by 'RX_VH_LAV.Sounds.cannonfirecue' ('Engine.SoundNodeWave:bLoopingSound'). [0094.94] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'RX_VH_SalvagedTank': Can't find file for package 'RX_VH_SalvagedTank' while loading NULL [0094.94] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'CannonFire': Package RX_VH_SalvagedTank.Sounds [0095.29] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'RX_VH_SalvagedTank.Sounds.CannonFire'! Referenced by 'RX_VH_LAV.Sounds.cannonfirecue:SoundNodeModulator_1' ('Engine.SoundNode:ChildNodes'). [0095.29] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'RX_VH_SalvagedTank': Can't find file for package 'RX_VH_SalvagedTank' while loading NULL [0095.29] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'CannonFire': Package RX_VH_SalvagedTank.Sounds [0095.89] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software. [0095.89] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene. [0096.10] Log: Bringing World CNC-Field.TheWorld up for play (1429) at 2019.03.29-21.02.39 [0096.13] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.373929 [0096.13] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0096.13] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0096.13] Log: PlayerController class for the pending level is PlayerController [0096.13] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 13.366031 seconds [0098.13] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'myHUD' PlayerController CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.PlayerController_0 Function Engine.PlayerController:AdjustHUDRenderSize:000D [0098.13] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'myHUD' PlayerController CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.PlayerController_0 Function Engine.PlayerController:AdjustHUDRenderSize:006F [0098.18] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'myHUD' FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0 Function FPI.FPI_Controller:PostBeginPlay:001D [0098.25] Log: Current scalability system settings: [0098.25] Log: StaticDecals = FALSE (Whether to allow static decals.) [0098.25] Log: DynamicDecals = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic decals.) [0098.25] Log: UnbatchedDecals = TRUE (Whether to allow decals that have not been placed in static draw lists and have dynamic view relevance.) [0098.25] Log: DecalCullDistanceScale = 1 (Scale factor for distance culling decals.) [0098.25] Log: DynamicShadows = FALSE (Whether to allow dynamic shadows.) [0098.25] Log: LightEnvironmentShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic light environments to cast shadows.) [0098.25] Log: MotionBlur = FALSE (Whether to allow motion blur.) [0098.25] Log: DepthOfField = TRUE (Whether to allow depth of field.) [0098.25] Log: AmbientOcclusion = FALSE (Whether to allow ambient occlusion.) [0098.25] Log: Bloom = TRUE (Whether to allow bloom.) [0098.25] Log: bAllowLightShafts = TRUE (Whether to allow light shafts.) [0098.25] Log: Distortion = TRUE (Whether to allow distortion.) [0098.25] Log: DropParticleDistortion = FALSE (Whether to allow dropping distortion on particles based on WorldInfo::bDropDetail.) [0098.25] Log: AllowDistortionAndColorInSameMaterial = TRUE (Disabling this is an optimization, and only renders distortion during the distortion pass.) [0098.25] Log: LensFlares = TRUE (Whether to allow rendering of LensFlares.) [0098.25] Log: AllowRadialBlur = TRUE (Whether to allow radial blur effects to render.) [0098.25] Log: bAllowSeparateTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to keep separate translucency (for better Depth of Field), experimental.) [0098.25] Log: bAllowPostprocessMLAA = FALSE (Whether to allow post process MLAA to render. requires extra memory.) [0098.25] Log: bAllowHighQualityMaterials = TRUE (Whether to use high quality materials when low quality exist.) [0098.25] Log: MaxFilterBlurSampleCount = 16 (Max filter sample count.) [0098.25] Log: SkeletalMeshLODBias = 1 (LOD bias for skeletal meshes.) [0098.25] Log: DetailMode = 3 (Current detail mode; determines whether components of actors should be updated/ ticked.) [0098.25] Log: MemoryDetailMode = 2 (Current detail mode; determines which detail level of assets to load (e.g. cut out variety from sound cues).) [0098.25] Log: MaxDrawDistanceScale = 1 (Scale applied to primitive's MaxDrawDistance.) [0098.25] Log: MaxAnisotropy = 8 (Maximum level of anisotropy used.) [0098.25] Log: bAllowD3D9MSAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0098.25] Log: MinShadowResolution = 64 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0098.25] Log: MinPreShadowResolution = 8 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering preshadow depths.) [0098.25] Log: MaxShadowResolution = 1024 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0098.25] Log: MaxWholeSceneDominantShadowResolution = 1280 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering whole scene shadow depths.) [0098.25] Log: ShadowTexelsPerPixel = 1.3 (The ratio of subject pixels to shadow texels.) [0098.25] Log: bEnableBranchingPCFShadows = FALSE (Toggle Branching PCF implementation for projected shadows.) [0098.25] Log: bAllowWholeSceneDominantShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow whole scene dominant shadows.) [0098.25] Log: bUseConservativeShadowBounds = FALSE (Whether to use safe and conservative shadow frustum creation that wastes some shadowmap space.) [0098.25] Log: bAllowFracturedDamage = TRUE (Whether to allow fractured meshes to take damage.) [0098.25] Log: FractureCullDistanceScale = 1 (Distance scale for whether a fractured static mesh should actually fracture when damaged.) [0098.25] Log: bApexClothingAsyncFetchResults = FALSE (If TRUE, allow APEX skinning to occur without blocking fetch results. bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch must be enabled for this to work.) [0098.25] Log: Current preference system settings: [0098.25] Log: UseVsync = FALSE (Whether to use VSync or not.) [0098.25] Log: Fullscreen = TRUE (Fullscreen.) [0098.25] Log: ResX = 800 (Screen X resolution.) [0098.25] Log: ResY = 600 (Screen Y resolution.) [0098.25] Log: Current debug system settings: [0098.25] Log: DynamicLights = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic lights.) [0098.25] Log: CompositeDynamicLights = TRUE (Whether to composte dynamic lights into light environments.) [0098.25] Log: DirectionalLightmaps = TRUE (Whether to allow directional lightmaps, which use the material's normal and specular.) [0098.25] Log: SpeedTreeLeaves = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree leaves.) [0098.25] Log: SpeedTreeFronds = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree fronds.) [0098.25] Log: OnlyStreamInTextures = FALSE (If enabled, texture will only be streamed in, not out.) [0098.25] Log: OneFrameThreadLag = TRUE (Whether to allow the rendering thread to lag one frame behind the game thread.) [0098.25] Log: UpscaleScreenPercentage = TRUE (Whether to upscale the screen to take up the full front buffer.) [0098.25] Log: AllowOpenGL = FALSE (Whether to use OpenGL when it's available.) [0098.25] Log: AllowSubsurfaceScattering = TRUE (Whether to allow sub-surface scattering to render.) [0098.25] Log: AllowImageReflections = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to render.) [0098.25] Log: AllowImageReflectionShadowing = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to be shadowed.) [0098.25] Log: ParticleLODBias = 1 (LOD bias for particle systems.) [0098.25] Log: MaxMultiSamples = 0 (The maximum number of MSAA samples to use.) [0098.25] Log: bAllowTemporalAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0098.25] Log: TemporalAA_MinDepth = 500 (UKNOWN) [0098.25] Log: TemporalAA_StartDepthVelocityScale = 100 (UKNOWN) [0098.25] Log: ScreenPercentage = 100 (Percentage of screen main view should take up.) [0098.25] Log: MobileOcclusionQueries = FALSE (Whether to allow occlusion queries on mobile.) [0098.25] Log: MobileGlobalGammaCorrection = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0098.25] Log: MobileAllowGammaCorrectionWorldOverride = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0098.25] Log: MobileAllowDepthPrePass = FALSE (Whether to enable a rendering depth pre-pass on mobile.) [0098.25] Log: MobileGfxGammaCorrection = FALSE (Whether to include gamma correction in the scaleform shaders.) [0098.25] Log: MobileSceneDepthResolveForShadows = TRUE (UNKNOWN.) [0098.25] Log: MobileUsePreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to use preprocessed shaders on mobile.) [0098.25] Log: MobileFlashRedForUncachedShaders = FALSE (Whether to flash the screen red (non-final release only) when a cached shader is not found at runtime.) [0098.25] Log: MobileWarmUpPreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to issue a 'warm-up' draw call for mobile shaders as they are compiled.) [0098.25] Log: MobileCachePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to dump out preprocessed shaders for mobile as they are encountered/compiled.) [0098.25] Log: MobileProfilePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to run dumped out preprocessed shaders through the shader profiler.) [0098.25] Log: MobileUseCPreprocessorOnShaders = TRUE (Whether to run the C preprocessor on shaders.) [0098.25] Log: MobileLoadCPreprocessedShaders = TRUE ( Whether to load the C preprocessed source.) [0098.25] Log: MobileSharePixelShaders = TRUE (Whether to share pixel shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0098.25] Log: MobileShareVertexShaders = TRUE (Whether to share vertex shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0098.25] Log: MobileShareShaderPrograms = TRUE (Whether to share shaders program across multiple unreal shaders.) [0098.25] Log: MobileMaxMemory = 300 (Value (in MB) to declare for maximum mobile memory on this device.) [0098.25] Log: MobileClearDepthBetweenDPG = FALSE (Whether to clear the depth buffer between DPGs.) [0098.25] Log: MobileBoneCount = 75 (The maximum number of bones supported for skinning.) [0098.25] Log: MobileBoneWeightCount = 2 (The maximum number of bones influences per vertex supported for skinning.) [0098.25] Log: Current unknown system settings: [0098.25] Log: SHSecondaryLighting = TRUE (Whether to allow light environments to use SH lights for secondary lighting.) [0098.25] Log: MotionBlurPause = TRUE (Whether to allow motion blur to be paused.) [0098.25] Log: MotionBlurSkinning = 1 (State of the console variable MotionBlurSkinning.) [0098.25] Log: FilteredDistortion = TRUE (Whether to allow distortion to use bilinear filtering when sampling the scene color during its apply pass.) [0098.25] Log: bAllowDownsampledTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to allow downsampled transluency.) [0098.25] Log: FogVolumes = TRUE (Whether to allow fog volumes.) [0098.25] Log: FloatingPointRenderTargets = TRUE (Whether to allow floating point render targets to be used.) [0098.25] Log: ShadowFilterQualityBias = 1 (Quality bias for projected shadow buffer filtering. Higher values use better quality filtering.) [0098.25] Log: ShadowFadeResolution = 128 (Resolution in texel below which shadows are faded out.) [0098.25] Log: PreShadowFadeResolution = 16 (Resolution in texel below which preshadows are faded out.) [0098.25] Log: ShadowFadeExponent = 0.25 (Controls the rate at which shadows are faded out.) [0098.25] Log: SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier = 1 (Scene capture streaming texture update distance scalar.) [0098.25] Log: PreShadowResolutionFactor = 0.5 (UKNOWN) [0098.25] Log: bAllowHardwareShadowFiltering = FALSE (Whether to allow hardware filtering optimizations like hardware PCF and Fetch4.) [0098.25] Log: TessellationAdaptivePixelsPerTriangle = 48 (Global tessellation factor multiplier.) [0098.25] Log: bEnableForegroundShadowsOnWorld = FALSE (hack to allow for foreground DPG objects to cast shadows on the world DPG.) [0098.25] Log: bEnableForegroundSelfShadowing = FALSE (Whether to allow foreground DPG self-shadowing.) [0098.25] Log: ShadowFilterRadius = 2 (Radius, in shadowmap texels, of the filter disk.) [0098.25] Log: ShadowDepthBias = 0.012 (Depth bias that is applied in the depth pass for all types of projected shadows except VSM.) [0098.25] Log: PerObjectShadowTransition = 60 (Higher values make the per object soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0098.25] Log: PerSceneShadowTransition = 600 (Higher values make the per scene soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0098.25] Log: CSMSplitPenumbraScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the penumbra size of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0098.25] Log: CSMSplitSoftTransitionDistanceScale = 4 (Scale applied to the soft comparison transition distance of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0098.25] Log: CSMSplitDepthBiasScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the depth bias of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0098.25] Log: CSMMinimumFOV = 40 (Minimum camera FOV for CSM, this is used to prevent shadow shimmering when animating the FOV lower than the min, for example when zooming.) [0098.25] Log: CSMFOVRoundFactor = 4 (The FOV will be rounded by this factor for the purposes of CSM, which turns shadow shimmering into discrete jumps.) [0098.25] Log: UnbuiltWholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius = 20000 (WholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0098.25] Log: UnbuiltNumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades = 3 (NumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0098.25] Log: WholeSceneShadowUnbuiltInteractionThreshold = 50 (How many unbuilt light-primitive interactions there can be for a light before the light switches to whole scene shadows.) [0098.25] Log: NumFracturedPartsScale = 1 (Scales the game-specific number of fractured physics objects allowed.) [0098.25] Log: FractureDirectSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged directly. [0-1]) [0098.25] Log: FractureRadialSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged by radial blast. [0-1]) [0098.25] Log: bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts = FALSE (Whether to force CPU access to GPU skinned vertex data.) [0098.25] Log: bDisableSkeletalInstanceWeights = FALSE (Whether to disable instanced skeletal weights.) [0098.25] Log: HighPrecisionGBuffers = FALSE (Whether to use high-precision GBuffers.) [0098.25] Log: AllowSecondaryDisplays = FALSE (Whether to allow independent, external displays.) [0098.25] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumWidth = 1280 (The maximum width of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0098.25] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumHeight = 720 (The maximum height of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0098.25] Log: StatFontScaleFactor = 1 (The default stat font scale to use) [0098.25] Log: AudioDecompressionBufferSize = 6144 (Decompression buffer size per sound source.) [0098.25] Log: AudioCompressionCookCutoff = 49152 (Cutoff in bytes for keeping audio data uncompressed during cook.) [0098.25] Log: AudioCompressionLoadCutoff = 98304 (Cutoff in bytes for fully decompressing audio data on load.) [0098.25] Log: MobileVertexScratchBufferSize = 150 (The size of the scratch buffer for vertices (in kB).) [0098.25] Log: MobileIndexScratchBufferSize = 10 (The size of the scratch buffer for indices (in kB).) [0098.25] Log: MobileShadowTextureResolution = 1120 (UNKNOWN.) [0098.25] Log: MobileBloomMultiplier = 1 (MobileBloomMultiplier default 1.) [0098.25] Log: MobileTiltShiftPosition = 0.5 (Position of the focused center of the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0098.25] Log: MobileTiltShiftFocusWidth = 0.3 (Width of focused area in the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0098.25] Log: MobileTiltShiftTransitionWidth = 0.5 (Width of transition area in the tilt shift effect, where it transitions from full focus to full blur (in percent of the screen height).) [0098.25] Log: MobileLightShaftScale = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0098.25] Log: MobileLightShaftFirstPass = 0.5 (UNKNOWN.) [0098.25] Log: MobileLightShaftSecondPass = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0098.25] Log: MobileMaxShadowRange = 500 (UNKNOWN.) [0098.25] Log: MobileLandscapeLodBias = 0 (LOD bias for mobile landscape rendering on this device (in addition to any per-landscape bias set).) [0098.25] Log: MobileUseShaderGroupForStartupObjects = FALSE (Whether to automatically put cooked startup objects in the StartupPackages shader group) [0098.25] Log: MobileMinimizeFogShaders = FALSE (Whether to disable generating both fog shader permutations on mobile. When TRUE, it decreases load times but increases GPU cost for materials/levels with fog enabled) [0098.25] Log: ShowSpinnerOnLoadScreen = TRUE (Whether to show the Apple loading spinner graphic over load screen images.) [0098.25] Log: ApexLODResourceBudget = 1e+021 (Resource budget for APEX LOD. Higher values indicate the system can handle more APEX load.) [0098.25] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkIslandCount = 2500 (The maximum number of active PhysX actors which represent dynamic groups of chunks (islands).) [0098.25] Log: ApexDestructionMaxShapeCount = 0 (The maximum number of PhysX shapes which represent destructible chunks.) [0098.25] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkSeparationLOD = 1 (Every destructible asset defines a min and max lifetime, and maximum separation distance for its chunks.) [0098.25] Log: ApexDestructionMaxFracturesProcessedPerFrame = -1 (Lets the user throttle the number of fractures processed per frame (per scene) due to destruction, as this can be quite costly. The default is 0xffffffff (unlimited).) [0098.25] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 8.40779e-044 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames. This is used in Clothing when bAllowAdaptiveTargetFrequency is enabled.) [0098.25] Log: ApexDestructionSortByBenefit = TRUE (If set to true, destructible chunks with the lowest benefit would get removed first instead of the oldest.) [0098.25] Log: ApexGRBEnable = FALSE (Whether or not to use GPU Rigid Bodies.) [0098.25] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemSceneSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB scene data (shapes, actors etc).) [0098.25] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemTempDataSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB temporary data (broadphase pairs, contacts etc).) [0098.25] Log: ApexGRBMeshCellSize = 7.5 (The size of the cells to divide the world into for GPU collision detection.) [0098.25] Log: ApexGRBNonPenSolverPosIterCount = 9 (Number of non-penetration solver iterations.) [0098.25] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverPosIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver position iterations.) [0098.25] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverVelIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver velocity iterations.) [0098.25] Log: ApexGRBSkinWidth = 0.025 (Collision skin width, as in PhysX.) [0098.25] Log: ApexGRBMaxLinearAcceleration = 1e+006 (Maximum linear acceleration.) [0098.25] Log: bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch = TRUE (If TRUE, allow APEX clothing fetch (skinning etc) to be done on multiple threads.) [0098.25] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 60 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames.) [0098.25] Log: ApexClothingAllowAsyncCooking = TRUE (ClothingActors will cook in a background thread to speed up creation time.) [0098.25] Log: ApexClothingAllowApexWorkBetweenSubsteps = FALSE (Allow APEX SDK to interpolate clothing matrices between the substeps.) [0098.25] Log: ApexDestructionMaxActorCreatesPerFrame = -1 (UNKNOWN.) [0098.28] Log: Listing all sound classes. [0098.28] Log: Class 'Item' has 27 resident sounds taking 2683.08 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 8.89 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'Vehicle' has 109 resident sounds taking 34860.05 kb, and 10 real time sounds taking 661.37 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'Weapon' has 260 resident sounds taking 71967.21 kb, and 5 real time sounds taking 383.05 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'SFX' has 32 resident sounds taking 6574.28 kb, and 9 real time sounds taking 390.46 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'Character' has 183 resident sounds taking 8739.23 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'None' has 5 resident sounds taking 3459.30 kb, and 5 real time sounds taking 637.02 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'UI' has 24 resident sounds taking 1480.30 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'Announcer_UI' has 21 resident sounds taking 2925.05 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'Music' has 0 resident sounds taking 0.00 kb, and 23 real time sounds taking 47214.76 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'Announcer' has 60 resident sounds taking 19414.13 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'WeaponBulletEffects' has 24 resident sounds taking 731.49 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 150.46 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'MovieVoice' has 1 resident sounds taking 28.10 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'Cinematic' has 5 resident sounds taking 1292.72 kb, and 5 real time sounds taking 737.72 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'MovieEffects' has 0 resident sounds taking 0.00 kb, and 2 real time sounds taking 336.30 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'Ambient' has 32 resident sounds taking 14683.14 kb, and 22 real time sounds taking 2865.60 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'Dialog' has 4 resident sounds taking 278.99 kb [0098.28] Log: Class 'UnGrouped' has 580 resident sounds taking 76970.73 kb, and 113 real time sounds taking 2765.69 kb [0098.28] Log: 1563 total sounds in 17 classes [0098.28] ScriptLog: MusicComp.CurrentVolume? 0.0000 [0098.28] ScriptLog: Rx_HUD::Jukebox SystemSettingsHandler.bAutostartMusic:'True' [0098.29] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0098.29] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0098.36] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Font None.Wingdings': Failed to find object 'Font None.Wingdings' [0098.39] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0098.39] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0098.41] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo' Rx_GFxHud Transient.Rx_GFxHud_1 Function RenX_Game.Rx_GFxHud:HideLoadingBar:002A [0098.42] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo' Rx_GFxHud Transient.Rx_GFxHud_1 Function RenX_Game.Rx_GFxHud:DisableHUDItems:0193 [0098.42] Error: StopLocalVoiceProcessing: Ignoring stop request for non-owning user [0098.44] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'TopHalfAnimSlot' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_1 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:ReplicatedEvent:0125 [0098.48] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'TopHalfAnimSlot' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_10 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:ReplicatedEvent:0125 [0098.50] ScriptLog: CLIENT - PlayDestructionAnimation() refused - no animation found! [0098.50] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'cannon' Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG:InitMuzzleFlash:0016 [0098.50] ScriptWarning: Accessed None Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG:InitMuzzleFlash:002A [0098.51] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.51] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'GRI' FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Controller:UpdateDiscordPresence:0044 [0098.51] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'GRI' FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Controller:UpdateDiscordPresence:00B6 [0098.51] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'GRI' FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Controller:UpdateDiscordPresence:029F [0098.51] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'GRI' FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Controller:UpdateDiscordPresence:0319 [0098.52] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_Barracks_Internals_0.SkeletalMeshComponent_116 RX_BU_Barracks.Mesh.SK_BU_GDI_BAR 1 0 1 0 [0098.54] ScriptLog: CLIENT - PlayDestructionAnimation() refused - no animation found! [0098.54] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_GDI_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0098.54] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_Nod_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0098.54] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0098.54] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_GDI_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0098.54] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_Nod_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0098.54] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0098.66] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'cannon' Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG_2 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG:InitMuzzleFlash:0016 [0098.66] ScriptWarning: Accessed None Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG_2 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG:InitMuzzleFlash:002A [0098.66] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.69] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_Silo_Internals_0.SkeletalMeshComponent_125 RX_BU_Silo.Meshes.SK_BU_Silo 1 0 1 0 [0098.71] ScriptLog: BUILDING ERROR: No Trace2d_X sockets exist in Rx_Building_Silo_Internals_0 [0098.71] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'cannon' Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_RocketPod CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_RocketPod_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_RocketPod:InitMuzzleFlash:0133 [0098.71] ScriptWarning: Accessed None Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_RocketPod CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_RocketPod_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_RocketPod:InitMuzzleFlash:0147 [0098.71] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'cannon' Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG_1 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG:InitMuzzleFlash:0016 [0098.71] ScriptWarning: Accessed None Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG_1 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG:InitMuzzleFlash:002A [0098.71] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.74] ScriptLog: CLIENT - PlayDestructionAnimation() refused - no animation found! [0098.74] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'BuildingInternals' Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk:ClientInitializeFor:005C [0098.74] ScriptWarning: Accessed None Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk:ClientInitializeFor:0070 [0098.74] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'BuildingInternals' Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk:ClientInitializeFor:00AE [0098.74] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'NewBase' Rx_SentinelWeaponComponent_MuzzleFlash CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk_0.Rx_SentinelWeaponComponent_MuzzleFlash_8 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeaponComponent_MuzzleFlash:Initialize:000A [0098.74] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'NewBase' Rx_SentinelWeaponComponent_MuzzleFlash CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk_0.Rx_SentinelWeaponComponent_MuzzleFlash_9 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeaponComponent_MuzzleFlash:Initialize:000A [0098.74] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.75] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.75] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.75] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.80] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.80] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.80] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.80] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'TopHalfAnimSlot' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_10 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:ReplicatedEvent:0163 [0098.80] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.80] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.80] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.80] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.80] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.80] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pickup_Ammo_0 Component: StaticMeshComponent_93 StaticMesh: Rx_Pickups.Ammo.SM_Ammo_Medium (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000) Please go and set PreCachedPhysScale on the mesh to have this scale for RunTime spawned objects. [0098.81] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.82] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.82] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.82] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.83] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.84] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.84] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.84] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.87] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.88] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.89] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.90] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.91] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.92] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.92] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.92] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.94] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.94] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.94] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.94] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.94] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.94] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0098.95] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.95] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.95] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0098.99] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0099.00] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0099.01] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0099.02] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0099.03] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0099.03] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0099.20] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_Silo_Internals_0.SkeletalMeshComponent_125 RX_BU_Silo.Meshes.SK_BU_Silo 1 0 1 0 [0099.21] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0099.23] ScriptLog: tech_buildings_0 = Silo_0 [0099.97] DevStreaming: Blocking on texture streaming: 447.7 ms (235 textures updated, 0 still pending) [0100.06] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE TIME: 17.2 sec --- [0100.06] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0100.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.87793 > 1.21141 : AudioComponent_206 [0100.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.87793 > 1.21141 : AudioComponent_205 [0100.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.87793 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_31 [0100.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.87793 > 1.3898 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_19 [0100.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.87793 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_7 [0100.40] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0100.40] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_NightVision' during gameplay. ParamName: NightVisionMultiplier [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_NightVision' during gameplay. ParamName: NightVisionContrast [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_Slow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_Slow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_WhiteSand' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_WhiteSand' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_YellowSand' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_YellowSand' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mud' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mud' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_RockDirt' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_RockDirt' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_BW' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_BW' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Slow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Slow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_SmokeA' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_SmokeA' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Grain_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Grain_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mud_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mud_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_RockDirt_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_RockDirt_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_SlowMoving_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_SlowMoving_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Thin_NotLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Thin_NotLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_WhiteSand_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_WhiteSand_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_YellowSand_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_YellowSand_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_FloatingDirt_Unlit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_FloatingDirt_Unlit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mist' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mist' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_WaterRadial' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_WaterRadial' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Snow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Snow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Shell_Trail_Master' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Shell_Trail_Master' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy' during gameplay. ParamName: AddTranslucent_Bias [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: AddTranslucent_Bias [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy' during gameplay. ParamName: Stealth_Effect_Multiplier [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Stealth_Effect_Multiplier [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy' during gameplay. ParamName: Stealth_Visibility_Multiplier [0100.42] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Stealth_Visibility_Multiplier [0102.30] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.02254 > 2.4 : AudioComponent_204 [0102.30] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.02254 > 2.4 : AudioComponent_203 [0102.30] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.02254 > 2.4 : AudioComponent_202 [0103.12] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95373 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_212 [0103.55] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.98051 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_220 [0105.91] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshActor_19 [0106.17] ScriptLog: Sending server auth retry request [0107.12] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.98533 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_237 [0107.27] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93519 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_238 [0109.01] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9393 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_243 [0109.79] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96842 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_245 [0109.99] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.97655 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_246 [0112.31] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96827 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_251 [0112.92] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [0112.95] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0112.95] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0112.97] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [0112.97] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [0112.97] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0112.97] ScriptLog: [0112.97] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [0112.97] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0112.97] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [0112.97] ScriptLog: [0112.97] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [0112.97] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0112.99] ScriptLog: HUMVEE 0 [0112.99] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [0112.99] ScriptLog: MOBILE ROCKET LAUNCHER SYSTEM 2 [0112.99] ScriptLog: MEDIUM TANK 3 [0112.99] ScriptLog: MAMMOTH TANK 4 [0112.99] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 5 [0112.99] ScriptLog: ORCA FIGHTER 6 [0112.99] ScriptLog: 7 [0112.99] ScriptLog: 8 [0112.99] ScriptLog: 9 [0113.00] ScriptLog: ====================== [0113.00] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[0]= Timed C4 [0113.00] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[1]= Grenades [0113.00] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[2]= Smoke Grenade [0113.00] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[3]= EMP Grenade [0113.00] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[4]= Anti-Tank Mine [0113.05] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0113.09] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0113.09] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? two [0113.09] ScriptLog: Button Selected Index? 1 [0113.09] ScriptLog: ------------------ SelectPurchase() ------------------ [0113.09] ScriptLog: XXX: Rx_InventoryManager_GDI_Shotgunner [0113.09] ScriptLog: XXX2: Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [0113.09] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ SetLoadout() Called ] ------------------ [0113.09] ScriptLog: GFx EquipmentSidearmData[0]? [0113.09] ScriptLog: GFx EquipExplosivesList[0]? Timed C4 [0113.09] ScriptLog: GetRxFamilyInfo()? Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0113.09] ScriptLog: Rx_Pawn(rxPC.Pawn).CurrCharClassInfo? Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0113.09] ScriptLog: rxPC.Pawn? Rx_Pawn_0 [0113.09] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtEngineer? False [0113.09] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtHavocSakura? False [0113.09] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0113.09] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0113.09] ScriptLog: selected explosive data? None [0113.09] ScriptLog: explosive Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [0113.12] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0113.12] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0113.12] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0113.97] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0114.33] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9555 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_252 [0115.36] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0116.18] ScriptLog: Sending server auth retry request [0116.42] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.55176 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_60 [0116.97] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.54083 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_62 [0116.97] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.61134 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_86 [0116.97] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.0856 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_253 [0119.32] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.0825 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_256 [0119.32] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.62231 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_255 [0120.52] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95703 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_257 [0121.34] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [0121.34] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [0121.39] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0121.39] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0122.09] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 0.508874 > 0.179592 : AudioComponent_216 [0122.25] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0122.25] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0122.79] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.98484 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_259 [0122.91] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 0.475111 > 0.179592 : AudioComponent_207 [0124.85] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95875 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_260 [0126.22] ScriptLog: Sending server auth retry request [0126.71] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0127.03] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [0127.08] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0127.08] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0127.10] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [0127.10] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [0127.10] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Shotgunner [0127.10] ScriptLog: [0127.10] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [0127.10] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0127.10] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [0127.10] ScriptLog: [0127.10] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [0127.10] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0127.13] ScriptLog: HUMVEE 0 [0127.13] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [0127.13] ScriptLog: MOBILE ROCKET LAUNCHER SYSTEM 2 [0127.13] ScriptLog: MEDIUM TANK 3 [0127.13] ScriptLog: MAMMOTH TANK 4 [0127.13] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 5 [0127.13] ScriptLog: ORCA FIGHTER 6 [0127.13] ScriptLog: 7 [0127.13] ScriptLog: 8 [0127.13] ScriptLog: 9 [0127.13] ScriptLog: ====================== [0127.13] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[0]= Timed C4 [0127.13] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[1]= Grenades [0127.13] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[2]= Smoke Grenade [0127.13] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[3]= EMP Grenade [0127.13] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[4]= Anti-Tank Mine [0127.19] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0127.23] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0127.23] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? five [0127.23] ScriptLog: Button Selected Index? 4 [0127.23] ScriptLog: ------------------ SelectPurchase() ------------------ [0127.23] ScriptLog: XXX: Rx_InventoryManager_GDI_Engineer [0127.23] ScriptLog: XXX2: Rx_Weapon_Pistol [0127.23] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ SetLoadout() Called ] ------------------ [0127.23] ScriptLog: GFx EquipmentSidearmData[0]? [0127.23] ScriptLog: GFx EquipExplosivesList[0]? Timed C4 [0127.23] ScriptLog: GetRxFamilyInfo()? Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Shotgunner [0127.23] ScriptLog: Rx_Pawn(rxPC.Pawn).CurrCharClassInfo? Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Shotgunner [0127.23] ScriptLog: rxPC.Pawn? Rx_Pawn_0 [0127.23] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtEngineer? False [0127.23] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtHavocSakura? False [0127.23] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0127.23] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0127.23] ScriptLog: selected explosive data? None [0127.23] ScriptLog: explosive Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [0127.26] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0127.26] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0127.27] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0127.30] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25057 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_10 [0127.86] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0129.57] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.97913 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_263 [0131.80] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94745 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_265 [0133.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96974 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_267 [0135.45] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9735 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_268 [0136.20] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94216 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_269 [0136.22] ScriptLog: Server authentication failed after 3 tries [0136.61] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Weapon' Rx_Attachment_RepairGun CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Attachment_RepairGun_65 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Attachment_RepairGun:UpdateBeam:00D1 [0136.65] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Weapon' Rx_Attachment_RepairGun CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Attachment_RepairGun_65 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Attachment_RepairGun:UpdateBeam:00D1 [0136.73] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Weapon' Rx_Attachment_RepairGun CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Attachment_RepairGun_65 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Attachment_RepairGun:UpdateBeam:00D1 [0138.43] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93534 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_270 [0140.51] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94766 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_271 [0144.67] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95113 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_274 [0149.54] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94799 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_276 [0150.58] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26493 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_19 [0156.26] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.72443 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_225 [0156.57] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [0156.61] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0156.61] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0156.62] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [0156.62] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [0156.62] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Engineer [0156.62] ScriptLog: [0156.62] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol [0156.62] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0156.62] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [0156.62] ScriptLog: [0156.62] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_Pistol [0156.62] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0156.63] ScriptLog: HUMVEE 0 [0156.63] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [0156.63] ScriptLog: MOBILE ROCKET LAUNCHER SYSTEM 2 [0156.63] ScriptLog: MEDIUM TANK 3 [0156.63] ScriptLog: MAMMOTH TANK 4 [0156.63] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 5 [0156.63] ScriptLog: ORCA FIGHTER 6 [0156.63] ScriptLog: 7 [0156.63] ScriptLog: 8 [0156.63] ScriptLog: 9 [0156.63] ScriptLog: ====================== [0156.63] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[0]= Timed C4 [0156.63] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[1]= Grenades [0156.63] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[2]= Smoke Grenade [0156.63] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[3]= EMP Grenade [0156.63] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[4]= Anti-Tank Mine [0156.66] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0156.80] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0156.80] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? R [0156.80] ScriptLog: --------------- 6 --------------- [0156.80] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ SetLoadout() Called ] ------------------ [0156.80] ScriptLog: GFx EquipmentSidearmData[0]? Silenced Pistol [0156.80] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [0156.80] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [0156.80] ScriptLog: selected sidearm data? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [0156.80] ScriptLog: Sidearm Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [0156.80] ScriptLog: GFx EquipExplosivesList[0]? Timed C4 [0156.80] ScriptLog: GetRxFamilyInfo()? Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Engineer [0156.80] ScriptLog: Rx_Pawn(rxPC.Pawn).CurrCharClassInfo? Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Engineer [0156.80] ScriptLog: rxPC.Pawn? Rx_Pawn_0 [0156.80] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtEngineer? False [0156.80] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtHavocSakura? False [0156.80] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0156.80] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0156.80] ScriptLog: selected explosive data? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0156.80] ScriptLog: explosive Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [0156.81] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0156.81] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0156.82] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0159.04] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9458 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_279 [0163.40] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93604 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_283 [0164.77] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93205 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_285 [0165.48] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26049 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_10 [0165.58] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7651 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_229 [0165.84] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94092 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_287 [0165.89] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93516 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_288 [0170.97] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94803 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_296 [0173.38] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93503 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_298 [0173.94] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94914 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_299 [0176.02] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9567 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_300 [0176.23] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9558 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_301 [0178.28] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9555 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_302 [0181.04] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.73429 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_230 [0181.33] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95136 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_303 [0182.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9559 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_305 [0184.18] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94296 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_307 [0186.19] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95135 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_317 [0187.45] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95614 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_326 [0190.31] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94485 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_337 [0191.07] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95698 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_338 [0194.20] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95097 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_339 [0196.42] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93945 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_341 [0198.23] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95073 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_342 [0202.50] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93701 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_343 [0203.79] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94063 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_344 [0204.71] ScriptLog: anim started [0205.74] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93575 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_347 [0208.91] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93685 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_350 [0210.60] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95651 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_351 [0210.71] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95136 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_352 [0211.42] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93379 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_354 [0212.68] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93764 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_355 [0213.65] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95237 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_356 [0215.99] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9379 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_357 [0216.51] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7701 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_225 [0216.54] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7735 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_36 [0218.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93537 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_359 [0221.65] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94919 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_366 [0223.81] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95401 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_367 [0225.53] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25706 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_27 [0227.47] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93989 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_370 [0227.75] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26669 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_13 [0227.84] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94367 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_371 [0228.90] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93236 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_373 [0230.30] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94143 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_376 [0230.74] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 5.44131 > 2.1712 : AudioComponent_372 [0232.10] ScriptLog: Warning: False [0237.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95757 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_383 [0239.26] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9687 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_384 [0241.87] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26558 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_13 [0243.36] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27104 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_17 [0245.49] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25381 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_10 [0249.71] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94414 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_391 [0250.45] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95117 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_392 [0251.29] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27733 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_17 [0252.90] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshActor_16 [0253.03] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshPart_75 [0254.96] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 10.044 > 4.01355 : AudioComponent_225 [0255.74] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94307 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_396 [0257.68] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93458 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_397 [0258.42] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95807 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_398 [0258.86] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshPart_69 [0259.60] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.2672 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_14 [0262.89] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7697 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_204 [0266.62] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94951 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_400 [0267.55] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.72553 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_216 [0268.66] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 16.8549 > 6.74036 : AudioComponent_36 [0268.74] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94394 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_401 [0269.28] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Ch_F in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_0 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0269.28] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Ch_L in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_0 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0269.28] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Ch_R in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_0 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0269.28] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Ch_B in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_0 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0269.28] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Tu_L in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_0 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0269.28] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Tu_R in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_0 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0269.28] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Tu_B in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_0 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0270.12] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7582 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_210 [0274.86] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94921 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_406 [0276.74] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94495 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_408 [0278.00] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 5.43029 > 2.1712 : AudioComponent_407 [0281.78] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94578 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_413 [0283.30] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.73424 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_233 [0283.66] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94876 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_416 [0284.60] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9553 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_417 [0285.25] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26469 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_17 [0285.33] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93583 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_419 [0289.78] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95616 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_427 [0291.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9541 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_428 [0293.42] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94457 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_429 [0294.73] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93164 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_431 [0296.42] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93667 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_436 [0297.89] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94548 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_438 [0298.47] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27734 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_38 [0298.76] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93645 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_440 [0301.12] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93438 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_441 [0302.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95574 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_442 [0303.15] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94758 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_445 [0303.28] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.74286 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_201 [0304.15] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95262 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_446 [0305.29] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93373 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_447 [0305.60] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94594 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_448 [0308.38] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93563 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_452 [0309.73] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94444 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_453 [0310.71] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93802 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_455 [0310.71] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93802 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_454 [0312.73] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95216 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_456 [0313.79] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95413 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_457 [0316.81] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94531 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_458 [0321.41] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25456 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_14 [0321.73] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93574 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_459 [0322.21] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9537 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_460 [0322.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95123 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_461 [0323.54] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93837 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_462 [0324.04] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25268 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_29 [0324.41] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94751 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_463 [0325.71] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95312 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_464 [0327.19] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93175 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_467 [0328.34] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.72689 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_215 [0330.32] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94081 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_468 [0333.91] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25311 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_29 [0344.88] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25358 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_33 [0351.87] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.73982 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_235 [0352.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27264 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_33 [0361.63] ScriptLog: MusicPlayerOnAudioFinished :: bStopped? False | AC? AudioComponent_35 | SoundCue? March_to_Doom [0362.47] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.73965 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_36 [0364.25] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95576 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_484 [0365.07] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95746 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_485 [0365.36] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9575 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_486 [0366.40] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95552 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_487 [0366.95] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95753 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_488 [0367.39] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9326 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_489 [0367.58] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93775 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_490 [0369.74] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94945 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_495 [0371.20] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93913 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_496 [0373.26] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93479 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_497 [0374.23] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95417 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_498 [0374.50] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9371 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_500 [0376.04] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93624 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_501 [0377.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94355 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_502 [0385.00] Log: PlayCustomAnim Taunt_UB_Slit_Throat, CustomChildIndex: 1, Animation Not Found!! [0392.68] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26822 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_37 [0394.87] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94922 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_507 [0397.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94445 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_508 [0400.34] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93723 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_515 [0402.64] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93565 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_516 [0405.50] ScriptLog: Warning: False [0406.40] Log: PlayCustomAnim Taunt_FB_Hoolahoop, CustomChildIndex: 1, Animation Not Found!! [0409.45] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95292 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_520 [0412.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94111 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_522 [0412.39] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25523 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_41 [0414.12] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25359 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_49 [0417.03] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9354 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_524 [0418.97] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95845 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_530 [0419.05] Warning: Failed to find function GotoStealthed for timer in actor Rx_Pawn_SBH_2 [0420.55] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93175 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_532 [0422.74] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.952 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_538 [0427.11] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26096 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_50 [0428.51] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26592 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_47 [0435.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25221 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_47 [0438.19] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26956 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_41 [0438.34] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94894 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_549 [0439.27] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93613 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_550 [0440.62] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93463 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_553 [0441.16] ScriptLog: Warning: False [0446.27] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 5.44989 > 2.1712 : AudioComponent_558 [0446.34] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93267 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_564 [0451.54] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Ch_F in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_1 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0451.54] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Ch_L in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_1 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0451.54] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Ch_R in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_1 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0451.54] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Ch_B in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_1 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0451.54] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Tu_L in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_1 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0451.54] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Tu_R in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_1 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0451.54] ScriptWarning: Failed to find Morph node named MorphNodeW_Tu_B in RocketArtillery FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Vehicle_RocketArtillery_1 Function UTGame.UTVehicle:InitializeMorphs:016D [0454.43] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96406 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_572 [0454.61] Log: PhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck: Rx_Pawn_0 -> Rx_Building_AdvancedGuardTower_0 [0454.64] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0454.64] Log: PhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck: Rx_Pawn_0 -> Rx_Building_AdvancedGuardTower_0 [0454.67] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0454.72] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0454.75] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0454.82] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0454.90] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0454.96] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0454.99] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.06] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.09] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.14] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.17] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.23] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.26] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.32] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.35] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.41] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.44] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.50] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.52] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.58] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.61] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.67] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.70] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.75] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.78] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.84] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.87] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.92] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0455.95] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.01] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.04] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.09] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.12] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.18] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.21] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.26] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.29] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.35] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.37] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.43] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.46] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.51] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.54] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.59] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.62] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.68] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.70] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.76] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.79] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.84] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.87] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.92] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0456.92] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95163 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_577 [0456.95] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0457.01] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0457.03] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0457.09] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0457.11] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0457.17] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0457.19] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0458.90] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94668 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_578 [0460.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94591 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_581 [0460.87] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96697 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_582 [0461.69] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95345 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_587 [0462.17] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_54 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0462.21] Warning: Failed to find function setRespawnUiCounter for timer in actor FPI_Controller_0 [0462.23] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0462.59] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_54 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0462.61] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93609 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_593 [0463.11] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94369 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_594 [0463.11] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27241 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_41 [0463.25] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95065 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_595 [0465.33] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93901 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_596 [0469.23] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93893 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_599 [0470.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94624 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_600 [0470.13] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94844 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_601 [0472.19] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93567 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_602 [0472.54] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94056 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_603 [0473.42] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25195 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_40 [0474.24] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9438 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_608 [0474.53] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95127 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_609 [0474.81] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9405 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_610 [0476.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.53965 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_60 [0476.87] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9391 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_611 [0476.92] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.54755 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_86 [0477.29] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.53368 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_62 [0478.17] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94358 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_612 [0478.30] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25951 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_47 [0478.89] Warning: Failed to find function GotoStealthed for timer in actor Rx_Pawn_SBH_3 [0480.38] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94785 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_613 [0480.90] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95073 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_614 [0481.79] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93548 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_615 [0482.53] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94399 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_616 [0483.54] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95381 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_618 [0485.52] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94894 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_620 [0490.79] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25731 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_56 [0494.32] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26264 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_47 [0495.48] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93587 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_624 [0496.91] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.2573 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_40 [0497.42] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25936 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_45 [0500.31] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95239 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_625 [0501.66] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93582 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_629 [0503.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94688 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_631 [0503.91] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93793 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_632 [0504.85] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94439 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_634 [0505.04] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [0505.07] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0505.07] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0505.08] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [0505.08] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [0505.08] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0505.08] ScriptLog: [0505.08] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [0505.08] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0505.08] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [0505.08] ScriptLog: [0505.08] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [0505.08] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0505.10] ScriptLog: HUMVEE 0 [0505.10] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [0505.10] ScriptLog: MOBILE ROCKET LAUNCHER SYSTEM 2 [0505.10] ScriptLog: MEDIUM TANK 3 [0505.10] ScriptLog: MAMMOTH TANK 4 [0505.10] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 5 [0505.10] ScriptLog: ORCA FIGHTER 6 [0505.10] ScriptLog: 7 [0505.10] ScriptLog: 8 [0505.10] ScriptLog: 9 [0505.10] ScriptLog: ====================== [0505.10] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[0]= Timed C4 [0505.10] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[1]= Grenades [0505.10] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[2]= Smoke Grenade [0505.10] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[3]= EMP Grenade [0505.10] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[4]= Anti-Tank Mine [0505.13] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0505.39] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0505.39] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? five [0505.39] ScriptLog: Button Selected Index? 4 [0505.40] ScriptLog: ------------------ SelectPurchase() ------------------ [0505.40] ScriptLog: XXX: Rx_InventoryManager_GDI_Engineer [0505.40] ScriptLog: XXX2: Rx_Weapon_Pistol [0505.40] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ SetLoadout() Called ] ------------------ [0505.40] ScriptLog: GFx EquipmentSidearmData[0]? [0505.40] ScriptLog: GFx EquipExplosivesList[0]? Timed C4 [0505.40] ScriptLog: GetRxFamilyInfo()? Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0505.40] ScriptLog: Rx_Pawn(rxPC.Pawn).CurrCharClassInfo? Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier [0505.40] ScriptLog: rxPC.Pawn? Rx_Pawn_54 [0505.40] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtEngineer? False [0505.40] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtHavocSakura? False [0505.40] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0505.40] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0505.40] ScriptLog: selected explosive data? None [0505.40] ScriptLog: explosive Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [0505.41] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0505.41] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0505.41] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0505.55] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27052 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_47 [0505.63] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94981 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_637 [0505.96] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_54 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0507.17] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94914 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_638 [0507.38] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27977 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_63 [0507.63] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0507.63] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94446 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_639 [0507.88] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94965 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_640 [0508.40] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95794 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_641 [0509.91] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95623 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_645 [0511.51] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [0511.51] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [0511.57] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0511.57] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0511.60] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93473 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_651 [0512.18] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0512.18] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0512.25] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [0512.25] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [0512.29] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0512.29] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0513.11] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93444 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_653 [0513.32] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94048 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_654 [0514.07] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0514.07] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0515.41] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96036 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_657 [0515.59] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Big' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0515.90] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Big' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0516.00] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0516.33] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Big' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0516.96] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95123 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_665 [0517.40] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Big' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0517.45] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Big' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0517.85] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Big' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0518.97] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94245 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_673 [0525.59] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 12.1091 > 4.83101 : AudioComponent_228 [0527.40] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95128 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_679 [0529.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7642 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_229 [0529.13] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7663 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_211 [0529.18] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7555 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_224 [0529.34] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7614 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_234 [0529.53] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7715 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_225 [0529.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94476 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_681 [0534.50] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25942 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_71 [0536.68] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26307 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_63 [0540.19] ScriptLog: MusicPlayerOnAudioFinished :: bStopped? False | AC? AudioComponent_35 | SoundCue? Full_Stop [0545.32] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0545.81] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.72709 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_204 [0546.65] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 4.41539 > 1.765 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_135 [0546.86] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.2577 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_49 [0548.14] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26469 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_67 [0548.29] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.2738 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_70 [0550.50] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25029 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_74 [0550.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26344 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_73 [0551.50] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0555.30] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94217 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_694 [0558.02] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93589 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_696 [0560.18] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93374 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_697 [0563.36] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93378 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_699 [0564.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93452 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_701 [0565.01] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94672 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_703 [0565.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93686 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_704 [0565.27] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25628 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_45 [0565.29] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25573 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_74 [0565.60] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93568 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_705 [0566.28] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95163 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_707 [0566.59] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.54736 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_60 [0568.11] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93315 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_709 [0568.46] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95302 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_710 [0569.74] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26116 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_66 [0570.36] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94503 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_711 [0573.20] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93308 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_712 [0574.31] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95432 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_714 [0574.31] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [0574.31] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [0574.36] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0574.36] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0575.20] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25395 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_54 [0575.37] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93497 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_715 [0575.41] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0575.41] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0576.00] ScriptLog: UTDamageType base DoCustomDamageEffects should never be called [0576.05] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.08] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.13] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.15] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.19] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.22] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.26] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.29] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.29] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94412 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_718 [0576.33] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.36] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.41] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.44] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.48] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.50] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.55] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.57] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.62] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.64] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.69] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.71] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.76] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.78] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.83] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.85] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.85] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 4.68013 > 1.8663 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_157 [0576.90] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.92] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.97] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0576.99] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.03] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.06] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25988 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_74 [0577.10] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.13] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.17] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.20] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.24] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.26] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.31] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.34] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.38] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.40] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.45] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.48] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.51] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.54] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.58] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.61] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.65] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.67] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.70] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93362 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_719 [0577.71] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.74] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.78] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.81] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.85] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.87] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.92] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.94] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0577.99] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0578.01] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0578.05] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0578.07] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0579.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94313 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_720 [0580.68] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93823 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_721 [0583.60] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_72 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0583.62] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0583.63] Warning: Failed to find function setRespawnUiCounter for timer in actor FPI_Controller_0 [0583.96] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_72 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0585.31] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0586.35] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.28216 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_54 [0586.46] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25618 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_74 [0591.62] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0595.24] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94148 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_757 [0595.81] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95417 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_766 [0598.02] ScriptLog: UTDamageType base DoCustomDamageEffects should never be called [0598.05] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94608 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_787 [0598.08] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.14] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.17] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.19] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26052 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_40 [0598.22] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.24] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.29] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.32] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.38] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.40] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.45] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.47] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.53] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.55] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.60] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.62] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.67] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.70] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.74] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.77] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.82] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.84] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.89] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.91] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.97] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0598.99] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.04] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.06] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.11] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.13] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.18] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.21] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.26] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.28] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.32] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.35] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.40] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.42] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.48] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.50] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.55] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.57] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.62] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.64] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.69] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.72] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.76] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.79] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.84] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.86] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.91] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.93] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0599.97] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0600.01] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0600.04] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0600.07] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0600.12] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0600.14] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0600.20] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0600.22] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0600.31] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93633 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_820 [0601.27] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.73137 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_208 [0601.47] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.73478 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_232 [0601.71] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.73543 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_222 [0601.95] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [0601.95] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [0601.99] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0601.99] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0602.03] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93378 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_824 [0602.98] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0602.98] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0604.20] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94354 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_825 [0604.35] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93505 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_826 [0605.68] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_76 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0605.71] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0605.90] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_76 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0606.24] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9665 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_827 [0606.57] Warning: Failed to find function setRespawnUiCounter for timer in actor FPI_Controller_0 [0607.28] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0609.80] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94137 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_841 [0611.94] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94894 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_846 [0613.45] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93878 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_847 [0614.44] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93479 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_848 [0616.42] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94967 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_851 [0616.52] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26197 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_63 [0617.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95101 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_853 [0617.25] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25988 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_76 [0618.90] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94613 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_857 [0619.66] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25841 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_61 [0624.66] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.945 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_864 [0629.61] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26132 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_74 [0630.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93685 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_871 [0632.58] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93898 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_875 [0633.76] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95799 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_881 [0634.81] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94574 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_884 [0636.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95086 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_885 [0637.02] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94606 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_886 [0637.68] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.54498 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_60 [0639.35] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.53658 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_86 [0639.88] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93595 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_889 [0641.82] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95548 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_893 [0642.25] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93675 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_895 [0642.46] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9552 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_896 [0643.98] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94068 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_897 [0644.04] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94254 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_898 [0644.17] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.55725 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_62 [0645.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.35005 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_175 [0645.07] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0645.72] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 4.92948 > 1.96054 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_113 [0646.07] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0646.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94587 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_900 [0646.65] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96856 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_901 [0646.70] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0647.04] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93703 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_905 [0647.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96699 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_906 [0648.59] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93411 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_907 [0648.62] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25462 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_59 [0649.73] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9318 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_908 [0650.04] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94088 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_909 [0650.25] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0651.55] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95898 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_910 [0651.86] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9555 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_911 [0652.17] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.62694 > 1.44703 : AudioComponent_880 [0652.49] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0652.94] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9585 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_912 [0654.66] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94384 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_913 [0655.31] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95467 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_914 [0656.65] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94256 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_915 [0658.70] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0658.78] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26783 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_59 [0659.26] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93569 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_916 [0660.25] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0661.66] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93487 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_917 [0662.27] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.6213 > 1.44703 : AudioComponent_880 [0663.17] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0663.41] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94452 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_918 [0668.29] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25541 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_87 [0668.37] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27396 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_56 [0672.40] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26383 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_40 [0676.45] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25739 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_56 [0677.03] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0678.16] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0678.76] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9342 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_957 [0679.65] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0679.76] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0680.14] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0680.63] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.54145 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_60 [0680.71] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.53719 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_86 [0680.92] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0680.93] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0681.15] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95462 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_962 [0682.01] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93209 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_967 [0682.08] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0682.36] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 12.0904 > 4.83101 : AudioComponent_210 [0683.13] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0683.43] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 12.0831 > 4.83101 : AudioComponent_219 [0683.98] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0684.01] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7426 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_206 [0684.70] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0684.93] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7395 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_227 [0686.04] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.5447 > 1.4168 : AudioComponent_974 [0686.08] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7345 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_229 [0686.61] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.746 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_204 [0687.16] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0687.58] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0687.69] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0687.69] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0688.23] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7387 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_226 [0688.43] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshPart_65 [0688.84] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7396 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_211 [0689.14] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 4.68049 > 1.8663 : AudioComponent_61 [0690.02] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7264 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_231 [0690.68] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0690.90] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.28199 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_87 [0690.99] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0691.16] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7396 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_228 [0691.39] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_Explosion_Rockets_Shells' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0691.91] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26174 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_95 [0692.26] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7502 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_223 [0692.88] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9437 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1018 [0692.94] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7355 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_207 [0693.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7494 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_232 [0693.44] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94041 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1021 [0693.44] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7546 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_205 [0693.51] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0693.55] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0693.60] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0693.63] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0693.68] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0693.71] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0693.76] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0693.79] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0693.85] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0693.88] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0693.93] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0693.95] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.01] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.03] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.09] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.11] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.18] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.20] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.25] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.28] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.33] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.36] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.41] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.43] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.49] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.52] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.57] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.59] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.65] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.67] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.72] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.74] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.80] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.82] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.87] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.90] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.95] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0694.97] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.02] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.05] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.10] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.13] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.18] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.20] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.26] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.28] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.32] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.35] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.40] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.43] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.48] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.50] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.56] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.58] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.63] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.66] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.71] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.71] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7482 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_224 [0695.73] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.78] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0695.80] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0696.01] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7256 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_215 [0698.46] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [0698.46] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [0698.50] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0698.50] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0699.63] ScriptLog: MusicPlayerOnAudioFinished :: bStopped? False | AC? AudioComponent_35 | SoundCue? Industrial [0699.79] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.28601 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_96 [0699.86] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0699.86] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0701.09] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_91 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0701.09] Warning: Failed to find function setRespawnUiCounter for timer in actor FPI_Controller_0 [0701.13] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0701.19] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27745 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_59 [0702.79] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0705.20] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.74141 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_224 [0705.49] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.72996 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_218 [0706.16] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9485 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1028 [0706.72] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7347 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_219 [0706.99] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95174 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1029 [0707.80] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25899 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_94 [0708.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93808 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1031 [0708.89] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7256 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_229 [0709.46] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7501 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_203 [0709.52] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93673 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1032 [0710.25] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93614 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1034 [0710.38] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.55528 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_60 [0710.56] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94232 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1035 [0711.17] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.55032 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_86 [0713.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93195 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1039 [0714.89] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 5.45148 > 2.1712 : AudioComponent_1037 [0715.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94844 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1042 [0716.38] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93209 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1043 [0717.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93583 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1044 [0718.58] ScriptLog: Warning: True [0720.49] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0721.50] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [0721.54] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0721.54] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0721.55] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [0721.55] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [0721.55] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Engineer [0721.55] ScriptLog: [0721.55] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol [0721.55] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0721.55] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [0721.55] ScriptLog: [0721.55] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [0721.55] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0721.56] ScriptLog: HUMVEE 0 [0721.56] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [0721.56] ScriptLog: MOBILE ROCKET LAUNCHER SYSTEM 2 [0721.56] ScriptLog: MEDIUM TANK 3 [0721.56] ScriptLog: MAMMOTH TANK 4 [0721.56] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 5 [0721.56] ScriptLog: ORCA FIGHTER 6 [0721.56] ScriptLog: 7 [0721.56] ScriptLog: 8 [0721.56] ScriptLog: 9 [0721.57] ScriptLog: ====================== [0721.57] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[0]= Timed C4 [0721.57] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[1]= Grenades [0721.57] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[2]= Smoke Grenade [0721.57] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[3]= EMP Grenade [0721.57] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[4]= Anti-Tank Mine [0721.60] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0721.87] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0721.87] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? C [0721.87] ScriptLog: --------------- 8 --------------- [0722.13] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0722.13] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? two [0722.13] ScriptLog: Button Selected Index? 1 [0722.13] ScriptLog: ------------------ SelectPurchase() ------------------ [0722.13] ScriptLog: XXX: Rx_InventoryManager_GDI_RocketSoldier [0722.13] ScriptLog: XXX2: Rx_Weapon_SMG_GDI [0722.13] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ SetLoadout() Called ] ------------------ [0722.13] ScriptLog: GFx EquipmentSidearmData[0]? Silenced Pistol [0722.13] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon? Rx_Weapon_SMG_GDI [0722.13] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [0722.13] ScriptLog: selected sidearm data? None [0722.13] ScriptLog: Sidearm Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [0722.13] ScriptLog: GFx EquipExplosivesList[0]? Timed C4 [0722.13] ScriptLog: GetRxFamilyInfo()? Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Engineer [0722.13] ScriptLog: Rx_Pawn(rxPC.Pawn).CurrCharClassInfo? Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Engineer [0722.13] ScriptLog: rxPC.Pawn? Rx_Pawn_91 [0722.13] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtEngineer? False [0722.13] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtHavocSakura? False [0722.13] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0722.13] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0722.13] ScriptLog: selected explosive data? None [0722.13] ScriptLog: explosive Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [0722.14] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0722.14] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0722.14] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0722.30] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [0722.32] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0722.32] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0722.33] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [0722.33] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [0722.33] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Engineer [0722.33] ScriptLog: [0722.33] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol [0722.33] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0722.33] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [0722.33] ScriptLog: [0722.33] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_SMG_GDI [0722.33] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0722.34] ScriptLog: HUMVEE 0 [0722.34] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [0722.34] ScriptLog: MOBILE ROCKET LAUNCHER SYSTEM 2 [0722.34] ScriptLog: MEDIUM TANK 3 [0722.34] ScriptLog: MAMMOTH TANK 4 [0722.34] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 5 [0722.34] ScriptLog: ORCA FIGHTER 6 [0722.34] ScriptLog: 7 [0722.34] ScriptLog: 8 [0722.34] ScriptLog: 9 [0722.35] ScriptLog: ====================== [0722.35] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[0]= Timed C4 [0722.35] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[1]= Grenades [0722.35] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[2]= Smoke Grenade [0722.35] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[3]= EMP Grenade [0722.35] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[4]= Anti-Tank Mine [0722.37] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0722.43] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0722.43] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? Q [0722.43] ScriptLog: --------------- 7 --------------- [0722.59] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0722.59] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? three [0722.59] ScriptLog: Button Selected Index? 2 [0722.59] ScriptLog: ------------------ SelectPurchase() ------------------ [0722.59] ScriptLog: Purchase Information :: [0722.59] ScriptLog: Character: Rx_Weapon_RepairTool [0722.59] ScriptLog: Price: 0 [0722.59] ScriptLog: PlayerCredits: 1397.9641 [0722.60] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0722.60] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0722.60] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0723.04] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.74745 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_231 [0723.23] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_91 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0723.43] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.74304 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_204 [0723.52] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.72681 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_218 [0723.94] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0724.95] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27132 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_94 [0727.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9358 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1050 [0729.38] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94463 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1053 [0729.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26325 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_61 [0731.31] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9328 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1058 [0731.99] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.935 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1060 [0733.37] ScriptLog: Warning: False [0734.26] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.32] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.34] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.39] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.41] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.46] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.49] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.55] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.57] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.61] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.64] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.68] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.71] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.76] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.78] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.83] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.88] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.90] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95603 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1062 [0734.92] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.94] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0734.99] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.01] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.06] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.08] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.12] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.15] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.19] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.21] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.26] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.28] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.33] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.35] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.40] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.41] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.46] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.48] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.53] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.55] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.60] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.63] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.68] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.70] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.74] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.77] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.81] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.83] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.88] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.88] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.73549 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_222 [0735.90] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.95] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0735.97] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0736.02] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0736.04] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0736.08] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0736.10] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0736.15] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0736.17] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0736.21] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0736.24] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0736.28] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0736.30] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0736.35] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [0736.49] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 12.081 > 4.83101 : AudioComponent_204 [0737.63] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 12.0897 > 4.83101 : AudioComponent_218 [0738.57] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27078 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_63 [0738.88] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9512 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1067 [0739.29] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25334 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_77 [0740.67] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 12.082 > 4.83101 : AudioComponent_226 [0741.25] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95162 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1068 [0741.70] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 12.0928 > 4.83101 : AudioComponent_228 [0741.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 12.0946 > 4.83101 : AudioComponent_205 [0741.85] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_97 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0741.87] Warning: Failed to find function setRespawnUiCounter for timer in actor FPI_Controller_0 [0741.88] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0742.13] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_97 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0742.71] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95814 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1070 [0743.73] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [0743.77] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0743.77] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0743.78] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [0743.78] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [0743.78] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Engineer [0743.78] ScriptLog: [0743.78] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol [0743.78] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0743.78] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [0743.78] ScriptLog: [0743.78] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [0743.78] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0743.80] ScriptLog: HUMVEE 0 [0743.80] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [0743.80] ScriptLog: MOBILE ROCKET LAUNCHER SYSTEM 2 [0743.80] ScriptLog: MEDIUM TANK 3 [0743.80] ScriptLog: MAMMOTH TANK 4 [0743.80] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 5 [0743.80] ScriptLog: ORCA FIGHTER 6 [0743.80] ScriptLog: 7 [0743.80] ScriptLog: 8 [0743.80] ScriptLog: 9 [0743.80] ScriptLog: ====================== [0743.80] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[0]= Timed C4 [0743.80] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[1]= Grenades [0743.80] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[2]= Smoke Grenade [0743.80] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[3]= EMP Grenade [0743.80] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[4]= Anti-Tank Mine [0743.83] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0743.95] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0743.95] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? C [0743.95] ScriptLog: --------------- 8 --------------- [0744.40] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.56126 > 1.01908 : AudioComponent_228 [0744.77] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95061 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1071 [0745.08] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0745.08] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? two [0745.08] ScriptLog: Button Selected Index? 1 [0745.08] ScriptLog: ------------------ SelectPurchase() ------------------ [0745.08] ScriptLog: XXX: Rx_InventoryManager_GDI_RocketSoldier [0745.08] ScriptLog: XXX2: Rx_Weapon_SMG_GDI [0745.08] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ SetLoadout() Called ] ------------------ [0745.08] ScriptLog: GFx EquipmentSidearmData[0]? Silenced Pistol [0745.08] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon? Rx_Weapon_SMG_GDI [0745.08] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [0745.08] ScriptLog: selected sidearm data? None [0745.08] ScriptLog: Sidearm Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [0745.08] ScriptLog: GFx EquipExplosivesList[0]? Timed C4 [0745.08] ScriptLog: GetRxFamilyInfo()? Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Engineer [0745.08] ScriptLog: Rx_Pawn(rxPC.Pawn).CurrCharClassInfo? Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Engineer [0745.08] ScriptLog: rxPC.Pawn? Rx_Pawn_97 [0745.08] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtEngineer? False [0745.08] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtHavocSakura? False [0745.08] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0745.08] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0745.08] ScriptLog: selected explosive data? None [0745.08] ScriptLog: explosive Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [0745.09] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0745.09] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0745.09] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0745.36] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [0745.40] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0745.40] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0745.42] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [0745.42] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [0745.42] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Engineer [0745.42] ScriptLog: [0745.42] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_SMG_GDI [0745.42] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0745.42] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [0745.42] ScriptLog: [0745.42] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_SMG_GDI [0745.42] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0745.44] ScriptLog: HUMVEE 0 [0745.44] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [0745.44] ScriptLog: MOBILE ROCKET LAUNCHER SYSTEM 2 [0745.44] ScriptLog: MEDIUM TANK 3 [0745.44] ScriptLog: MAMMOTH TANK 4 [0745.44] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 5 [0745.44] ScriptLog: ORCA FIGHTER 6 [0745.44] ScriptLog: 7 [0745.44] ScriptLog: 8 [0745.44] ScriptLog: 9 [0745.45] ScriptLog: ====================== [0745.45] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[0]= Timed C4 [0745.45] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[1]= Grenades [0745.45] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[2]= Smoke Grenade [0745.45] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[3]= EMP Grenade [0745.45] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[4]= Anti-Tank Mine [0745.48] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0745.49] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0745.49] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? Q [0745.50] ScriptLog: --------------- 7 --------------- [0745.58] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0745.58] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? three [0745.58] ScriptLog: Button Selected Index? 2 [0745.58] ScriptLog: ------------------ SelectPurchase() ------------------ [0745.58] ScriptLog: Purchase Information :: [0745.58] ScriptLog: Character: Rx_Weapon_RepairTool [0745.58] ScriptLog: Price: 0 [0745.58] ScriptLog: PlayerCredits: 975.4641 [0745.61] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0745.61] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0745.61] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0746.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26867 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_94 [0746.05] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_97 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0747.02] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0747.88] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96064 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1074 [0748.28] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 12.091 > 4.83101 : AudioComponent_222 [0749.24] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94193 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1076 [0749.66] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94739 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1078 [0749.99] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95462 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1079 [0750.25] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.2533 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_40 [0750.54] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25616 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_90 [0752.48] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93361 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1082 [0755.70] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27002 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_63 [0756.35] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94373 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1090 [0759.02] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.02] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.02] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.05] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.05] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.05] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.07] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.07] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.07] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.10] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.10] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.10] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.12] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.12] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.12] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.15] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.15] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.15] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.17] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.17] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.17] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.20] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.20] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.20] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.23] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.23] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.23] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.25] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.25] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.25] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.28] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.28] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.28] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.30] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.30] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.30] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.32] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.32] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.32] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.35] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.35] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.35] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.38] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.38] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.38] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.40] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.40] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.40] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.43] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94401 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1098 [0759.45] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.45] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.45] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.48] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.48] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.48] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.50] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.50] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.50] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.53] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.53] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.53] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.56] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.56] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.56] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.58] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.58] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.58] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.61] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.61] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.61] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.63] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.63] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.63] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.66] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.66] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.66] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.69] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.69] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.69] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.71] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.71] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.71] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.74] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.74] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.74] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.77] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.77] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.77] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.80] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.80] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.80] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.82] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.82] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.82] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.85] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.85] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.85] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.88] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.88] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.88] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.90] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.90] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.90] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.93] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.93] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0759.93] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0760.88] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93626 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1101 [0761.65] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.65] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.65] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.68] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.68] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.68] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.70] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.70] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.70] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.73] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.73] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.73] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.75] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.75] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.75] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.78] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.78] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.78] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.81] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.81] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.81] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.83] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.83] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.83] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.86] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.86] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.86] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.89] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.89] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.89] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.92] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.92] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.92] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.95] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.95] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.95] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.97] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.97] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0761.97] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.00] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.00] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.00] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.03] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.03] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.03] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.06] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.06] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.06] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.08] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.08] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.08] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.11] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.11] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.11] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.13] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.14] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.14] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.19] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.19] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.19] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.21] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.21] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.21] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.23] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.23] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.23] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.26] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.26] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.26] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.29] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.29] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.29] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.31] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.31] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.31] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.34] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.34] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.34] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.37] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.37] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.37] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.39] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.39] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.39] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.45] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.45] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.45] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.48] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.48] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.48] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.52] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.52] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.52] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.54] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.54] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.54] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.57] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.57] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.57] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.60] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.60] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.60] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.63] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.63] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.63] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.65] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.65] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.65] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.68] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.68] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.68] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.70] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.70] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.70] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.73] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.73] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.73] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.75] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.75] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.75] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.78] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.78] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.78] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.80] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.80] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.80] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.83] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.83] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.83] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.86] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.86] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.86] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.88] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.88] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.88] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.92] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.92] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.92] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.95] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.95] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.95] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.97] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.97] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.97] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.99] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.99] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0762.99] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.02] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.02] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.02] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.05] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.05] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.05] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.08] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.08] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.08] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.08] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95254 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1105 [0763.11] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.11] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.11] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.13] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.13] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.13] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.19] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.19] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.19] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.22] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.22] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.22] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.25] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.25] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.25] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.27] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.27] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.27] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.30] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.30] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.30] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.33] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.33] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.33] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0763.88] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9472 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1106 [0765.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.19] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.19] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.19] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.21] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.21] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.21] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.24] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.24] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.24] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.27] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.27] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.27] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.30] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.30] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.30] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.34] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.34] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.34] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.36] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.36] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.36] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.39] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.39] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.39] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.45] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.45] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.45] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.47] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.47] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.47] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.50] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.50] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.50] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.53] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.53] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.53] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.56] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.56] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.56] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.59] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.59] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.59] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.62] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.62] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.62] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.65] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.65] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.65] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.68] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.68] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.68] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.70] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.70] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.70] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.74] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.74] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.74] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.77] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.77] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.77] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.80] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.80] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.80] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.82] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.82] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.82] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.85] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.85] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.85] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.88] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.88] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.88] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.90] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.90] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.90] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.93] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.93] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.93] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.96] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.96] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.96] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.96] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.54517 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_60 [0765.98] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.98] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0765.98] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.03] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.03] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.03] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.06] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.06] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.06] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.09] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.09] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.09] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.11] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.11] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.11] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.14] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.14] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.14] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.16] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.19] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.19] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.19] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.22] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.22] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.22] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.25] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.25] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.25] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.27] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.27] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.27] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.30] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.30] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.30] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.34] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.34] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.34] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.37] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.37] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.37] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.39] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.39] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.39] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.45] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.45] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.45] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.49] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.49] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.49] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.53] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.53] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.53] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.57] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.57] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.57] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.60] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.60] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.60] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.62] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.62] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.62] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.65] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.65] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.65] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.68] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.68] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.68] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.71] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.71] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.71] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.74] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.74] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.74] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.76] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.76] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.76] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.79] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.79] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0766.79] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0767.39] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.39] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.39] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.39] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.39] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.40] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.40] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.40] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.40] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.40] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.40] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.40] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.42] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.42] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.42] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.42] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.43] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.43] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.44] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.44] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.44] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.46] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.46] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.46] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.46] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.46] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.52] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.52] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.52] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0767.86] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.53328 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_86 [0768.02] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96416 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1117 [0769.41] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.55292 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_62 [0770.24] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94355 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1124 [0772.03] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95137 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1139 [0777.93] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [0777.93] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [0777.99] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0777.99] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0778.71] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.35344 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_227 [0779.09] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0779.09] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0779.09] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.09] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.10] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.13] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.13] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.13] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.18] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.18] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.18] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.22] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.22] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.22] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.26] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.26] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.26] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.29] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.29] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.29] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.32] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.32] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.32] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.35] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.35] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.35] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.39] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.39] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.39] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.42] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.46] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.46] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.46] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.48] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.48] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.48] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.52] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.52] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.52] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.55] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.55] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.55] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.58] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.58] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.58] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.63] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.63] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.63] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.67] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.67] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.67] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.70] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.70] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.70] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.73] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.73] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.73] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.79] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.79] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.79] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.83] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.83] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.83] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.86] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.86] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.86] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.89] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.89] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.89] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.92] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.92] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.92] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.98] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.98] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0779.98] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0780.01] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0780.01] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_MissileLock' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0780.01] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Reticle_RocketLauncher' during gameplay. ParamName: Reticle_Colour [0780.56] ScriptLog: Warning: False [0780.57] ScriptLog: CLIENT - PlayDestructionAnimation() refused - no animation found! [0781.47] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [0781.47] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [0781.50] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0781.50] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0781.50] ScriptLog: MusicPlayerOnAudioFinished :: bStopped? True | AC? AudioComponent_35 | SoundCue? Death_Awaits [0783.91] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 4.67661 > 1.8663 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_211 [0784.84] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.36427 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_227 [0786.92] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26287 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_114 [0788.68] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25003 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_96 [0791.01] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0791.01] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0792.58] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0796.62] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 16.0397 > 6.41102 : AudioComponent_88 [0802.16] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0802.19] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0802.19] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0802.81] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0803.41] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0804.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0804.74] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0804.85] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0804.97] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0805.25] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0805.36] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0805.58] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0805.74] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0806.07] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0806.21] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0806.46] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0806.80] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0807.05] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0807.18] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0807.54] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0808.16] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0808.39] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Click [0813.36] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0813.36] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0813.36] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0816.07] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0816.44] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0816.58] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0816.58] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0816.58] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0816.61] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0816.76] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0816.86] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0816.99] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0817.07] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0817.33] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0817.37] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0817.38] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Click [0817.58] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0817.70] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0817.76] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0818.08] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0818.19] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0818.37] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Click [0818.85] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0819.19] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0819.28] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0819.38] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Click [0819.42] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0819.42] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0819.42] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0819.56] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0819.75] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0820.00] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0820.04] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0820.04] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0820.04] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0820.14] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0820.37] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Click [0820.39] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0821.37] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Click [0821.73] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Click [0821.96] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0821.97] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0821.97] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'RenXFrontEndSoundDummy_Cue' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [0822.36] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Click [0823.38] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Click [0824.38] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Click [0825.37] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Click [0826.37] ScriptLog: SoundTheme: ProcessSoundEvent - Unable to find a binding for event: Click [0826.65] NetComeGo: Close TcpNetDriver_0 TcpipConnection_0 03/29/19 21:14:49 [0826.65] ScriptLog: LocalPlayer::StaticOnServerConnectionClose: Couldn't find local client auth session [0826.65] ScriptLog: LocalPlayer::StaticOnServerConnectionClose: Couldn't find server auth session [0826.65] Exit: TcpNetDriver_0 shut down [0826.65] Init: WinSock: Socket queue 32768 / 32768 [0839.13] Log: LoadMap: [0839.14] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE START --- [0839.35] ScriptWarning: Invalid user index (255) specified for ClearReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate() OnlineSubsystemSteamworks Transient.OnlineSubsystemSteamworks_0 Function OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.OnlineSubsystemSteamworks:ClearReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate:00FE [0857.38] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'RX_VH_SalvagedTank.Sounds.CannonFire'! Referenced by 'RX_VH_LAV.Sounds.cannonfirecue' ('Engine.SoundNodeWave:bLoopingSound'). [0857.38] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'RX_VH_SalvagedTank': Can't find file for package 'RX_VH_SalvagedTank' while loading NULL [0857.38] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'CannonFire': Package RX_VH_SalvagedTank.Sounds [0857.77] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'RX_VH_SalvagedTank.Sounds.CannonFire'! Referenced by 'RX_VH_LAV.Sounds.cannonfirecue:SoundNodeModulator_1' ('Engine.SoundNode:ChildNodes'). [0857.77] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'RX_VH_SalvagedTank': Can't find file for package 'RX_VH_SalvagedTank' while loading NULL [0857.77] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'CannonFire': Package RX_VH_SalvagedTank.Sounds [0858.53] Warning: Warning, Material RX_VH_A-10.Materials.M_VH_A-10 missing bUsedWithStaticLighting=True! [0858.53] Warning: Warning, Material RX_VH_A-10.Materials.M_VH_A-10 missing bUsedWithStaticLighting=True! [0858.53] Warning: Warning, Material RX_VH_A-10.Materials.M_VH_A-10 missing bUsedWithStaticLighting=True! [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_11.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_10.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_6.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_15.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_14.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_7.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_16.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_17.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_18.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_19.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_20.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_27.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_22.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_23.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_24.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_25.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_26.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_13.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.59] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_21.SkeletalMeshComponent_71 RX_Env_Under.Meshes.SK_SnowMarker 1 0 1 0 [0858.70] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software. [0858.70] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene. [0859.23] Log: Bringing World CNC-Under.TheWorld up for play (1429) at 2019.03.29-21.15.22 [0859.28] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.859018 [0859.28] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0859.28] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.' [0859.28] Log: PlayerController class for the pending level is PlayerController [0859.28] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 20.147748 seconds [0860.60] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'myHUD' PlayerController CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.PlayerController_1 Function Engine.PlayerController:AdjustHUDRenderSize:000D [0860.60] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'myHUD' PlayerController CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.PlayerController_1 Function Engine.PlayerController:AdjustHUDRenderSize:006F [0860.62] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'myHUD' FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0 Function FPI.FPI_Controller:PostBeginPlay:001D [0860.67] Log: Current scalability system settings: [0860.67] Log: StaticDecals = FALSE (Whether to allow static decals.) [0860.67] Log: DynamicDecals = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic decals.) [0860.67] Log: UnbatchedDecals = TRUE (Whether to allow decals that have not been placed in static draw lists and have dynamic view relevance.) [0860.67] Log: DecalCullDistanceScale = 1 (Scale factor for distance culling decals.) [0860.67] Log: DynamicShadows = FALSE (Whether to allow dynamic shadows.) [0860.67] Log: LightEnvironmentShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic light environments to cast shadows.) [0860.67] Log: MotionBlur = FALSE (Whether to allow motion blur.) [0860.67] Log: DepthOfField = TRUE (Whether to allow depth of field.) [0860.67] Log: AmbientOcclusion = FALSE (Whether to allow ambient occlusion.) [0860.67] Log: Bloom = TRUE (Whether to allow bloom.) [0860.67] Log: bAllowLightShafts = TRUE (Whether to allow light shafts.) [0860.67] Log: Distortion = TRUE (Whether to allow distortion.) [0860.67] Log: DropParticleDistortion = FALSE (Whether to allow dropping distortion on particles based on WorldInfo::bDropDetail.) [0860.67] Log: AllowDistortionAndColorInSameMaterial = TRUE (Disabling this is an optimization, and only renders distortion during the distortion pass.) [0860.67] Log: LensFlares = TRUE (Whether to allow rendering of LensFlares.) [0860.67] Log: AllowRadialBlur = TRUE (Whether to allow radial blur effects to render.) [0860.67] Log: bAllowSeparateTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to keep separate translucency (for better Depth of Field), experimental.) [0860.67] Log: bAllowPostprocessMLAA = FALSE (Whether to allow post process MLAA to render. requires extra memory.) [0860.67] Log: bAllowHighQualityMaterials = TRUE (Whether to use high quality materials when low quality exist.) [0860.67] Log: MaxFilterBlurSampleCount = 16 (Max filter sample count.) [0860.67] Log: SkeletalMeshLODBias = 1 (LOD bias for skeletal meshes.) [0860.67] Log: DetailMode = 3 (Current detail mode; determines whether components of actors should be updated/ ticked.) [0860.67] Log: MemoryDetailMode = 2 (Current detail mode; determines which detail level of assets to load (e.g. cut out variety from sound cues).) [0860.67] Log: MaxDrawDistanceScale = 1 (Scale applied to primitive's MaxDrawDistance.) [0860.67] Log: MaxAnisotropy = 8 (Maximum level of anisotropy used.) [0860.67] Log: bAllowD3D9MSAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0860.67] Log: MinShadowResolution = 64 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0860.67] Log: MinPreShadowResolution = 8 (min dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering preshadow depths.) [0860.67] Log: MaxShadowResolution = 1024 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths.) [0860.67] Log: MaxWholeSceneDominantShadowResolution = 1280 (max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering whole scene shadow depths.) [0860.67] Log: ShadowTexelsPerPixel = 1.3 (The ratio of subject pixels to shadow texels.) [0860.67] Log: bEnableBranchingPCFShadows = FALSE (Toggle Branching PCF implementation for projected shadows.) [0860.67] Log: bAllowWholeSceneDominantShadows = TRUE (Whether to allow whole scene dominant shadows.) [0860.67] Log: bUseConservativeShadowBounds = FALSE (Whether to use safe and conservative shadow frustum creation that wastes some shadowmap space.) [0860.67] Log: bAllowFracturedDamage = TRUE (Whether to allow fractured meshes to take damage.) [0860.67] Log: FractureCullDistanceScale = 1 (Distance scale for whether a fractured static mesh should actually fracture when damaged.) [0860.67] Log: bApexClothingAsyncFetchResults = FALSE (If TRUE, allow APEX skinning to occur without blocking fetch results. bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch must be enabled for this to work.) [0860.68] Log: Current preference system settings: [0860.68] Log: UseVsync = FALSE (Whether to use VSync or not.) [0860.68] Log: Fullscreen = TRUE (Fullscreen.) [0860.68] Log: ResX = 800 (Screen X resolution.) [0860.68] Log: ResY = 600 (Screen Y resolution.) [0860.68] Log: Current debug system settings: [0860.68] Log: DynamicLights = TRUE (Whether to allow dynamic lights.) [0860.68] Log: CompositeDynamicLights = TRUE (Whether to composte dynamic lights into light environments.) [0860.68] Log: DirectionalLightmaps = TRUE (Whether to allow directional lightmaps, which use the material's normal and specular.) [0860.68] Log: SpeedTreeLeaves = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree leaves.) [0860.68] Log: SpeedTreeFronds = FALSE (Whether to allow rendering of SpeedTree fronds.) [0860.68] Log: OnlyStreamInTextures = FALSE (If enabled, texture will only be streamed in, not out.) [0860.68] Log: OneFrameThreadLag = TRUE (Whether to allow the rendering thread to lag one frame behind the game thread.) [0860.68] Log: UpscaleScreenPercentage = TRUE (Whether to upscale the screen to take up the full front buffer.) [0860.68] Log: AllowOpenGL = FALSE (Whether to use OpenGL when it's available.) [0860.68] Log: AllowSubsurfaceScattering = TRUE (Whether to allow sub-surface scattering to render.) [0860.68] Log: AllowImageReflections = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to render.) [0860.68] Log: AllowImageReflectionShadowing = TRUE (Whether to allow image reflections to be shadowed.) [0860.68] Log: ParticleLODBias = 1 (LOD bias for particle systems.) [0860.68] Log: MaxMultiSamples = 0 (The maximum number of MSAA samples to use.) [0860.68] Log: bAllowTemporalAA = FALSE (UKNOWN) [0860.68] Log: TemporalAA_MinDepth = 500 (UKNOWN) [0860.68] Log: TemporalAA_StartDepthVelocityScale = 100 (UKNOWN) [0860.68] Log: ScreenPercentage = 100 (Percentage of screen main view should take up.) [0860.68] Log: MobileOcclusionQueries = FALSE (Whether to allow occlusion queries on mobile.) [0860.68] Log: MobileGlobalGammaCorrection = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0860.68] Log: MobileAllowGammaCorrectionWorldOverride = FALSE (UNKNOWN.) [0860.68] Log: MobileAllowDepthPrePass = FALSE (Whether to enable a rendering depth pre-pass on mobile.) [0860.68] Log: MobileGfxGammaCorrection = FALSE (Whether to include gamma correction in the scaleform shaders.) [0860.68] Log: MobileSceneDepthResolveForShadows = TRUE (UNKNOWN.) [0860.68] Log: MobileUsePreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to use preprocessed shaders on mobile.) [0860.68] Log: MobileFlashRedForUncachedShaders = FALSE (Whether to flash the screen red (non-final release only) when a cached shader is not found at runtime.) [0860.68] Log: MobileWarmUpPreprocessedShaders = TRUE (Whether to issue a 'warm-up' draw call for mobile shaders as they are compiled.) [0860.68] Log: MobileCachePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to dump out preprocessed shaders for mobile as they are encountered/compiled.) [0860.68] Log: MobileProfilePreprocessedShaders = FALSE (Whether to run dumped out preprocessed shaders through the shader profiler.) [0860.68] Log: MobileUseCPreprocessorOnShaders = TRUE (Whether to run the C preprocessor on shaders.) [0860.68] Log: MobileLoadCPreprocessedShaders = TRUE ( Whether to load the C preprocessed source.) [0860.68] Log: MobileSharePixelShaders = TRUE (Whether to share pixel shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0860.68] Log: MobileShareVertexShaders = TRUE (Whether to share vertex shaders across multiple unreal shaders.) [0860.68] Log: MobileShareShaderPrograms = TRUE (Whether to share shaders program across multiple unreal shaders.) [0860.68] Log: MobileMaxMemory = 300 (Value (in MB) to declare for maximum mobile memory on this device.) [0860.68] Log: MobileClearDepthBetweenDPG = FALSE (Whether to clear the depth buffer between DPGs.) [0860.68] Log: MobileBoneCount = 75 (The maximum number of bones supported for skinning.) [0860.68] Log: MobileBoneWeightCount = 2 (The maximum number of bones influences per vertex supported for skinning.) [0860.68] Log: Current unknown system settings: [0860.68] Log: SHSecondaryLighting = TRUE (Whether to allow light environments to use SH lights for secondary lighting.) [0860.68] Log: MotionBlurPause = TRUE (Whether to allow motion blur to be paused.) [0860.68] Log: MotionBlurSkinning = 1 (State of the console variable MotionBlurSkinning.) [0860.68] Log: FilteredDistortion = TRUE (Whether to allow distortion to use bilinear filtering when sampling the scene color during its apply pass.) [0860.68] Log: bAllowDownsampledTranslucency = FALSE (Whether to allow downsampled transluency.) [0860.68] Log: FogVolumes = TRUE (Whether to allow fog volumes.) [0860.68] Log: FloatingPointRenderTargets = TRUE (Whether to allow floating point render targets to be used.) [0860.68] Log: ShadowFilterQualityBias = 1 (Quality bias for projected shadow buffer filtering. Higher values use better quality filtering.) [0860.68] Log: ShadowFadeResolution = 128 (Resolution in texel below which shadows are faded out.) [0860.68] Log: PreShadowFadeResolution = 16 (Resolution in texel below which preshadows are faded out.) [0860.68] Log: ShadowFadeExponent = 0.25 (Controls the rate at which shadows are faded out.) [0860.68] Log: SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier = 1 (Scene capture streaming texture update distance scalar.) [0860.68] Log: PreShadowResolutionFactor = 0.5 (UKNOWN) [0860.68] Log: bAllowHardwareShadowFiltering = FALSE (Whether to allow hardware filtering optimizations like hardware PCF and Fetch4.) [0860.68] Log: TessellationAdaptivePixelsPerTriangle = 48 (Global tessellation factor multiplier.) [0860.68] Log: bEnableForegroundShadowsOnWorld = FALSE (hack to allow for foreground DPG objects to cast shadows on the world DPG.) [0860.68] Log: bEnableForegroundSelfShadowing = FALSE (Whether to allow foreground DPG self-shadowing.) [0860.68] Log: ShadowFilterRadius = 2 (Radius, in shadowmap texels, of the filter disk.) [0860.68] Log: ShadowDepthBias = 0.012 (Depth bias that is applied in the depth pass for all types of projected shadows except VSM.) [0860.68] Log: PerObjectShadowTransition = 60 (Higher values make the per object soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0860.68] Log: PerSceneShadowTransition = 600 (Higher values make the per scene soft shadow comparison sharper, lower values make the transition softer.) [0860.68] Log: CSMSplitPenumbraScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the penumbra size of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0860.68] Log: CSMSplitSoftTransitionDistanceScale = 4 (Scale applied to the soft comparison transition distance of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0860.68] Log: CSMSplitDepthBiasScale = 0.5 (Scale applied to the depth bias of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits.) [0860.68] Log: CSMMinimumFOV = 40 (Minimum camera FOV for CSM, this is used to prevent shadow shimmering when animating the FOV lower than the min, for example when zooming.) [0860.68] Log: CSMFOVRoundFactor = 4 (The FOV will be rounded by this factor for the purposes of CSM, which turns shadow shimmering into discrete jumps.) [0860.68] Log: UnbuiltWholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius = 20000 (WholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0860.68] Log: UnbuiltNumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades = 3 (NumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light.) [0860.68] Log: WholeSceneShadowUnbuiltInteractionThreshold = 50 (How many unbuilt light-primitive interactions there can be for a light before the light switches to whole scene shadows.) [0860.68] Log: NumFracturedPartsScale = 1 (Scales the game-specific number of fractured physics objects allowed.) [0860.68] Log: FractureDirectSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged directly. [0-1]) [0860.68] Log: FractureRadialSpawnChanceScale = 1 (Percent chance of a rigid body spawning after a fractured static mesh is damaged by radial blast. [0-1]) [0860.68] Log: bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts = FALSE (Whether to force CPU access to GPU skinned vertex data.) [0860.68] Log: bDisableSkeletalInstanceWeights = FALSE (Whether to disable instanced skeletal weights.) [0860.68] Log: HighPrecisionGBuffers = FALSE (Whether to use high-precision GBuffers.) [0860.68] Log: AllowSecondaryDisplays = FALSE (Whether to allow independent, external displays.) [0860.68] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumWidth = 1280 (The maximum width of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0860.68] Log: SecondaryDisplayMaximumHeight = 720 (The maximum height of any potentially allowed secondary displays (requires bAllowSecondaryDisplays == TRUE)) [0860.68] Log: StatFontScaleFactor = 1 (The default stat font scale to use) [0860.68] Log: AudioDecompressionBufferSize = 6144 (Decompression buffer size per sound source.) [0860.68] Log: AudioCompressionCookCutoff = 49152 (Cutoff in bytes for keeping audio data uncompressed during cook.) [0860.68] Log: AudioCompressionLoadCutoff = 98304 (Cutoff in bytes for fully decompressing audio data on load.) [0860.68] Log: MobileVertexScratchBufferSize = 150 (The size of the scratch buffer for vertices (in kB).) [0860.68] Log: MobileIndexScratchBufferSize = 10 (The size of the scratch buffer for indices (in kB).) [0860.68] Log: MobileShadowTextureResolution = 1120 (UNKNOWN.) [0860.68] Log: MobileBloomMultiplier = 1 (MobileBloomMultiplier default 1.) [0860.68] Log: MobileTiltShiftPosition = 0.5 (Position of the focused center of the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0860.68] Log: MobileTiltShiftFocusWidth = 0.3 (Width of focused area in the tilt shift effect (in percent of the screen height).) [0860.68] Log: MobileTiltShiftTransitionWidth = 0.5 (Width of transition area in the tilt shift effect, where it transitions from full focus to full blur (in percent of the screen height).) [0860.68] Log: MobileLightShaftScale = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0860.68] Log: MobileLightShaftFirstPass = 0.5 (UNKNOWN.) [0860.68] Log: MobileLightShaftSecondPass = 1 (UNKNOWN.) [0860.68] Log: MobileMaxShadowRange = 500 (UNKNOWN.) [0860.68] Log: MobileLandscapeLodBias = 0 (LOD bias for mobile landscape rendering on this device (in addition to any per-landscape bias set).) [0860.68] Log: MobileUseShaderGroupForStartupObjects = FALSE (Whether to automatically put cooked startup objects in the StartupPackages shader group) [0860.68] Log: MobileMinimizeFogShaders = FALSE (Whether to disable generating both fog shader permutations on mobile. When TRUE, it decreases load times but increases GPU cost for materials/levels with fog enabled) [0860.68] Log: ShowSpinnerOnLoadScreen = TRUE (Whether to show the Apple loading spinner graphic over load screen images.) [0860.68] Log: ApexLODResourceBudget = 1e+021 (Resource budget for APEX LOD. Higher values indicate the system can handle more APEX load.) [0860.68] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkIslandCount = 2500 (The maximum number of active PhysX actors which represent dynamic groups of chunks (islands).) [0860.68] Log: ApexDestructionMaxShapeCount = 0 (The maximum number of PhysX shapes which represent destructible chunks.) [0860.68] Log: ApexDestructionMaxChunkSeparationLOD = 1 (Every destructible asset defines a min and max lifetime, and maximum separation distance for its chunks.) [0860.68] Log: ApexDestructionMaxFracturesProcessedPerFrame = -1 (Lets the user throttle the number of fractures processed per frame (per scene) due to destruction, as this can be quite costly. The default is 0xffffffff (unlimited).) [0860.68] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 8.40779e-044 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames. This is used in Clothing when bAllowAdaptiveTargetFrequency is enabled.) [0860.68] Log: ApexDestructionSortByBenefit = TRUE (If set to true, destructible chunks with the lowest benefit would get removed first instead of the oldest.) [0860.68] Log: ApexGRBEnable = FALSE (Whether or not to use GPU Rigid Bodies.) [0860.68] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemSceneSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB scene data (shapes, actors etc).) [0860.68] Log: ApexGRBGPUMemTempDataSize = 128 (Amount (in MB) of GPU memory to allocate for GRB temporary data (broadphase pairs, contacts etc).) [0860.68] Log: ApexGRBMeshCellSize = 7.5 (The size of the cells to divide the world into for GPU collision detection.) [0860.68] Log: ApexGRBNonPenSolverPosIterCount = 9 (Number of non-penetration solver iterations.) [0860.68] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverPosIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver position iterations.) [0860.68] Log: ApexGRBFrictionSolverVelIterCount = 3 (Number of friction solver velocity iterations.) [0860.68] Log: ApexGRBSkinWidth = 0.025 (Collision skin width, as in PhysX.) [0860.68] Log: ApexGRBMaxLinearAcceleration = 1e+006 (Maximum linear acceleration.) [0860.68] Log: bEnableParallelApexClothingFetch = TRUE (If TRUE, allow APEX clothing fetch (skinning etc) to be done on multiple threads.) [0860.68] Log: ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow = 60 (Average Simulation Frequency is estimated with the last n frames.) [0860.68] Log: ApexClothingAllowAsyncCooking = TRUE (ClothingActors will cook in a background thread to speed up creation time.) [0860.68] Log: ApexClothingAllowApexWorkBetweenSubsteps = FALSE (Allow APEX SDK to interpolate clothing matrices between the substeps.) [0860.68] Log: ApexDestructionMaxActorCreatesPerFrame = -1 (UNKNOWN.) [0860.70] Log: Listing all sound classes. [0860.70] Log: Class 'Item' has 27 resident sounds taking 2683.08 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 8.89 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'Vehicle' has 109 resident sounds taking 34860.05 kb, and 10 real time sounds taking 661.37 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'Weapon' has 260 resident sounds taking 71967.21 kb, and 5 real time sounds taking 383.05 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'SFX' has 32 resident sounds taking 6574.28 kb, and 9 real time sounds taking 390.46 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'Character' has 183 resident sounds taking 8739.23 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'None' has 5 resident sounds taking 3459.30 kb, and 5 real time sounds taking 637.02 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'UI' has 24 resident sounds taking 1480.30 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'Announcer_UI' has 21 resident sounds taking 2925.05 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'Music' has 0 resident sounds taking 0.00 kb, and 23 real time sounds taking 47214.76 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'Announcer' has 60 resident sounds taking 19414.13 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'WeaponBulletEffects' has 24 resident sounds taking 731.49 kb, and 1 real time sounds taking 150.46 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'MovieVoice' has 1 resident sounds taking 28.10 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'Cinematic' has 5 resident sounds taking 1292.72 kb, and 5 real time sounds taking 737.72 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'MovieEffects' has 0 resident sounds taking 0.00 kb, and 2 real time sounds taking 336.30 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'Ambient' has 32 resident sounds taking 14683.14 kb, and 22 real time sounds taking 2865.60 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'Dialog' has 4 resident sounds taking 278.99 kb [0860.70] Log: Class 'UnGrouped' has 601 resident sounds taking 85366.39 kb, and 116 real time sounds taking 3418.02 kb [0860.70] Log: 1587 total sounds in 17 classes [0860.70] ScriptLog: MusicComp.CurrentVolume? 0.0000 [0860.70] ScriptLog: Rx_HUD::Jukebox SystemSettingsHandler.bAutostartMusic:'True' [0860.71] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0860.71] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0860.74] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Font None.Wingdings': Failed to find object 'Font None.Wingdings' [0860.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0860.76] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0860.79] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo' Rx_GFxHud Transient.Rx_GFxHud_2 Function RenX_Game.Rx_GFxHud:HideLoadingBar:002A [0860.80] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo' Rx_GFxHud Transient.Rx_GFxHud_2 Function RenX_Game.Rx_GFxHud:DisableHUDItems:0193 [0860.80] Error: StopLocalVoiceProcessing: Ignoring stop request for non-owning user [0860.82] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_GDI_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0860.82] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_Nod_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0860.82] Log: MIC::SetTextureParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo [0860.82] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_GDI_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0860.82] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_VH_Nod_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0860.82] Log: MIC::SetVectorParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Camo_Colour [0860.91] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0860.91] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0860.92] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'cannon' Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG_4 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG:InitMuzzleFlash:0016 [0860.92] ScriptWarning: Accessed None Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG_4 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_AGT_MG:InitMuzzleFlash:002A [0860.92] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_Barracks_Internals_1.SkeletalMeshComponent_1401 RX_BU_Barracks.Mesh.SK_BU_GDI_BAR 1 0 1 0 [0860.93] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'BuildingInternals' Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk_1 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk:ClientInitializeFor:005C [0860.93] ScriptWarning: Accessed None Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk_1 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk:ClientInitializeFor:0070 [0860.93] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'BuildingInternals' Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk_1 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk:ClientInitializeFor:00AE [0860.93] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'NewBase' Rx_SentinelWeaponComponent_MuzzleFlash CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk_1.Rx_SentinelWeaponComponent_MuzzleFlash_16 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeaponComponent_MuzzleFlash:Initialize:000A [0860.93] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'NewBase' Rx_SentinelWeaponComponent_MuzzleFlash CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_SentinelWeapon_Obelisk_1.Rx_SentinelWeaponComponent_MuzzleFlash_17 Function RenX_Game.Rx_SentinelWeaponComponent_MuzzleFlash:Initialize:000A [0860.94] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0860.94] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0860.94] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0860.94] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0860.95] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_Silo_Internals_0.SkeletalMeshComponent_1416 RX_BU_Silo.Meshes.SK_BU_Silo 1 0 1 0 [0860.95] ScriptLog: BUILDING ERROR: No Trace2d_X sockets exist in Rx_Building_Silo_Internals_0 [0860.97] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0860.97] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0860.98] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0860.98] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic! [0861.34] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_Silo_Internals_0.SkeletalMeshComponent_1416 RX_BU_Silo.Meshes.SK_BU_Silo 1 0 1 0 [0861.35] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0861.35] ScriptLog: tech_buildings_0 = Silo_0 [0861.66] DevStreaming: Blocking on texture streaming: 238.4 ms (214 textures updated, 0 still pending) [0861.68] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE TIME: 22.5 sec --- [0869.31] ScriptLog: Server authentication failed after 3 tries [0875.06] ScriptLog: Warning: False [0875.08] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_104 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0875.12] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0876.02] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_NightVision' during gameplay. ParamName: NightVisionMultiplier [0876.02] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_NightVision' during gameplay. ParamName: NightVisionContrast [0876.02] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.02] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.02] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_Slow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.02] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_Slow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.02] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_WhiteSand' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.02] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_WhiteSand' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.02] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_YellowSand' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.02] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_YellowSand' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.02] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mud' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mud' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_RockDirt' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_RockDirt' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_BW' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_BW' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Slow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Slow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_SmokeA' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_SmokeA' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Dirt_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Grain_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Grain_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mud_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mud_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_RockDirt_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_RockDirt_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_SlowMoving_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_SlowMoving_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Thin_NotLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Smoke_Thin_NotLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_WhiteSand_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_WhiteSand_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_YellowSand_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_YellowSand_Thin_FakeLit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_FloatingDirt_Unlit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_FloatingDirt_Unlit' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mist' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Mist' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_WaterRadial' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_WaterRadial' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Snow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Snow' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Shell_Trail_Master' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Shell_Trail_Master' during gameplay. ParamName: GlobalSecondaryParticleValue [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy' during gameplay. ParamName: AddTranslucent_Bias [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: AddTranslucent_Bias [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy' during gameplay. ParamName: Stealth_Effect_Multiplier [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Stealth_Effect_Multiplier [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy' during gameplay. ParamName: Stealth_Visibility_Multiplier [0876.03] Log: MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying 'MI_Cloak_Enemy_Adaptive' during gameplay. ParamName: Stealth_Visibility_Multiplier [0878.03] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94577 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1400 [0878.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94998 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1401 [0879.32] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94438 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1409 [0880.39] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94299 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1413 [0880.56] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94239 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1414 [0880.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93458 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1415 [0881.50] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95001 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1417 [0881.91] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94111 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1418 [0882.38] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9497 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1419 [0882.91] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94424 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1421 [0884.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9525 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1432 [0884.66] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93728 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1433 [0884.81] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93947 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1434 [0885.78] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93326 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1436 [0887.56] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95729 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1438 [0888.40] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93933 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1440 [0890.43] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshActor_3 [0890.51] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0890.85] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94018 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1442 [0891.32] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95342 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1443 [0891.38] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.7292 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_1444 [0894.44] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95724 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1451 [0897.36] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94538 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1453 [0898.02] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94527 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1454 [0899.82] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93381 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1456 [0900.14] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93832 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1457 [0902.00] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93485 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1459 [0904.04] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93762 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1461 [0905.67] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93806 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1463 [0908.01] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93894 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1464 [0910.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94604 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1465 [0910.49] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94187 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1466 [0912.54] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95667 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1467 [0912.70] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9531 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1468 [0912.85] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93621 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1469 [0912.96] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94533 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1470 [0914.08] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94116 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1471 [0917.02] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95583 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1472 [0917.77] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94673 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1473 [0918.54] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshActor_1 [0918.66] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshPart_137 [0918.66] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshPart_143 [0918.94] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95126 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1474 [0920.09] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93505 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1475 [0920.97] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93456 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1476 [0922.14] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94469 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1477 [0924.52] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 7.14922 > 2.85474 : AudioComponent_1407 [0925.27] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25363 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_125 [0928.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25296 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_119 [0930.44] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27266 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_129 [0932.59] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94872 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1478 [0937.97] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95177 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1479 [0941.46] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25632 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_125 [0941.68] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 7.15045 > 2.85474 : AudioComponent_1405 [0943.65] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.36185 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_251 [0946.76] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9408 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1481 [0947.69] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.35754 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_267 [0947.88] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27341 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_125 [0948.25] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0948.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.96064 > 0.777869 : AudioComponent_1397 [0948.87] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [0948.90] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0948.90] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0948.91] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [0948.91] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [0948.91] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0948.91] ScriptLog: [0948.91] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [0948.91] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0948.91] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [0948.91] ScriptLog: [0948.91] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [0948.91] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0948.94] ScriptLog: BUGGY 0 [0948.94] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [0948.94] ScriptLog: MOBILE ARTILLERY 2 [0948.94] ScriptLog: FLAME TANK 3 [0948.94] ScriptLog: LIGHT TANK 4 [0948.95] ScriptLog: STEALTH TANK 5 [0948.95] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 6 [0948.95] ScriptLog: APACHE 7 [0948.95] ScriptLog: 8 [0948.95] ScriptLog: 9 [0948.95] ScriptLog: ====================== [0948.95] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[0]= Timed C4 [0948.95] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[1]= Grenades [0948.95] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[2]= Smoke Grenade [0948.95] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[3]= EMP Grenade [0948.95] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[4]= Anti-Tank Mine [0948.98] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0949.02] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0949.02] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? R [0949.02] ScriptLog: --------------- 6 --------------- [0949.02] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ SetLoadout() Called ] ------------------ [0949.02] ScriptLog: GFx EquipmentSidearmData[-1]? [0949.02] ScriptLog: GFx EquipExplosivesList[0]? Timed C4 [0949.02] ScriptLog: GetRxFamilyInfo()? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0949.02] ScriptLog: Rx_Pawn(rxPC.Pawn).CurrCharClassInfo? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0949.02] ScriptLog: rxPC.Pawn? Rx_Pawn_104 [0949.02] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtEngineer? False [0949.02] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtHavocSakura? False [0949.02] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0949.02] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0949.02] ScriptLog: selected explosive data? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0949.02] ScriptLog: explosive Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [0949.04] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0949.04] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0949.04] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0949.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.04973 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1484 [0950.26] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95607 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1486 [0950.47] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [0950.49] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0950.49] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0950.51] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [0950.51] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [0950.51] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0950.51] ScriptLog: [0950.51] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [0950.51] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0950.51] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [0950.51] ScriptLog: [0950.51] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [0950.51] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0950.54] ScriptLog: BUGGY 0 [0950.54] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [0950.54] ScriptLog: MOBILE ARTILLERY 2 [0950.54] ScriptLog: FLAME TANK 3 [0950.54] ScriptLog: LIGHT TANK 4 [0950.54] ScriptLog: STEALTH TANK 5 [0950.54] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 6 [0950.54] ScriptLog: APACHE 7 [0950.54] ScriptLog: 8 [0950.54] ScriptLog: 9 [0950.54] ScriptLog: ====================== [0950.54] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[0]= Timed C4 [0950.54] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[1]= Grenades [0950.54] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[2]= Smoke Grenade [0950.54] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[3]= EMP Grenade [0950.54] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[4]= Anti-Tank Mine [0950.57] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0950.67] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [0950.67] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? five [0950.67] ScriptLog: Button Selected Index? 4 [0950.67] ScriptLog: ------------------ SelectPurchase() ------------------ [0950.67] ScriptLog: XXX: Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_Engineer [0950.67] ScriptLog: XXX2: Rx_Weapon_Pistol [0950.67] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ SetLoadout() Called ] ------------------ [0950.67] ScriptLog: GFx EquipmentSidearmData[-1]? [0950.67] ScriptLog: GFx EquipExplosivesList[0]? Timed C4 [0950.67] ScriptLog: GetRxFamilyInfo()? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0950.67] ScriptLog: Rx_Pawn(rxPC.Pawn).CurrCharClassInfo? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [0950.67] ScriptLog: rxPC.Pawn? Rx_Pawn_104 [0950.67] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtEngineer? False [0950.67] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtHavocSakura? False [0950.67] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0950.67] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [0950.67] ScriptLog: selected explosive data? None [0950.67] ScriptLog: explosive Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [0950.68] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0950.68] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0950.68] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0951.10] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_104 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [0952.16] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0954.74] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93436 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1490 [0957.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9641 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1492 [0957.49] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0960.70] ScriptLog: Warning: False [0966.72] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93653 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1493 [0968.47] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93708 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1494 [0969.76] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0971.91] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26808 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_125 [0971.98] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0972.28] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [0972.28] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [0972.33] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0972.33] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0974.52] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0974.52] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0974.63] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [0974.63] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [0974.66] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0974.66] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0974.69] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94672 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1495 [0974.95] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [0974.95] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [0977.07] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94535 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1499 [0977.86] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0978.04] DevAudio: New interior setting! [0979.87] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94251 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1504 [0981.25] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95603 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1505 [0981.92] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93719 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1508 [0985.09] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9558 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1514 [0986.63] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93472 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1515 [0986.63] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25006 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_126 [0987.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.28161 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_127 [0987.16] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95021 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1516 [0987.32] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9535 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1517 [0989.43] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.97451 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1518 [0989.55] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94538 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1519 [0991.47] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95916 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1520 [0992.12] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.34799 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_255 [0995.30] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95833 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1521 [0996.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.34571 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_235 [0996.78] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95928 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1522 [0996.78] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.35328 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_255 [0999.08] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27743 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_129 [0999.20] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96028 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1523 [0999.65] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94506 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1524 [1003.41] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94111 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1526 [1003.56] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.30268 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_127 [1004.21] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93749 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1527 [1006.12] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26455 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_126 [1006.56] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94918 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1528 [1007.77] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.3631 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_253 [1007.96] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94297 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1529 [1008.28] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.38207 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_255 [1008.86] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9457 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1530 [1010.92] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshPart_124 [1012.54] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26091 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_127 [1013.22] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshActor_6 [1015.41] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 16.8565 > 6.74036 : AudioComponent_1410 [1015.75] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95576 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1540 [1018.46] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25963 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_117 [1019.45] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1020.04] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94407 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1541 [1021.18] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95305 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1542 [1022.27] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26864 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_127 [1022.67] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94984 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1543 [1023.53] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95579 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1544 [1024.28] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.34451 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_235 [1025.40] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26854 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_117 [1025.72] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25782 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_126 [1026.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93765 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1545 [1026.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95451 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1546 [1027.38] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93611 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1547 [1027.82] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94512 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1548 [1029.89] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94547 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1550 [1030.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93441 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1551 [1031.46] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94619 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1552 [1031.56] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94314 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1553 [1032.96] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93232 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1554 [1033.74] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95087 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1557 [1035.64] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96019 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1559 [1036.25] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.33979 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_235 [1036.42] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93547 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1560 [1036.59] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9427 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1561 [1037.58] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27043 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_117 [1038.48] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94906 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1562 [1039.18] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95246 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1563 [1039.71] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.96908 > 0.777869 : AudioComponent_1403 [1039.89] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.94719 > 0.777869 : AudioComponent_1397 [1040.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.96581 > 0.777869 : AudioComponent_1447 [1041.67] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95003 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1564 [1043.69] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95352 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1565 [1044.85] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9531 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1568 [1045.48] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26038 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_117 [1045.98] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95601 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1569 [1046.42] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93565 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1570 [1046.42] ScriptLog: Warning: False [1046.53] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25001 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_122 [1046.57] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96138 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1571 [1048.87] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94748 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1576 [1050.26] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94617 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1579 [1051.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95758 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1580 [1052.60] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9421 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1581 [1052.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94437 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1582 [1053.95] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26511 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_122 [1055.25] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95371 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1588 [1056.77] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93679 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1589 [1057.08] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.53929 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_1307 [1057.72] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.55429 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_1343 [1058.51] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96042 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1591 [1059.52] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94549 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1592 [1059.98] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94215 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1594 [1060.79] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95424 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1595 [1061.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95394 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1597 [1061.84] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94123 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1598 [1062.34] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.54386 > 1.01275 : AudioComponent_1218 [1062.86] ScriptLog: MusicPlayerOnAudioFinished :: bStopped? False | AC? AudioComponent_1215 | SoundCue? Move_It [1065.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25726 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_120 [1066.86] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93924 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1600 [1066.91] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93723 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1601 [1067.77] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94767 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1602 [1067.79] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94689 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1603 [1069.01] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94021 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1604 [1070.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93736 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1605 [1071.44] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 4.67603 > 1.8663 : AudioComponent_1308 [1071.44] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 4.67603 > 1.8663 : AudioComponent_1344 [1071.47] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95411 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1606 [1071.49] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93431 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1607 [1071.52] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 4.68206 > 1.8663 : AudioComponent_1219 [1075.18] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94993 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1608 [1075.31] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95056 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1609 [1075.85] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.7264 > 0.689547 : AudioComponent_1408 [1075.96] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95173 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1610 [1077.70] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95437 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1616 [1079.14] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94809 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1619 [1079.50] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94173 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1620 [1080.16] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93812 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1621 [1082.12] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95911 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1622 [1083.14] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94188 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1623 [1086.02] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94312 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1624 [1087.00] Log: Assembled 574 auto-complete commands, manual: 92, exec: 453, kismet: 0 [1087.66] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93591 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1625 [1087.78] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93995 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1626 [1088.13] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.15] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.20] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.22] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.28] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.30] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.34] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.38] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.43] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.46] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.50] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.53] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.58] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.60] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.65] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.68] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.72] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.74] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.80] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.82] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.87] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.89] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.94] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1088.96] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.02] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.04] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.09] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.12] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.17] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.22] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.26] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.29] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.34] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.34] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94267 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1627 [1089.36] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.40] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.43] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.48] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.50] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.55] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.57] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.63] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.65] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.70] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.72] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.77] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.79] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.84] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.86] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.91] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.93] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1089.98] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1090.00] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1090.05] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1090.08] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1090.13] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1090.15] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1090.20] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1090.23] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1090.27] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1090.30] Warning: Warning, TranslationContext could not find handler for 'img src='img' while translating [1091.36] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_134 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [1091.39] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1091.87] Warning: Failed to find function setRespawnUiCounter for timer in actor FPI_Controller_0 [1091.95] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_134 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [1092.64] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [1092.67] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1092.67] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1092.69] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [1092.69] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [1092.69] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [1092.69] ScriptLog: [1092.69] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [1092.69] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [1092.69] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [1092.69] ScriptLog: [1092.69] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_Pistol_UnSILENCED [1092.69] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [1092.72] ScriptLog: BUGGY 0 [1092.72] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [1092.72] ScriptLog: MOBILE ARTILLERY 2 [1092.72] ScriptLog: FLAME TANK 3 [1092.72] ScriptLog: LIGHT TANK 4 [1092.72] ScriptLog: STEALTH TANK 5 [1092.72] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 6 [1092.72] ScriptLog: APACHE 7 [1092.72] ScriptLog: 8 [1092.72] ScriptLog: 9 [1092.72] ScriptLog: ====================== [1092.72] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[0]= Timed C4 [1092.72] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[1]= Grenades [1092.72] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[2]= Smoke Grenade [1092.72] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[3]= EMP Grenade [1092.72] ScriptLog: Norm explosiveData[4]= Anti-Tank Mine [1092.75] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1092.88] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [1092.88] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? C [1092.88] ScriptLog: --------------- 8 --------------- [1093.08] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93274 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1628 [1093.61] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9411 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1629 [1094.26] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [1094.26] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? zero [1094.26] ScriptLog: Button Selected Index? 9 [1094.26] ScriptLog: ------------------ SelectPurchase() ------------------ [1094.26] ScriptLog: XXX: Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_Technician [1094.26] ScriptLog: XXX2: Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1094.26] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ SetLoadout() Called ] ------------------ [1094.26] ScriptLog: GFx EquipmentSidearmData[-1]? [1094.26] ScriptLog: GFx EquipExplosivesList[0]? Timed C4 [1094.26] ScriptLog: GetRxFamilyInfo()? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [1094.26] ScriptLog: Rx_Pawn(rxPC.Pawn).CurrCharClassInfo? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier [1094.26] ScriptLog: rxPC.Pawn? Rx_Pawn_134 [1094.26] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtEngineer? False [1094.26] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtHavocSakura? False [1094.26] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon? Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1094.26] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive? Rx_Weapon_TimedC4 [1094.26] ScriptLog: selected explosive data? None [1094.26] ScriptLog: explosive Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [1094.27] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1094.27] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1094.28] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1094.94] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Game' Rx_Pawn CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Pawn_134 Function RenX_Game.Rx_Pawn:NotifyTeamChanged:0087 [1098.97] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93319 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1634 [1101.35] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94698 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1636 [1102.57] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9504 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1637 [1103.72] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95203 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1638 [1107.65] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93962 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1643 [1108.19] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1110.26] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94841 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1644 [1112.76] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94539 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1646 [1115.07] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94563 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1648 [1116.65] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93394 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1649 [1119.11] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95523 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1650 [1119.55] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94661 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1653 [1120.96] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95155 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1654 [1121.62] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9344 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1655 [1122.86] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1123.72] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93511 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1657 [1127.31] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [1127.34] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1127.34] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1127.36] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [1127.36] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [1127.36] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Technician [1127.36] ScriptLog: [1127.36] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1127.36] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1127.36] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [1127.36] ScriptLog: [1127.36] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1127.36] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1127.39] ScriptLog: BUGGY 0 [1127.39] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [1127.39] ScriptLog: MOBILE ARTILLERY 2 [1127.39] ScriptLog: FLAME TANK 3 [1127.39] ScriptLog: LIGHT TANK 4 [1127.39] ScriptLog: STEALTH TANK 5 [1127.39] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 6 [1127.39] ScriptLog: APACHE 7 [1127.39] ScriptLog: 8 [1127.39] ScriptLog: 9 [1127.39] ScriptLog: ====================== [1127.39] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[0]= Grenades [1127.39] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[1]= Smoke Grenade [1127.39] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[2]= EMP Grenade [1127.39] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[3]= Anti-Tank Mine [1127.39] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[4]= Proximity C4 [1127.42] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1127.52] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [1127.52] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? R [1127.52] ScriptLog: --------------- 6 --------------- [1127.52] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ SetLoadout() Called ] ------------------ [1127.52] ScriptLog: GFx EquipmentSidearmData[0]? Silenced Pistol [1127.52] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1127.52] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1127.52] ScriptLog: selected sidearm data? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1127.52] ScriptLog: Sidearm Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [1127.52] ScriptLog: GFx EquipExplosivesList[0]? Proximity C4 [1127.52] ScriptLog: GetRxFamilyInfo()? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Technician [1127.52] ScriptLog: Rx_Pawn(rxPC.Pawn).CurrCharClassInfo? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Technician [1127.52] ScriptLog: rxPC.Pawn? Rx_Pawn_134 [1127.52] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtEngineer? False [1127.52] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtHavocSakura? False [1127.52] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon? Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1127.52] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive? Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1127.52] ScriptLog: selected explosive data? Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1127.52] ScriptLog: explosive Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [1127.53] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1127.53] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1127.54] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1127.96] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1127.99] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1129.45] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94357 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1664 [1130.68] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1131.24] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95067 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1665 [1131.95] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93666 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1666 [1131.97] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25221 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_147 [1132.13] ScriptLog: Warning: False [1134.17] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.937 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1669 [1135.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93332 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1670 [1135.48] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [1135.52] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1135.52] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1135.53] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [1135.53] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [1135.53] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Technician [1135.53] ScriptLog: [1135.53] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1135.53] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1135.53] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [1135.53] ScriptLog: [1135.53] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1135.53] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1135.56] ScriptLog: BUGGY 0 [1135.56] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [1135.56] ScriptLog: MOBILE ARTILLERY 2 [1135.56] ScriptLog: FLAME TANK 3 [1135.56] ScriptLog: LIGHT TANK 4 [1135.56] ScriptLog: STEALTH TANK 5 [1135.56] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 6 [1135.56] ScriptLog: APACHE 7 [1135.56] ScriptLog: 8 [1135.57] ScriptLog: 9 [1135.57] ScriptLog: ====================== [1135.57] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[0]= Grenades [1135.57] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[1]= Smoke Grenade [1135.57] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[2]= EMP Grenade [1135.57] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[3]= Anti-Tank Mine [1135.57] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[4]= Proximity C4 [1135.59] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1135.60] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25898 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_122 [1135.68] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [1135.68] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? R [1135.68] ScriptLog: --------------- 6 --------------- [1135.68] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ SetLoadout() Called ] ------------------ [1135.68] ScriptLog: GFx EquipmentSidearmData[0]? Silenced Pistol [1135.68] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1135.68] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1135.68] ScriptLog: selected sidearm data? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1135.68] ScriptLog: Sidearm Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [1135.68] ScriptLog: GFx EquipExplosivesList[0]? Proximity C4 [1135.68] ScriptLog: GetRxFamilyInfo()? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Technician [1135.68] ScriptLog: Rx_Pawn(rxPC.Pawn).CurrCharClassInfo? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Technician [1135.68] ScriptLog: rxPC.Pawn? Rx_Pawn_134 [1135.68] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtEngineer? False [1135.68] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtHavocSakura? False [1135.69] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon? Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1135.69] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive? Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1135.69] ScriptLog: selected explosive data? Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1135.69] ScriptLog: explosive Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [1135.70] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1135.70] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1135.70] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1136.32] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94081 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1671 [1137.20] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26911 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_146 [1138.34] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27316 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_145 [1138.42] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94194 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1672 [1140.55] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93526 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1673 [1140.57] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93321 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1674 [1144.03] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94433 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1677 [1144.08] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26515 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_138 [1144.20] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93488 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1678 [1145.18] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27421 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_146 [1146.35] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93293 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1679 [1147.13] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94802 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1680 [1149.50] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93314 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1682 [1149.57] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26304 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_122 [1150.63] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94414 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1686 [1152.17] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.2546 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_145 [1152.44] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94765 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1687 [1152.54] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95179 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1688 [1153.85] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95441 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1689 [1156.35] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93271 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1690 [1156.58] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.2575 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_122 [1159.34] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25841 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_145 [1160.14] ScriptLog: Warning: False [1160.29] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1165.17] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1165.45] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1165.63] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.96661 > 0.777869 : AudioComponent_1500 [1166.58] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [1166.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1166.62] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1166.63] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [1166.63] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [1166.63] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Technician [1166.63] ScriptLog: [1166.63] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1166.63] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1166.63] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [1166.63] ScriptLog: [1166.63] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1166.63] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1166.66] ScriptLog: BUGGY 0 [1166.66] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [1166.66] ScriptLog: MOBILE ARTILLERY 2 [1166.66] ScriptLog: FLAME TANK 3 [1166.66] ScriptLog: LIGHT TANK 4 [1166.66] ScriptLog: STEALTH TANK 5 [1166.66] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 6 [1166.67] ScriptLog: APACHE 7 [1166.67] ScriptLog: 8 [1166.67] ScriptLog: 9 [1166.67] ScriptLog: ====================== [1166.67] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[0]= Grenades [1166.67] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[1]= Smoke Grenade [1166.67] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[2]= EMP Grenade [1166.67] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[3]= Anti-Tank Mine [1166.67] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[4]= Proximity C4 [1166.69] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1166.76] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [1166.76] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? R [1166.76] ScriptLog: --------------- 6 --------------- [1166.76] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ SetLoadout() Called ] ------------------ [1166.76] ScriptLog: GFx EquipmentSidearmData[0]? Silenced Pistol [1166.76] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1166.76] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1166.76] ScriptLog: selected sidearm data? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1166.76] ScriptLog: Sidearm Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [1166.76] ScriptLog: GFx EquipExplosivesList[0]? Proximity C4 [1166.76] ScriptLog: GetRxFamilyInfo()? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Technician [1166.76] ScriptLog: Rx_Pawn(rxPC.Pawn).CurrCharClassInfo? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Technician [1166.76] ScriptLog: rxPC.Pawn? Rx_Pawn_134 [1166.76] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtEngineer? False [1166.76] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtHavocSakura? False [1166.76] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon? Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1166.76] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive? Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1166.76] ScriptLog: selected explosive data? Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1166.76] ScriptLog: explosive Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [1166.78] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1166.78] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1166.78] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1167.90] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27294 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_120 [1167.98] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27227 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_122 [1172.99] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ Setting up ] ------------------ [1173.02] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1173.02] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1173.03] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtEngineer= False [1173.03] ScriptLog: rxPC.bJustBaughtHavocSakura= False [1173.03] ScriptLog: OwnedFamilyInfo= Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Technician [1173.03] ScriptLog: [1173.03] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm= Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1173.03] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive= Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1173.03] ScriptLog: OwnedItem= None [1173.03] ScriptLog: [1173.03] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon= Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1173.03] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon= Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1173.06] ScriptLog: BUGGY 0 [1173.06] ScriptLog: ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER 1 [1173.06] ScriptLog: MOBILE ARTILLERY 2 [1173.06] ScriptLog: FLAME TANK 3 [1173.07] ScriptLog: LIGHT TANK 4 [1173.07] ScriptLog: STEALTH TANK 5 [1173.07] ScriptLog: TRANSPORT HELICOPTER 6 [1173.07] ScriptLog: APACHE 7 [1173.07] ScriptLog: 8 [1173.07] ScriptLog: 9 [1173.07] ScriptLog: ====================== [1173.07] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[0]= Grenades [1173.07] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[1]= Smoke Grenade [1173.07] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[2]= EMP Grenade [1173.07] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[3]= Anti-Tank Mine [1173.07] ScriptLog: Engi explosiveData[4]= Proximity C4 [1173.10] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1173.17] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [1173.17] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? R [1173.38] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [1173.38] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? D [1173.52] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [1173.52] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? W [1174.91] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ FilterButtonInput ] ------------------ [1174.91] ScriptLog: Button Pressed? R [1174.91] ScriptLog: --------------- 6 --------------- [1174.91] ScriptLog: ------------------ [ SetLoadout() Called ] ------------------ [1174.91] ScriptLog: GFx EquipmentSidearmData[0]? Silenced Pistol [1174.91] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentSidearmWeapon? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1174.91] ScriptLog: OwnedSidearm? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1174.91] ScriptLog: selected sidearm data? Rx_Weapon_Pistol [1174.91] ScriptLog: Sidearm Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [1174.91] ScriptLog: GFx EquipExplosivesList[0]? Proximity C4 [1174.91] ScriptLog: GetRxFamilyInfo()? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Technician [1174.91] ScriptLog: Rx_Pawn(rxPC.Pawn).CurrCharClassInfo? Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Technician [1174.91] ScriptLog: rxPC.Pawn? Rx_Pawn_134 [1174.91] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtEngineer? False [1174.91] ScriptLog: bJustBaughtHavocSakura? False [1174.91] ScriptLog: rxPC.CurrentExplosiveWeapon? Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1174.91] ScriptLog: OwnedExplosive? Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1174.91] ScriptLog: selected explosive data? Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4 [1174.91] ScriptLog: explosive Loadout is the same as current loadout. loadout not performed!!! [1174.93] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1174.93] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1174.93] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1176.25] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1178.40] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 16.8664 > 6.74036 : AudioComponent_1663 [1179.32] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7558 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1403 [1179.50] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1181.31] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1182.18] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9317 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1705 [1185.84] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94232 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1711 [1186.02] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 5.43664 > 2.1712 : AudioComponent_1708 [1189.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96358 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1713 [1190.20] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.21] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.21] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.21] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.21] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.21] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.21] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.21] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.21] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.21] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.22] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.23] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.23] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.23] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.23] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.23] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.23] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.23] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.23] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.25] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.25] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.25] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.25] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.25] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.25] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.25] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.25] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.25] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.25] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.25] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.25] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1190.29] DevAudio: GetPooledAudioComponent: MaxConcurrentPlayCount AudioComponent : 'FPI_Controller CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_Controller_0' with Sound Cue: 'SC_VehicleCompress' Max: 16 Curr: 16 [1191.62] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.36803 > 1.33545 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_307 [1191.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95129 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1715 [1191.90] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1192.40] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1192.52] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1193.93] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94585 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1734 [1195.48] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.11323 > 1.23951 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_313 [1196.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27806 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_120 [1196.53] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94761 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1739 [1198.09] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.951 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1743 [1198.85] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95413 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1744 [1200.17] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94958 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1745 [1202.34] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9713 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1750 [1204.37] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94038 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1751 [1206.50] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.735 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_1398 [1206.61] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93158 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1753 [1207.34] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7304 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_1444 [1207.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7281 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_1714 [1208.43] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93865 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1754 [1210.90] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95165 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1757 [1212.37] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.27108 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_122 [1217.84] ScriptLog: Warning: False [1220.41] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94118 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1762 [1221.82] ScriptLog: Warning: False [1223.27] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 3.64835 > 1.44825 : AudioComponent_1444 [1228.98] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1229.12] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1229.73] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26571 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_122 [1231.18] ScriptLog: MusicPlayerOnAudioFinished :: bStopped? False | AC? AudioComponent_1215 | SoundCue? In_the_Line_of_Fire [1232.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9396 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1770 [1237.62] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25382 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_153 [1243.85] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 5.43636 > 2.1712 : AudioComponent_1784 [1244.28] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1245.04] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26687 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_155 [1245.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7587 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1444 [1245.16] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93913 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1786 [1249.50] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94068 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1795 [1255.44] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (VH_Death) not found on Rx_Defence_Turret_2 for UTEmitter_169! [1256.37] ScriptLog: Turret destroyed [1256.63] ScriptLog: Warning: False [1256.63] ScriptLog: Warning: False [1256.64] ScriptLog: CLIENT - PlayDestructionAnimation() refused - no animation found! [1256.78] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9625 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1806 [1258.23] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96378 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1807 [1260.14] ScriptLog: Warning: False [1260.15] ScriptLog: CLIENT - PlayDestructionAnimation() refused - no animation found! [1260.40] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94858 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1813 [1260.80] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [1260.80] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [1260.84] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1260.84] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1261.23] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1261.23] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1261.82] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1261.97] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [1261.97] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [1261.99] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1261.99] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1262.72] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1262.72] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1263.75] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95685 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1818 [1264.46] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95054 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1821 [1266.52] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96233 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1823 [1268.27] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25107 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_155 [1272.70] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 16.0436 > 6.41102 : AudioComponent_1309 [1273.43] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94584 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1827 [1275.49] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94977 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1828 [1275.58] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95058 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1829 [1276.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 16.0509 > 6.41102 : AudioComponent_1381 [1278.14] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95233 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1830 [1278.14] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7643 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1410 [1278.60] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7738 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1731 [1279.17] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7756 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1723 [1279.44] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7591 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1498 [1280.51] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7614 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1814 [1280.84] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7795 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1403 [1280.84] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7345 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_1500 [1284.48] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7299 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_1724 [1286.22] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [1286.22] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [1286.24] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1286.24] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1288.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1288.75] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1292.07] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25378 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_122 [1293.25] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93995 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1834 [1295.74] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93696 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1835 [1298.18] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 0.476612 > 0.179592 : AudioComponent_1446 [1298.70] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 0.472544 > 0.179592 : AudioComponent_1446 [1302.12] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94979 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1836 [1302.34] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [1302.34] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [1302.38] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1302.38] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1302.49] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9722 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1838 [1303.59] ScriptLog: Warning: False [1303.62] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 1.26743 > 0.502812 : AudioComponent_1411 [1304.00] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshActor_0 [1304.02] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshPart_119 [1304.14] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1304.14] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1304.17] Log: FracturedMesActor: NO SOUND for FracturedStaticMeshPart_113 [1304.33] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95558 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1842 [1304.58] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93156 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1843 [1304.89] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9507 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1844 [1306.90] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94944 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1846 [1307.41] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25886 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_122 [1307.58] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7589 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1500 [1307.61] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94269 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1848 [1307.97] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.767 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1731 [1309.51] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95762 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1849 [1311.36] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7641 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1408 [1311.68] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.774 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1714 [1311.92] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7601 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1732 [1312.22] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7503 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1503 [1312.44] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7657 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1726 [1313.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7773 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1406 [1313.09] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94648 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1851 [1313.35] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7537 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1397 [1314.24] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94434 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1853 [1315.17] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25222 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_122 [1316.60] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96006 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1854 [1317.08] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7774 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1403 [1317.66] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 4.4259 > 1.765 : UTAmbientSoundComponent_347 [1318.52] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25496 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_174 [1318.80] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94931 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1855 [1322.33] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1323.43] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 12.0949 > 4.83101 : AudioComponent_1724 [1323.56] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 12.0811 > 4.83101 : AudioComponent_1408 [1330.67] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93629 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1864 [1330.74] Log: PhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck: Rx_Pawn_148 -> StaticMeshActor_388 [1330.77] Log: PhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck: Rx_Pawn_148 -> StaticMeshActor_388 [1330.80] Log: PhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck: Rx_Pawn_148 -> StaticMeshActor_388 [1330.83] Log: PhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck: Rx_Pawn_148 -> StaticMeshActor_388 [1330.86] Log: PhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck: Rx_Pawn_148 -> StaticMeshActor_388 [1330.89] Log: PhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck: Rx_Pawn_148 -> StaticMeshActor_388 [1332.72] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1333.57] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [1333.57] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [1333.61] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1333.61] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1335.23] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1335.23] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1336.80] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [1336.80] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [1336.82] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1336.82] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1337.08] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93283 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1868 [1338.08] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1338.08] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1339.42] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95082 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1870 [1341.05] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93217 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1871 [1341.21] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [1341.21] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [1341.23] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1341.23] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1341.57] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93853 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1872 [1342.79] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1342.79] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1343.72] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93868 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1873 [1346.15] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00AF [1346.15] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Canvas' FPI_HUD CNC-Under.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.FPI_HUD_0 Function RenX_Game.Rx_HUD:SetShowScores:00CF [1346.18] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1346.18] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1346.33] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93674 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1874 [1346.71] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1346.90] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95549 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1875 [1348.23] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime' [1348.23] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [RenXFrontEnd.udk_ime] [1351.69] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93826 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1881 [1354.53] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93198 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1888 [1354.89] DevAudio: New interior setting! [1356.64] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93426 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1892 [1365.28] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25538 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_133 [1365.36] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7732 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1726 [1365.65] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7677 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1399 [1365.93] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7569 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1500 [1366.20] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7514 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1723 [1366.50] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7634 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1712 [1366.76] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7677 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1402 [1366.79] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.767 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1714 [1367.06] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 13.7683 > 5.5 : AudioComponent_1722 [1367.27] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.25297 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_173 [1368.96] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.96997 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1897 [1370.48] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95762 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1898 [1371.10] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94492 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1899 [1371.19] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93326 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1900 [1371.41] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 6.26158 > 2.5 : Rx_AudioComponent_117 [1372.38] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.94938 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1901 [1372.75] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93574 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1902 [1373.14] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 19.7327 > 7.8893 : AudioComponent_1406 [1373.53] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.93781 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1903 [1374.68] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.95456 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1904 [1377.83] DevAudio: Sound stopped due to duration: 2.9406 > 1.17261 : AudioComponent_1905 [1381.91] Log: Closing by request [1381.91] Log: appRequestExit(0) [1382.09] ScriptWarning: Invalid user index (255) specified for ClearReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate() OnlineSubsystemSteamworks Transient.OnlineSubsystemSteamworks_0 Function OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.OnlineSubsystemSteamworks:ClearReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate:00FE [1382.13] Exit: Preparing to exit. [1383.01] Exit: Game engine shut down [1387.28] Exit: Windows client shut down [1387.32] Exit: XAudio2 Device shut down. [1387.34] NetComeGo: Close TcpNetDriver_1 TcpipConnection_1 03/29/19 21:24:10 [1387.34] Exit: TcpNetDriver_1 shut down [1387.63] Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed. [1387.71] Log: Shutting down FaceFX... [1387.71] Log: FaceFX shutdown. [1387.81] Exit: Exiting. [1387.81] Log: Log file closed, 03/29/19 21:24:10